Open ticket for License Support

Open ticket for License Support

What’s about

If you need to open a new ticket to our License Team, you can log in with your credentials on the Support Portal, contact us at http://license.xcallymotion.com and enter your request:

Choosing LICENSE, you can send your request by clicking on
“Need to raise a request? Contact us”
and selecting which product you want to have support about the license:



Selecting Motion, you can indicate your request type:



License rules

XCALLY applies the following Terms of Service and Contractual Conditions, as per the Contract.
For any appropriate clarification, please contact your account reference.

Invoicing will always be the last day of the month

Advance billing procedures

Increment Requests: the pertinent fraction will be invoiced at the earliest date

Decrease Requests: if requested by the 20th of the month it will be processed immediately, otherwise in the following month


Request New Activation

Selecting Request New Activation, you can ask to activate:

  • a free demo for 30 days or

  • a new license plan

Free 30 days demo



If you want to activate a new free demo for 30 days, you need to fill out the form with your request:

1. Follow the procedure

  • Read how the license portal self-service works

  • Accept the conditions and the License Agreement

2. Provide the requested information

Fill the three fields:

  1. License token: you can find it when you login as Admin in XCALLY Settings menu → License

  2. Customer Name/Reference

  3. Customer Email address

3. Select “YES”

On field “Are you requesting a 30 days free demo?” select the option YES

4. What is included

The 30-days free demo includes:

  • 3 Voice Digital agents

  • 1 administrator

  • 1 telephone

  • 1 mobile agent

  • WebRTC and Windows Phonebar for agents

  • All add-ons to try out the functionalities of our product




5. Confirm the request

Finally SEND the form

6. Check your e-mail

  • You will receive a ticket message with the outcome of the operation

  • clicking on “CLICK HERE TO REPLY” you can see your ticket

  • In this way you can check the ticket status and the details of your request.
    If you need assistance you can click on Support Request


New license plan

If you want to request a license for a new billed server with a specific plan and number of licenses, you have to fill out the “Request new activation” form with all required data.

Remember that you can use this form only if your server token is not active yet


With our self-service mode:

these data will be applied automatically:

these options will be managed manually by our team after administrative check:

these data will be applied automatically:

these options will be managed manually by our team after administrative check:

  • 1 Admin user

  • Plan

  • Agent, mobile agent, telephone and user licenses

  • WebRTC and Phonebar

  • Add-ons and plugins that you requested

  • Support plan

  • Billing frequency


1. Follow the procedure

  • Read how the license portal self-service works
    (some data will be activated automatically, while others will be managed in a second step, as described above).

  • Remember that if you implement AI bots, there will be a billing based on usage

  • Accept the conditions and the License Agreement



2. Provide the requested information

Fill the three fields:

  1. License token: you can find it when you login as Admin in XCALLY Settings menu → License

  2. Customer Name/Reference

  3. Customer Email address


3. Are you requesting a 30-day free demo? Select “NO”

Select NO to go ahead with the procedure for new billed server activation


4. Select the XCALLY Plan

  • Now you can see a summary table with the channels and options included in the XCALLY plans. For more details, please check here.

  • Select the plan

5. Define the number of agents, users, telephones and mobile agents

  • You can define number of agents to apply.

Consider that agent licenses are intended per concurrent agent and the minimum number is 5.










  • Then you can indicate number of additional users, number of telephones and mobile agents

Remember that 1 admin user is always included
Moreover the number of mobile agents is considered for named agents (not concurrent)





6. Set the billing frequency

Below you can choose the desired billing frequency, between monthly and annual





7. Whitelabel/Customization option

Define if you would like to enable customization → See more info here





8. Set the support package

Choose the desired support package, between Silver and Platinum




9. Select Add-ons

In add-ons section, it's possible to enable:

  • Real-time Translator

  • Quality Analysis

  • AI Assistants

If you enable AI Assistants, the system allows you to activate also AI Agent Assistants

See more info about Add-ons here




10. Select Plugins

In Plugins section, it's possible to enable:

  • Data retention

  • Botify

  • Queue manager

  • Schedulease

See more info about Plugins here





11. Confirm and check your e-mail!

Click on Send to confirm the request.

You will receive a ticket message with the outcome of the operation.

  • clicking on “CLICK HERE TO REPLY” you can see your ticket

  • You can check the ticket status and the details of your request

  • if you need assistance you can click on Support Request





You can also view how to apply the license correctly on your server, along with links to contact our support team and explore the XCALLY documentation.










If you requested plugin activations, you will receive another message containing the links for download and documentation


Modify Existing License

Selecting Modify Existing License, you can request to change your license on:





  • Agents

  • Users

  • Telephones

  • Mobile agents

  • Add-ons

  • Plugins

You can add items, remove items or deactivate the server.

Modify License - Add New Items

1. Select "Modify existing license"

Choose the option "Modify existing license"

2. Follow the procedure

Accept license agreement


3. Provide the requested information

Fill the three fields: License token, Customer Name/Reference and Customer Email address


4. Select "Add"

On Action Request you can Update your license, downgrade it or deactivate it on your server.
In this case, you need to select the Add option


5. Select the reason of the upgrade

Please indicate the upgrade reason from the proposed options


6. Select which items you would like to upgrade - Accounts

Choose the items you wish to modify from the list: agents, users, mobile agents, pbx extensions. For example, we select "Agents"

7. Define the new quantity

Remember to indicate the total number of concurrent items you would like to enable on your license.


8. Select which items you would like to upgrade - Add-ons and Plugins

You can use this form also to activate new Add-ons and/or Plugins

9. Confirm the update request

Click on "Send."


10. Done!

The procedure is complete! You will receive an email to confirm the upgrades on your license with all details

11. Plugins instructions

If you requested to activate new plugins, you will receive another message containing, for each plugin, the link to documentation and zip download.

Modify License - Remove Items

1. Select "Modify existing license"

Choose the option "Modify existing license"


2. Follow the procedure

Accept license agreement

3. Provide the requested information

Fill the three fields: License token, Customer Name/Reference and Customer Email address



4. Select "Remove"

On Action Request you can Update your license, downgrade it or deactivate it on your server. In this case, you need to select the Remove option

5. Select the reason of the remove request

Please indicate the reason of the remove request from the proposed options


6. Select which items you would like to remove - Accounts

Choose the items you wish to modify from the list: agents, users, mobile agents, pbx extensions.

7. Define the new quantity

Remember to indicate the total number of accounts you would like to enable on your license.


8. Select which items you would like to remove - Add-ons and Plugins

In this example we request to remove Data Retention and Botify plugins.


9. Confirm the request

Click on "Send."


10. Check the email

You will receive an email to confirm the update of the license with all details

Modify License - Deactivation

1. Select "Modify existing license"

Choose the option "Modify existing license"

2. Follow the procedure

Accept license agreement

3. Provide the requested information

Fill the three fields: License token, Customer Name/Reference and Customer Email address

4. Select "Deactivate"

On Action Request you can Update your license, downgrade it or deactivate it on your server. So in this case, you need to select deactivate option

5. Select the reason of cancellation

We require you to indicate the deactivation reason

And then you can click on Send

6. Check the email

The procedure is complete. You will receive an email to confirm your request. You license will be processed in accordance with our billing policies during the next billing cycle

Request Contract Change

You can use the Request Contract Change form if you need to request a change on license plan, support plan, billing frequency or white label activation.

1. Check the info and accept the conditions

Click on “I Agree”



2. Provide the requested information

Fill the three fields: License token, Customer Name/Reference and Customer Email address


3. Select which items you would like to change

Select the options that you would like to modify among:

  • license plan

  • support plan

  • billing frequency

  • white label




4. Select the new values

For each option that you decide to choose, select the new value


5. Confirm the request

Click on "Send." Our team will proceed to verify data and you will receive a ticket message with the outcome of the operation.

Grace Period / Re-activate License

If you want to re-activate a license due a token change or if your license has expired, you have to select the option Grace Period/Re-activate License

1. Check the info and start filling the form

  • Explore this page on Advanced Wiki to retrieve your license status from API and copy log file. This data can be used in the next steps to provide the important details to our support team.

  • Insert the Customer name/Reference


2. Select the grace period reason



a. Expired License (trial mode)

If the reason of grace period is expired license (trial mode), please insert the old token, upload the log file and provide additional comments in the text area

b. License Deactivated (Grace Period)

If the reason of grace period is license deactivated (grace period), please insert the old token, the grace period expiration date, upload the log file and provide additional comments in the text area

c. New Token Detected (Grace Period)

If the reason of grace period is new token detected (grace period), please insert the old token, the new token, the grace period expiration date, upload the log file and provide additional comments in the text area


3. Confirm the request

  • You will receive a ticket message with the outcome of the operation

  • clicking on “CLICK HERE TO REPLY” you can see your ticket

  • You can check the ticket status and the details of your request

  • if you need assistance you can click on Support Request

General Requests

You can choose the form General Requests if you need to send an other type of request, not included in the previous cases.


  • you can insert your license token (that you can copy from XCALLY Settings menu → License) if your request is related to a server

  • request description

  • any attachments

  • and Send your request

You will receive a ticket message with the outcome of the operation



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