Instant - Contact Manager

Instant - Contact Manager

In the Contacts Manager, you can add new contacts to a list, view existing contacts and edit them.


Create new contact

From the Contacts section, you can see all existing Contacts and create new ones:

To manage WhatsApp interactions, it’s important that List has like Phone Contact field a WhatsApp number which must be inserted with prefix without the initial +

Clicking on the icon, it is possible to:


  • Add Contact: Create a single contact manually

  • Import Contacts: Upload multiple contacts from CSV file


Add a single contact

Click on Add Contact and fill the contact details on the pop-up screen. 

Contacts must always be associated to a List and to use contact for WhatsApp campaign, Phone field must contain a valid WhatsApp number. 

Mandatory fields are tagged with *


Import Contacts 

Click on Import Contacts icon and select the .CSV file (maximum size= 60MB) from your local file system.

The Motion system will propose the file columns names in order to let you associate each one to the Contact Manager Contact fields.

Contacts must always be associated to a List. 

At the end click Upload.

Using the Check Duplicates field, you can select one or more contact fields that will be used to check if the contact has been already loaded from the CSV file or is already present in the list and if this is the case, duplicate entries will be discarded:



During the Upload, if you need you can stop the process:

At the end you have a summary of the upload process and you can export the errors (load failure or duplicate entries) in an excel file.


Edit/Modify a contact

To edit a contact, find the contact from the contacts lists and click on Edit Contact.

You can now see the general contacts details and the contact Customer Journey:

Contact Detail


On the left side of the view, you will see all the default contact fields while the custom fields are shown on the right side of the view.

Modify any contact field and then save.

You can Tag the contact using one of the entries in the list: to know how to create new tags click here

Customer Journey

In this tab you'll find all the interactions engaged by this contact with the organization in a timeline:


  • The interactions details can be inspected (click on Show Details) and the icon represents the channel of the interaction.

  • You can filter them for channel type or for time interval. By default, the system will show the interactions elapsed within the current month and the previous three months. 
    For example, if we consider today as November 13th, the system will show results from August 1st to November 30th. 


Merge contacts

Find the contact from the contacts lists and click on Merge Contact.


On the pop-up screen, use the filter to search the contact you want to merge with the selected contact.


The filter will search the contact by first name, last name, email and phone and all contacts matching the filter will be displayed.

From the results, click on the contact you want to merge and then click OK to confirm.

Note that all the unfilled fields on the second contact will be overwritten by the first contact.

Duplicate/Copy a contact

When you edit a contact you can click on the red button to copy the contact in any list you prefer.

The same operation can be done finding the contact from the contacts list and clicking on Duplicate Contact


On the pop-up screen, select the List you want to add the contact and click on Add Contact to copy the contact in the selected list:

Delete Contacts 

You can delete a single contact or multiple contacts. Select one or more contacts from a list (click on the checkbox near the name) and then click on

If you want to delete all the contacts shown in the page, click on checkbox for multiselect and then on bin icon.


A List of Contacts is used for grouping customers files together. You can find this section under the Contacts Manager Menu.

To create a list click the New List button 

Enter the list’s details:

  • Name

  • Description (optional)

After the list is created, you can edit list details, add contacts to the list, add agents to the list and manage list’s custom fields and dispositions.

If you want to modify the list, find it from the Contact Manager lists and click on Edit List:

You will see 3 sections:

  • Settings, where you can edit the name and description of the list

  • Custom fields, where you can create, edit or delete custom fields of the list

  • Dispositions, where you can create, edit or delete dispositions of the list

Custom fields

We provide by default some contact fields that you can set when you add a contact in a list. In addition to these fields, you can create and use custom fields, specific for that list.

To create a custom field, click on New Custom Field + and enter details:

  • Alias: name of the custom field that will be displayed on the contact’s view

  • Type: type of the custom field. You can use one of the following custom field types:

    • Text: a simple text input field

    • Select: a single choice list. To add the choices for the select, write the text and click enter.

    • Number: a number input field

    • Switch: toggle switch with values true/false

    • Datetime: Date and time picker

  • Required: toggle if you want to make the custom field mandatory

  • click Add Custom Field. After the custom field is created, you can view, edit or delete it under list of custom fields. Then if you add or edit a contact in the list, you will be able to set the custom fields you have create in that list.

Add contacts to a list

Administrator or users with contact manager list permission can add contacts to a list. In order to add contacts to a list, find the list and click on Show Contacts.

You will be directed to Contacts Section. You can add contacts in two ways: add a single contact manually or upload multiple contacts from CSV file.

Add an agent to a list

You need to add an agent to a list to allow him to see the list of contacts in the agent view. To add an agent to a list, find the list in the lists and click on Add Agents to List

On the pop-up screen search the agent you want to add and click on it. Click on >> button to add All agents to the list. All changes are automatically saved.

Export lists or contacts

To export all contacts of a list in CSV, find the list from the Contact Manager lists and click on Export to CSV:

To export the Lists in CSV, select the CM Lists to export by marking the checkbox on the left side and click on the Export button


Delete lists

To delete a list, find the list from the Contact Manager lists and click on Delete:

To delete multiple lists you can select the multiple lists to delete by marking the checkbox on the left side and then click on Delete button (ok to confirm).


Contact Item Types

Contact Item Types are used to define the categories of the additional phones associated to the Contact.

Let's understand how Contact Item Types work. 

Additional Phones

In addition to the primary phone, it is possible to have additional phones and categorize them.

Additional phones can be categorized through the Contact Item Type, which is useful to describe and identify them, thanks to different colors and you can also assign a priority for each Contact Item Type.

Add additional phones to a Contact

On Contacts section it’s possible to add Additional phones on relative field, by inserting the number → Tap the Enter key on your keyboard to continue (To add more than one number, repeat)



Then you need to associate phones to specific contact item type, by clicking on the drop-down menu and select the contact item type (previously set) to match with that additional phone.

Based on the chosen contact item type, the additional phone background will be colored.


Global Custom Fields

In the CM section we provide default fields and, in addition to them, we give you the possibility to set your own custom fields, in order to store information relevant for your business.

A global custom field is a contact custom field that is not associated to any list and is visible in all contact view irrespective of the list.

Create a global custom field

To create a global custom field click on + New Custom Fields button and fill the details:



  • Alias: name of the global custom field that will be displayed on the contact’s view

  • Type: type of the global custom field. You can use one of the following custom field types:

    • Text: a simple text input field

    • Select: a single choice list. To add the choices for the select, write the text and click enter.

    • Number: a number input field

    • Switch: toggle switch with values true/false

    • Datetime: Date and time picker

  • Required: set true if you want to set the global custom field as mandatory

Click Save to confirm

After the custom field is created, you can view, edit or delete it under list of global custom fields.

Now if you add or edit a contact in any list, you will be able to set the global custom field on the right column.

Edit a global custom field

Find the global custom field from the global custom field lists, click on Edit Custom Field:

Modify the fields and then click Save.

Delete global custom fields

To delete a global custom field, find the custom field from the list and click on Delete:

To delete multiple gobal custom fields, select multiple custom fields by marking the checkbox on the left side and then click on Delete button (ok to confirm).

Export list of global custom fields

To export list of global custom fields, select the custom fields to export by marking the checkbox on the left side and click on Export button.


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