Omni Channel Features

Omni Channel Features

The "Channels"

In the various "Channels" Sections, the Agents can see all the interactions (Chat, Email, SMS, Fax, Open Channel) occurred.

In the following picture you see the standard Channel Interactions List Header, which shows:

  • the search button to search for interactions based on the content of the column fields (they can be different depending on the channel)

  • Select Start Date range: it filters results by the Started At

  • Select Read/Unread to filter by message status: Read/Unread (default=all)

  • Select Status to filter by interaction status: Open/Closed (default=all)

  • Select Substatus to filter by interaction substatus: available only for Email channel and you need to select Open status first

  • Select Account or Website: this information is specific for the channel interaction

  • Select a user (the "owner" of the interaction)

  • Select a tag: it filters results by the tags inserted by the Agents to already managed interactions

  • the filter button is used to search selected items using sophisticated and multiple conditions 

  • the refresh button is used to refresh the page contents

  • the  +  button is used to create a new interaction (if this function is available in the actual context)

In the Interactions List you see the following information:

  • ID (sortable asc/desc): it is the unique id of the interaction 

  • Watching sign (eye icon): it displays if any agent is currently viewing/editing the interaction (hover the mouse over the sign to see the agent names)

  • Contact (sortable asc/desc): the name of the contact with whom the interaction is exchanged

  • Subject (sortable asc/desc): the subject of the interaction (available only for Email list)

  • Started At (sortable asc/desc): the date and time the interaction has been started

  • Last Message (sortable asc/desc): the date and time the last message of the interaction has been sent (up arrow) or received (down arrow) 

  • Status (sortable asc/desc): the interaction status (e.g. Open, Closed)

  • Agent: this column shows the name of the last Agent who made any change to the interaction (e.g.: Me, Not Assigned, Agent1, etc.)

  • Account or Website: this column shows the short name of the customer interaction entry point (e.g. a website for a chat, an email account, and so on)

  • Tags: this column shows if the interaction has been tagged (hover over the tag sign to see the tags names)


When the Agent opens/accepts an interaction, the tab headers show:

  • all the Agents that are currently viewing or editing the same interaction: 

  and if you hover over the Agents icons you can see their names.

  • specific information about the interaction:

  • the Channel icon (in this example the Email icon)

  • the interaction unique id

  • a short name defined in order to identify the point of interaction

  • the status of the interaction (Open/Closed/Open-Pending)

  • a timer showing the time since when the interaction has been received (only for Open or Open-Pending interactions)


Moreover, specific actions can be performed on the interaction, according to its type.

Anyway, in every interaction type you'll find the following action icons: 

  • click on 3 dots and the menu will be shown, like in the following example:

  • click on download icon in order to download the current interaction. For Chat Channel, Email Channel, Open Channel and WA Connector, if the Agent has been given permission, interactions' attachments can also be downloaded. 

In next related section you can find documentation about all the Channels available on XCALLY Motion Omni Desktop Interface.

Search Filter by Search button

Contacts and any type of interactions can be searched by search button on the relative channel page, searching by:





  • first name

  • last name

  • phone

  • mobile

  • fax

  • email

  • interaction ID

  • message text

  • contact first name

  • contact last name

  • from:

    • fax number for fax

    • phone number for SMS

    • contact email address for Email

    • telephone number for Whatsapp Connector

  • (subject for email channel)

Consider that if the search string is numeric (consisting of only digits) it will not be searched in the subject and body of the email but only as an interaction ID. To search for example “Practice number 12345” you can use “ 12345” and in this way it will also search in the subject and body mail

Click the search button, insert the search string and confirm:

and the list of the contacts matching the search string will be shown. When you want to go back to the full list of contact view again, click on the close button X.

If the Search on Enter Key in the Settings-General-OmniDesktop Interface is activated by the Administrator, the request starts only after pressing Enter.
If not, the request starts only after having entered at least 5 characters or after pressing Enter 


Advanced Search button

Starting from 3.29.0, for enhancing security, in order to not get information related to other accounts/users and to work correctly, you need to specify in this API the query parameter OpenchannelAccountId. So you need to use API as follows /api/openchannel/interactions?OpenchannelAccountId=x where “x” is your ID account.


You can filter contacts or interactions using the Advanced Search button 

and select a field to be matched among a list of all those available. When you click this button (you find it on the right side of the toolbar), the system will show you the following form:

You have to add a condition by choosing a field, an operator and a value that can be:








Equals | Does not equal | is less than | is greater than | is less than or equal to | is greater than or equal to | is between

Number value


Equals | Contains | Is null

Text value (not appeared if you select is null option)



Text value





Equals | Does not equal | Contains | Is null

Text value (not appeared if you select is null option)


Is among | is not among

Account selection


Is among

Tag selection

Start date

Equals | is less than | is greater than | is less than or equal to | is greater than or equal to | is between

Date value





Is among | is not among

1° Disposition selection

Second Disposition

Is among | is not among

2° Disposition selection

Third Disposition

Is among | is not among

3° Disposition selection

To add more conditions repeat the operation, like in the following example:

and choose whether the conditions:

must all be met:

or at least one of them:

If you want to delete the advanced search condition inserted click on the single search condition button X to delete it or click on the CLEAR button in order to delete them all at once.
At the end click on the APPLY button in order to start the search. Now the query is executed and all the items that match the conditions inserted are shown.

It is also possible to:

  1. modify a condition set: click on a set condition, press Edit


and now change the condition as you prefer (field, operator, value)

  1. temporarily disable the search condition: click on the set condition, press



and Enable it again



The phone numbers are shown in contacts tab in light blue: they can be dialed just clicking on them.

Please note that:

  • If the Agent is using the Phonebar, clicking on the number will open a dialog window in order to call it:

  • If the Agent is using the WebRTC Bar, clicking on the number will open a dialog window in order to transfer an active call to that number or to call it:

The same feature is present in the calls section, where phone numbers can be directly dialed.

Just click the number

and call it (or transfer it to another agent):



How to insert an internal note

The Agents can insert an Internal Note in every type of interaction:

  • Click on the icon

  • Write the note and save it:

From now the note is shown in the interaction, but it's only internal to the organization and the customer will never see it:


Also the Supervisor can spy the interaction from the Interactions List and insert notes for the the agent only (the customer will not see this note):


If the interaction tab is open but the Agent is working on something else, a red badge will appear any time a new message regarding the same interaction is received (where the number shown is the number of unread messages).



When you close an interaction, it can be simply Closed or Closed & Disposed, choosing one of the listed single level dispositions, useful to classify each interaction properly.
In fact dispositions are used to assign feedback interactions, like labels (negative outcome/positive outcome).

or ready-to-use multi level dispositions:


The same Close&Dispose action can be applied clicking on the 3 dots of the interaction and then on Close and dispose

Dispositions available in the list must be created by the Administrator in advance and can be single or multi-level (up to three levels).

If on closing an interaction is disposed by an Agent, you can see in the Status column of the Interactions List:

the name of the disposition applied:

Now, hovering over it with the mouse all the information on the disposition itself will be displayed:

so you can discover that in the above example a single level disposition has been applied.

If, on closing, the Agent chooses a multi-level disposition instead, the name of the disposition that is positioned at the lowest level of the set (second or third level) available will be shown, as in the following example:

Now, hovering over it with the mouse all the information on the disposition set will be displayed:

NOTE: The Administrator/User can set the disposition as Mandatory: in this case the Agent is requested to dispose the interaction when closing and until this operation is finished the agent will remain paused. 



If the Transfer option is set by the administrator in the Settings, the Agent can also see this command in the menu of 3 dots in order to redirect the interaction:

You can explore documentation about interaction transfer at this link


Contextual information

Every interaction presents, on the right side of the screen, contextual information that the agent can use (during the session or after it) to manage the interaction/customer. Here an example:








This tab shows data contact. To view or add more details in the Contacts Manager file, click on More


This tab refers to the current interaction

This tab shows the entire history of interactions with the specific user and you can filter the interactions by channel and by date using the filters above.

Read more details about customer journey in the next paragraph.

Customer Journey

You can select the interactions by channel and by date/period using the filters on top of the list.

By default, the system will show the interactions elapsed within the current month and the previous three months. 

For example, if we consider today as June 11th, the system will show results from March 1st to June 30th. 

All interactions coming from any channel are stored in the Customer Journey, which can be accessed from the Contacts Manager or from the Channel Interactions List (open the interaction and shift right to the last tab Journey of the Info area).

Any time the Agent manages an interaction, the history of all the interactions of that specific customer can be shown in a timeline.

Each interaction type shows up a different colored icon according to the Channel used:

and the interaction can be opened and edited clicking on

(available only for those Agents with proper permission on the specific item) or inspected clicking on Show Details:

Here you can see information like: Created/Closed At, Subject and Disposition (if there are, all levels of them). 

Of course, the edit function will be available for all interactions except the phone calls:

but the Show Details allows to see useful information about the call as well (e.g.: start date, duration, called and caller number, etc).


Canned Answers

In several contexts the Canned Answers can be very useful, helping to increase productivity and maintain a good level of communication, because it may happen the Agents need to answer to very common and frequent questions asked by the Customers: in this case, if the responses are given writing some text messages (e.g. when using Email, Chat, Open Channel, SMS), instead of typing the same answers repeatedly, the Agents can use the available Global Canned Answers (created by the Administrator) or Local Canned Answers available only for specific Channel Accounts/Websites**.


The Agent can type messages directly:

or click on the Canned Answers button:

and insert a text to make a list of canned answers matching that appear in a list:


General (marked by a small world icon) and Local (specific for Website/Account and marked by the Channel type icon) Canned Answers are showed as a unique list: click on the chosen one and it will be copied in the message body text.


Canned Answer with buttons for Openchannel accounts

On Openchannel accounts, agents can manage canned answers with buttons

Click on Canned Answers icon


Select the desired canned answer, searching by key:

A warning message appears to advice agent that the canned answer contains buttons (not editable)

By clicking on OK the agent sends the answer:

Customer will be able to select one of the button (for example directly on Telegram or on desired channel) and agent will view the answer on omni desktop interface.

The answer depends on the plugin configuration



Tags can be used to categorize interactions (Chat, Email, SMS, etc.) or customer records (in Contacts/My Contacts).

The Administrator can create proper Tags , set their names, descriptions and colors to make them become available to Agents:

Choose as many tags from the list and save them.

For example, once one or more tags are assigned to an interaction, the list can be filtered by them (Select tag):

in order to retrieve an homogeneous sample.

If you associate many tags to an interaction, the tag label becomes grey instead than colored


The tags chosen show up in interaction:

Voice Messages

XCALLY gives the Agent the opportunity to use Voice Messages.

This feature is available from V3.9.0 on, for Chat, Openchannel and WhatsApp Connector interactions.

If you migrate from an older version to XCALLY 3.9.0, you need to install ffmpeg on XCALLY server to use the Voice messages:

  • Access to the XCALLY server as root user

  • The command is to be run on all server instances where xcally is installed

  • Run the following command:

On Debian:

apt-get -y install ffmpeg

On Centos:

yum -y install ffmpeg

If you use different operating systems, use the specific bundle.

If you are fresh installing XCALLY, this bundle is already included in the installation.

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