This smart new section is dedicated to the creation of Reports, which can contain also Metrics.
From the General Section you can create, rename, delete, cut, copy and past Reports. To create a new Report click on the folder Analytics (or one sub-folder) with the right mouse button and then on “Create”; assign a name to the report and then start to organize the Query using the Query Designer block, on the right of the screen.
From the Query Designer block you can define:
While you are defining the parameters in the Query Designer block, you can see below the automatic creation of the Query and the Preview Result.
To view the Complete Report you have to define the time interval of interest, by clicking on the red calendar button on the left of the screen and then on Apply.
You can still check if the data you defined are correct in this pop-up, which appears before the Complete Report Creation:
After the confirmation of the pop-up, you can see the Complete Report and copy the table to the clipboard or export it in CSV, Excel and PDF.
Like in the Metrics Menu, there is also the Help Section useful for the Administrator to manage the queries and to create complex and useful Reports.