V3 Dispositions

V3 Dispositions

What’s about

In the Dispositions section you can add Global Dispositions available for all the environment, in addition to specific dispositions related to lists, accounts and/or websites. 

A Disposition is a label (or a set of labels, maximum in a three level hierarchy ) that can be applied to interactions records to describe them: for example, an Agent who has managed a call can use a disposition in order to indicate the type or resolution of the call itself, but this can be done for any type of interaction (as email, chat, sms, whatsapp messages, and so on) when this is closed. 

By default, the following dispositions are already available on your XCALLY Motion:

  • Fax

  • Answer Machine

  • Interested

  • Not Interested

  • Sold

  • Special

but you can add as many dispositions as needed.
In the Tools → Dispositions section the Administrator can add global dispositions available for all the environments. In addition to specific dispositions that can be created to particular environments (such as lists, channel accounts and websites). 

Creation of a new disposition

Go to the Dispositions List:

click   and enter the details:

  • Name: name of the disposition that will be displayed for agents managing contacts in this list

  • Description (optional)

  • First Level Disposition (optional): choose, from among the dispositions already present in the system, a disposition to which this refers in a two-level hierarchical relationship. If you don’t select a first level disposition, the created disposition will be considered itself a first level one.

  • Second Level Disposition (Optional): choose, from among the dispositions already present in the system, a disposition to which this refers in a three-level hierarchical relationship 

Click Save to confirm.

After the disposition is created, you can view, edit or delete it.

When you delete a 1st level disposition, the related 2nd/3rd levels are automatically canceled (for 2nd/3rd disposition the toasty “disposition already deleted” can appear)

Consider that it is not possible to create different dispositions with the same name at the same level. If you try to save it, a warning message appears


In order to Modify a Disposition, go to the List of Dispositions:

click edit on the command menu and modify it:


Multi-level dispositions

You can create multiple levels (maximum 3) for each disposition:


In the example shown in the image above, when Agents close and dispose of an interaction they can choose a single-level or a multi-level disposition (for example combination # 1 # 5 # 7 or combination # 1 # 5 # 6)


  • If on closing an interaction is disposed by an Agent, you can see in the Status column of the Interactions List:

the name of the disposition applied:

Now, hovering over it with the mouse all the information on the disposition itself will be displayed:

so you can discover that in the above example a single level disposition has been applied.

  • If, on closing, you choose a multi-level disposition instead, the name of the disposition that is positioned at the lowest level of the set (second or third level) available will be shown, as in the following example:

Now, hovering over it with the mouse all the information on the layered dispositions set will be displayed:

Dispositions on New Client Experience


If your New Client Experience is enabled, you can view this section with a new interface.

you can:

  • search for a specific disposition

  • clear all filters

  • manage columns, by selecting or not them

  • activate the advanced search for each field

You can create a new disposition by clicking on Add and inserting Name, Description and select the First level of the disposition (if you don’t select a option, the created disposition will be considered itself a first level one).


How to set disposition for a transferred agent on a different queue

Sometimes, in a scenario where Agent1 transfers a call by calling the queue or the route on which Agent2 is associated, Agent1 can set the disposition to be filled by Agent2.

This is possible after correctly setting an internal route as follows:

After setting it, it’s possible to call the “support” queue and any available agent in that queue is now able to receive a transferred call (attended or blind):

The transferred agent, assigned to the “support” queue will then receive the call and will be able to dispose the call.

Please read here to set the triggers based on your need: V3 Voice Triggers | Contact Manager