V3 View Interactions History in the Log files

V3 View Interactions History in the Log files

The Server Administrator can find and read the log files containing all the interactions history in:

this last one writes only the logs containing the [ERROR] tag

These log files report all the actions made on a specific interaction id (like an email message, a chat session or an sms exchange and so on) and the agent/user name that performed that action.

Here you find some examples of the activities traced in the log files:

  • Interaction status changes, disposition, close, etc.

  • Interaction new/update/remove tags

  • new outgoing messages in the interaction

  • new message interaction accept 

  • message interaction reject 

The files are per channel (10 files each on rotation) and have a maximum capacity of 100 MB for each file set (every file size is maximum 10 MB).


A typical format of the log file is the following:

[2018-05-11 17:09:54] [INFO] openchannel-interactions - [OPENCHANNELMESSAGE:CREATE] id=3 name=jane.miller role=agent interaction=7 body={"OpenchannelAccountId":1,"OpenchannelInteractionId":7,"UserId":3,"ContactId":6,"createdAt":1526051394797,"direction":"out","secret":false} [2018-05-11 17:10:21] [INFO] openchannel-interactions - [OPENCHANNELINTERACTION:ADDTAGS] id=2 name=john.doe role=agent interaction=7 body={"id":7,"ids":[1,2,3]} [2018-05-11 17:10:47] [INFO] openchannel-interactions - [OPENCHANNELINTERACTION:UPDATE] id=3 name=jane.miller role=agent interaction=7 body={"closed":true,"closedAt":1526051447894,"disposition":null,"id":7,"note":"new prospect"} [2018-05-11 17:24:48] [INFO] openchannel-interactions - [OPENCHANNELMESSAGE:ACCEPT] id=3 name=jane.miller role=agent interaction=8 body={"UserId":3,"read":true,"readAt":"2018-05-11 17:24:48"} [2018-05-11 17:24:48] [INFO] openchannel-interactions - [OPENCHANNELMESSAGE:ACCEPT] id=3 name=jane.miller role=agent interaction=8 body={"UserId":3,"read":true,"readAt":"2018-05-11 17:24:48"} [2018-05-11 17:25:24] [INFO] openchannel-interactions - [OPENCHANNELMESSAGE:REJECT] id=2 name=john.doe role=agent interaction=8 body={"UserId":2}

The body content (body={"UserId":2}) is missing the following information for privacy reasons: message, html, phone, mobile and fax.

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