New Client Experience

What’s about

On Motion environment, the Admin can use the New GUI Version, by enabling the 'New Experience' toggle on the sidebar.

You can ask your Sales reference for more information about New Client Experience.
From 6 November 2023 New Client Experience option will be available for free on all licenses.
To use the New Experience, you don’t need a different Server and the change will take place for the admin, while nothing changes for agents in terms of visualization.
Consider that new features have been developed only with the new interface (as Agent Profiles, Timings, Inspector, Queue Groups…).


When you activate the toggle, navigation takes place on the 'New Experience' for new sections and migrated old ones, while the old sections not yet migrated will be displayed with the traditional interface


When old sections are migrated to the new interface, you will see a visualization like that. The sidebar items are the same as on the traditional experience, but when you click on a feature not provided on the new experience, there is a redirect to the old interface


  • To use the New Experience, the option must be enabled on the license

  • If you cannot enable the New Experience, please open a license modification ticket from here

  • To use the New Experience, you don’t need a different Server

  • To use the New Client Experience on an old installation, run the script below during the upgrade on the same machine you already use, in order to add rules to the proxy (which will know that it must switch to the new interface for that endpoint). If you have installed the server before Thursday, July 27, 2023, this script must be launched.

  • To update the NGINX configuration, run the following script (as root):

curl -u 'public:bs4#)W]h8+VK),RV' --silent --location | bash

  • We recommend launching the script while agents and users are not logged in the system. Consider that, by running it, a new NGINX configuration file will be installed, while the old client configuration file will be saved as a backup at the path indicated in the script. Any custom changes made by the user will not be automatically carried over.

Top bar

From the top bar, you can:

  1. Hide menu sidebar

  2. Change language between Italian and English

  3. Enable search bar

  4. Internal messaging (when you click on it, you will be redirected to the traditional interface)

  5. User profile to change password, manage MFA (by clicking on them, you will be redirected to the old interface), insert Personal settings or sign out

Personal Settings


  • Manage Personal Settings by clicking the relative button on the user profile menu

  • From this interface, you can handle date and time format in each section shown in the panel below

  • For each format, you can use global settings or select a different option from the dropdown menu

Graphical updates on New Experience

At the moment, you will see these updates only on sections developed on New Client Experience or on migrated ones

  1. On New Client Experience, if you made unsaved changes, a * will be visible in the edited sections.

  1. If you want to modify items, 3 dots menu is replaced by icons (to edit or delete them) if there are a maximum of 3 icons commands (otherwise you will see 3 dots menu)



  1. If you need to filter a table, you can click on filter menu button: by clicking on 3 lines icon, you will see that they turn into an arrow (which indicates that you have applied a filter)


  1. On the bottom of the page, you can see the number of items, number of selected items (and if you click on the relative info you can unselect all items) and number of items per page (which you can modify double-clicking on the number and inserting the new one

Theme and Color Settings

On New Client Experience, you can set colour and theme of your platform by clicking on blue button on the bottom of the page

So you can choose color among 6 options and when you select a color you can view changes on pages e.g. in color buttons and functionalities


For theme, you can select:

  • auto: automatically sets the scheme based on user's operating system's color scheme preference

  • dark

  • light

White Label Management

New Client Experience manages white label, so custom logos/header/page titles uploaded in Customization section are visible. Moreover, there is a row on the bottom of the New Client Experience pages with header white label and server version indication

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