The "Channels"
In the various "Channels" Sections, the Agents can see all the interactions (Chat, Email, SMS, Fax, Open Channel) occurred.
In the following picture you see the standard Channel Interactions List Header, which shows:
the search button to search for interactions based on the content of the column fields (they can be different depending on the channel)
Select Start Date range: it filters results by the Started At
Select Read/Unread to filter by message status: Read/Unread (default=all)
Select Status to filter by interaction status: Open/Closed (default=all)
Select Substatus to filter by interaction substatus: available only for Email channel and you need to select Open status first
Select Account or Website: this information is specific for the channel interaction
Select a user (the "owner" of the interaction)
Select a tag: it filters results by the tags inserted by the Agents to already managed interactions
the filter button is used to search selected items using sophisticated and multiple conditions
the refresh button is used to refresh the page contents
the + button is used to create a new interaction (if this function is available in the actual context)
In the Interactions List you see the following information:
ID (sortable asc/desc): it is the unique id of the interaction
Watching sign (eye icon): it displays if any agent is currently viewing/editing the interaction (hover the mouse over the sign to see the agent names)
Contact (sortable asc/desc): the name of the contact with whom the interaction is exchanged
Subject (sortable asc/desc): the subject of the interaction (available only for Email list)
Started At (sortable asc/desc): the date and time the interaction has been started
Last Message (sortable asc/desc): the date and time the last message of the interaction has been sent (up arrow) or received (down arrow)
Status (sortable asc/desc): the interaction status (e.g. Open, Closed)
Agent: this column shows the name of the last Agent who made any change to the interaction (e.g.: Me, Not Assigned, Agent1, etc.)
Account or Website: this column shows the short name of the customer interaction entry point (e.g. a website for a chat, an email account, and so on)
Tags: this column shows if the interaction has been tagged (hover over the tag sign to see the tags names)
When the Agent opens/accepts an interaction, the tab headers show:
all the Agents that are currently viewing or editing the same interaction:
and if you hover over the Agents icons you can see their names.
specific information about the interaction:
the Channel icon (in this example the Email icon)
the interaction unique id
a short name defined in order to identify the point of interaction
the status of the interaction (Open/Closed/Open-Pending)
a timer showing the time since when the interaction has been received (only for Open or Open-Pending interactions)
Moreover, specific actions can be performed on the interaction, according to its type.
Anyway, in every interaction type you'll find the following action icons:
click on 3 dots and the menu will be shown, like in the following example:
click on download icon in order to download the current interaction. For Chat Channel, Email Channel, Open Channel and WA Connector, if the Agent has been given permission, interactions' attachments can also be downloaded.
In next related section you can find documentation about all the Channels available on XCALLY Motion Omni Desktop Interface.
Search Filter by Search button
Contacts and any type of interactions can be searched by search button on the relative channel page, searching by:
| ||
Click the search button, insert the search string and confirm:
and the list of the contacts matching the search string will be shown. When you want to go back to the full list of contact view again, click on the close button X.
If the Search on Enter Key in the Settings-General-OmniDesktop Interface is activated by the Administrator, the request starts only after pressing Enter.
If not, the request starts only after having entered at least 5 characters or after pressing Enter
Advanced Search button
You can filter contacts or interactions using the Advanced Search button
and select a field to be matched among a list of all those available. When you click this button (you find it on the right side of the toolbar), the system will show you the following form:
Select the Field (scroll the list of all the available search fields)
Select the Operator among those available (eg.: equals, contains, starts with, and so on)
Select or insert the Value
Add the Condition (click on button + )
To add more conditions repeat the operation, like in the following example:
and choose whether the conditions:
must all be met:
or at least one of them:
If you want to delete the advanced search condition inserted click on the single search condition button X to delete it or click on the CLEAR button in order to delete them all at once.
At the end click on the APPLY button in order to start the search. Now the query is executed and all the items that match the conditions inserted are shown.
It is also possible to:
modify a condition set: click on a set condition, press Edit
and now change the condition as you prefer (field, operator, value)
temporarily disable the search condition: click on the set condition, press
and Enable it again
When a selection is active as long as the search conditions are operational, the Advanced Search button will notify it by reversing its color (red on a white background) and blinking
Moreover the Advanced Search conditions will search all the List of the available entries, regardless of any filter applied to the list view using the filters Select a list or Select Tag
The phone numbers are shown in light blue: they can be dialed just clicking on them.
Please note that:
If the Agent is using the Phonebar, clicking on the number will open a dialog window in order to call it:
If the Agent is using the WebRTC Bar, clicking on the number will open a dialog window in order to transfer an active call to that number or to call it:
Customer Journey
Here you can see information like: Created/Closed At, Subject and Disposition (if there are, all levels of them).
You can select the interactions by channel and by date/period using the filters on top of the list.