In this section you can find the list of the WhatsApp interactions occurred on the Account:
You can filter the interaction list by Start Date, Read/Unread, Status (Open/Closed), Website, Agent, Tags:
or use the button to activate the Advanced Search and select a field to be matched with a value among a list of all those available.
When you click this button, the system will show you the input form:
Now do the following:
- Select the Field (scroll the list of all the available search fields)
- Select the Operator among those available (eg.: equals, contains, starts with, and so on)
- Select or insert the Value
- Add the Condition (click on )
To add more than one condition, repeat the operation, like in the following example:
and choose whether the conditions must all be met:
or at least one of them:
When you finish, click on the button in order to start the search: the query is executed and all the items that match the conditions inserted are shown.
If you want to delete the advanced search condition inserted click on the single search condition button to delete it or click on the button in order to delete all the conditions set at once.
On this form it is possible to:
- modify a condition set: click on a set condition and press Edit
now change the condition as you like(field, operator, value)
- temporarily disable the search condition: click on the set condition and press Disable:
and enable it again
On this list, you can select one or many mail interactions and download the information about them in a CSV file (click on the corresponding checkbox and then on the icon ) or delete them (click on the corresponding checkbox and then on the trash bin ):
On the single interaction, the Supervisor can use the three dots command menu in order to:
- Spy the interaction and eventually insert a secret note in the interaction that the agent will be able to see
- Download a zip file containing the transcript of the interaction
- Delete the interaction