What is a Tag?

  A Tag is a keyword or label that is used to categorize information for a better analysis.

For example, you can tag contacts in Contact Manager to easily filter contacts based on a specific interest.

You can also use Tags in order to categorize interactions (Email, Chat, SMS, and so on).

The Tags Section

The Tags Section is under the Tools Menu bar:

Create/Edit a Tag

To create a new Tag you just click on the button, then you specify its name, description and color:

The new tag is now available in the Tags List and from the Agent Omni Desktop interface (interaction/contact):

To modify the Tag, from the Tags List:

click on  and then on Edit Tag:

Filter by tag

As admin or agent, it’s possible to filter interactions by tag:


You can:

  • select from the list one or more tags

  • select all tags

  • select untagged, to filter interaction without tags