WitiOp for Agents

WitiOp for Agents


In this section you find the description of the features that WitiOp offers to an Agent.

WitiOp is a cloud platform capable of managing, in real time, interactions with contacts on the most popular instant messaging: WhatsApp.

The Agent is a member of the WitiOp Service within a specific Tenant, who manages conversations according to priorities and skillsets (group of agents) configured by the Administrator. 

Login to WitiOp

The user, after being registered by the Admin, receives an email to log into the WitiOp platform.

  1. Go to the Link reported into the mail
  2. Fill the Username and Password reported into the mail
  3. Choose the language
  4. Click «Login»

Is possible to access Witiop also through Azure AD, Google and Salesforce. The Admin can configure this possibility.

Azure AD



Agent Home Dashboard

From the Home Dashboard, you can see:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Service Information
  3. Status
  4. Notification area
  5. Agent Menu


The Dashboard area shows the following graphs: 

  • Conversations: Bars representing the number of conversations during the current day:
    • Total: total conversations managed by the single Agent (Closed + Active)
    • Closed: conversations already managed and closed by the single Agent
    • Active: conversations that are being managed by the single Agent
    • Awaiting Transfer: conversations waiting to be managed by Agents associated to the same Tenant. 
  • Agent status:  Pie chart indicating the Status of the Agents associated to the same Tenant. 
  • Conversations hourly distribution: Line graph showing conversations of the single Agent distributed according to the time.

Data can be refreshed, using the dedicated button "Refresh" on the top right of Dashboard area. 

2.Service Status

Agents can check the service status: if the number/s is/are active (that is during working time) or inactive. 

Clicking on the the Service Status button, a dialog window appears giving the specific information. For example: 

Open ServiceMixed Service (not all services are opened)

Closed Service


Form the drop-down menu, the Agent can select his/her status: 

  • Ready is the only status recognized as active by the system: new conversations will be assigned automatically to the Agent (if matches with the conversation distribution logic flow). 
  • Back office is a pause status, dedicated to back-office activities: new conversations won't be automatically assigned to the Agent. The Agent can still manage  conversations in the different WhatsApp sections. 
  • Break is a pause status: new conversations won't be assigned to the Agent. new conversations won't be automatically assigned to the Agent. The Agent can still manage  conversations in the different WhatsApp sections. 

4.Notification area

When a new conversation needs to be managed by the Agent (new conversation or transferred by other Agents), a notification pop-up appears at the top, in the center. 

Moreover, you can see how many conversations are active for the single Agent, that is how many conversations the Agent is managing.  

5.Agent Menu 

The Agent Menu is composed by WhatsApp and User Menu. We'll deepen this section in the next paragraphs. 


From the WhatsApp drop-down menu, you can view everything related to conversations:

  • Conversations
  • Customers
  • Waiting conversations
  • Conversations history
  • Message template sent
  • My wait queue


This section includes the active conversations that are currently being managed by the Agent. 

Start a conversation (outbound)

If the outbound service has been enabled, the Agent can start a Conversation with a Customer:

  • Click the top right button "Start Conversation"

  • Select the Customer from the Customers list 

a. The Customers without green tick are Customers that have NOT contacted our number in the last 24h. So you can contact them exclusively by Meta approved template.

Click on the and select the template, then confirm. 

b. The Customers with green tick are Customers that have contacted our number in the last 24h. So you can contact them in two ways.

Click on and choose to contact them:

-Sending a normal chat message 

-Sending a Facebook approved template message. 

the Agent can easily select one of the templates created by the admin, which allow the possibility of a quick reply on the customer side by just clicking on button, as show below:

Please keep in mind that the maximum options allowed is 3 and the Admin needs to enable the Agents to send out the template.

Receive a Conversation (inbound)

When a Customer contacts our number and the conversation is assigned (automatically or manually) to an Agent, the Agent receives a notification and sees the conversation in the  "conversations" section.

Conversation Area (outbound and inbound)

Conversation Area:

  1. Conversation label
  2. Message area
  3. Conversation details

Conversation label 

It is possible to manage multiple conversations at the same time. The maximum limit of simultaneous conversations is established during the configuration phase by the Admin.

Conversation Label:

  1. Service managed number, that is the number contacted by the Customer
  2. Customer Contact field:
    1. If the Customer contact is saved in the database, this field will show the Customer name
    2. If the Customer contact is NOT saved in the database, this field will show the Customer number.
  3. Time passed since the last unread customer's message in the conversation

Message Area

Message Area:

  1. Contact information
  2. Messages
  3. Search field
  4. Send message
  5. Transfer conversation
  6. Close conversation

Contact Information

You can see: 

  • Service managed number, that is the number contacted by the Customer 
  • Customer Contact field:
    1. If the Customer contact is saved in the database, this field will show the Customer name
    2. If the Customer contact is NOT saved in the database, this field will show the Customer number.

Messages history

In this section, you can read the current active conversation. 

  • Messages sent by the Customer are on the left
  • Messages sent by our number are on the right

Customer Messages Icon Legend

Sent at

Delivered at

Read by (System) at

Read by (_name of the agent_) at
Customer Messages Icon Legend

Sent by (System) at (in case of a bot or system action, for ex. transfer messages)

Sent by (_name of the agent_) at

Delivered at

Read by the Customer at

Search field

By the search field, you can easily find information within the conversation. 

Send Messages

The message must be written in the message field. To send the message click the green arrow on the right. 

It is possible to send: 

  • Emoji
  • Attachments

Type of Attachments

FILE: It is possible to attach all files generally useful for conversation activities such as: Excel, Word, Pdf, audio and video files.

Click the icon to choose the file to forward to the customer from your PC.

LOCATION: In certain cases, such as dealerships / service centers/ multi-locations, the agent may need to forward a position to the customer. If multiple positions have been defined, the agent selects the desired position in which the reference name, address and position on the map are present. To confirm, click the green button and the customer can automatically open the navigator from his phone and proceed to his destination. The agent can also perform a manual search directly from the search field above the map.

AUDIO: It is possible to attach an audio file recorded directly by the agent. Once finished, it is possible to listen to it again and then send it to the customer by clicking on the green button.

  • Predefined Messages :  Predefined messages are standardized text messages, divided into "Category". 

 See an example of predefined message
  • Use the filter field to speed up the search and select the category:

  • Select the needed predefined message:

  • The predefined message appears in the message field. Check the Info section to make sure it is what you wanted to send, see the spelling and send it with the green arrow. 

  • If the Predefined Message forsees a standardized answer for the Customer (either through buttons options or list),you will see the following  near the predefined message. While the conversation bar will display also the possible replies. (example: Info)

Witiop enables you to use other important features: 

Vidaoo video call

Please refer to our documentation to find out more about VIDAOO.

  • Click on the video call icon:

  • You will see this box opening on the top left part of your screen, allow the use of the camera:

  • Choose the camera and the microphone you intend to use:

  • On the Agent side, a link for a Vidaoo video call will be automatically sent to the Customer and a new window will be opened in the Message area:

The icons on the bottom right of the Vidaoo window are useful to manage the video call:

Icon Vidaoo vidao call features

Enable/disable the camera

Enable/disable the microphone

Enable/disable the screen sharing

End the video call

  • On the Customer side, he will receive the link to access the Vidaoo video call: 

Speech Recognition

  • This feature is represented by two icons: 

The blue arrow points at the feature you need to click on in order to select your language of choice.

The red arrow points at the feature that start the speech recognition.

  • Clicking on the speech recognition, what you say will be recognized and written in the textbox:

  • Clicking a second time on the speech recognition feature, will allow you to modify the text before sending it to avoid errors. 

Transfer conversation

Click "Transfer" to transfer the conversation to:

  • User
  • Skillset
  • Wait queue

Transfer to User

Select the user to whom you want to transfer the conversation, clicking on.

The "Ready" column allows you to view whether the user to whom we are transferring the conversation is available or not.

There are two transfer options:

    • Immediate transfer: the conversation is transferred to the chosen single user. If the user does not respond within a few minutes, then it will pass to another user.
    • Exclusive transfer: the conversation, regardless of availability and waiting time (maximum limit of 24h established by Meta), is transferred only to the single chosen user.

In case of Isolated Agent: the Agent can transfer the conversation only to users associated to his/her skillsets.

Transfer to Skillset

The skillset is a group of agents linked by job / peculiarity.

Select the skillset to which you want to transfer the conversation, clicking on. Therefore, the first available agent of that particular skillset will handle the conversation.

The "Ready" column allows you to view if at least one agent of the specific skillset is available or not.

There are two transfer options:

    • Immediate transfer: the conversation is transferred to the chosen skillset. If the skillset does not respond within a few minutes, then it will pass to another skillset.
    • Exclusive transfer: the conversation, regardless of availability and waiting time (maximum limit of 24h established by Meta), is transferred only to the single skillset chosen.

In case of Isolated Agent: the Agent can transfer the conversation only to his/her skillsets.

Transfer to Wait Queue

The agent has a maximum number of conversations that can be managed simultaneously. If a Customer does not respond to the conversation for a certain time, it is possible to transfer the conversation to the "Wait queue".

The agent can manually transfer the conversation to:

    1. Public wait queue: When the Customer writes a new message, the conversation is given to the first available agent.
    2. Personal wait queue: When the customer writes a new message, the conversation is assigned exclusively to the agent who put it in the "Wait queue".

 It is possible for the Administrator to configure a time limit after which the conversation is automatically transferred to the "Wait queue".

Close conversation

From the "Close" button, the Agent closes the conversation.

(The conversation will be moved in the "Conversations history" and will be achieved there for a limited time).

  • If set by the Admin, the Agent must profile the conversation, when closing it: 

Profile a conversation means detecting the reason of the interaction. The system allows up to 3 levels of depth and/or the addition of free notes. 

 See an example of profiling

Conversation details

With this button, you can collapse or expand the Conversation details area: 

From the "Conversation details" section, you can: 

  • Send the conversation via email

Expand or collapse each section, by clicking on :

  • Look at conversation information

  • See Customer info and, if enabled, edit the Customer data

  • Check Customer history: it is possible to search data by period and by keyword

In case of Isolated Agent: the Agent can check the conversations only if managed by his/her skillsets.


In Customers section, the Customer database is available to the Agent: 

Clicking on the button , it is possible to: 

  • View the Customer data 
  • Check the Customer history

It is possible to : 

    • Search data by period and by keyword
    • Send the conversation via email
    • Look at conversation information
    • View messages 

In case of Isolated Agent: the Agent can view only Customers who have had conversations with his/her skillsets.

Waiting Conversations

In this section, it is possible to view  "Waiting conversations" (of the entire Tenant).

It allows you to quickly understand if you need to request more support from agents for handling incoming conversations.

Waiting conversation status

Conversations waiting to be assigned and conversations already assigned to an Agent but still not opened by the Agent.

Conversations put in a wait queue (public or personal). 

Conversations already managed by the Agent, but not closed (for example, the Agent has logged out before closing the conversation). 

If the Agent can manage a "Wating Conversation", the button appears. The Agent can and start managing the conversation in the "Conversations" area. 

In case of Isolated Agent: the Agent can view only conversations assigned to users within his/her skillsets.

Conversations history

In this section, Conversations history of the single Agent is included, that is conversations that have been closed by the Agent. 

It is possible to filter conversations by date.

Click to access the conversation details and check its content and information:

Message Template Sent

In the "Template messages sent" area, the Agent can check all the template messages that he/she has personally sent to Customers without receiving a reply.

If the Customer replies to the Template, the template message moves to the "Conversations" section.

My Wait Queue

In "My wait queue" section, the agent can see all the conversation that has transferred in the personal queue.

  1. The Agent can unpause the conversation clicking on the button , then .  As soon as it is unpaused, the Conversation moves to the "Conversations" section and the Agent can write to the Customer again. 
  2. If the Customer writes to our number again, the conversation moves to the "Conversations" section. 

User Menu

From the User drop-down Menu, you have access to:

  • Profile 
  • Change password
  • Logout


This section reports the data of the user currently logged into the platform. 

From the Profile Section, it is also possible to enable the 2FA (two factor authentication): clicking on the green button and following the instructions.

Change Password 

From this section, you can change the password: write the current password, set a new one and confirm it. Then Save. 

Reset Password

Change password reset procedure

  •  Insert your email and click on the reset button

  • You will find an email in your email account with a reset Link 


  • Click on it, you will be redirected to a page where you will insert the new password
  • Click on reset password and at the following login you will proceed to use this password


Clicking on this button , you log out of WitiOp. 

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