Variable applications

Variable applications

What’s about

This group of blocks is designed to manage the variables and mathematical operations.

The mathematical operations must follow the JavaScript rules Operators and String Methods.



This block lets you set the value of a variable



  • Label: here you can type a short description of the block

  • Variable: choose the variable you want to use, selecting from the variable list previously defined under Tools -> Variables section. You can also create a variable from the Cally Square toolbar (File -> Variable).

  • Value: variable value, like the following:

    • Constant (digits or text)

    • An Asterisk variable in the format {VARIABLE_ASTERISK}

    • A generic non-Asterisk variable previously defined in the Cally Square dashboard, in the format {VARIABLENAME}

    • Others

Please, note the variable format is slightly different from the Asterisk one.

DO NOT use the $ character before the {}.

Example: the usual Asterisk variable ${CALLERID(num)} MUST be defined just as {CALLERID(num)} in the Cally Square environment.

Exit Arrows

The block provides just one arrow out to the next step


Using this block, you can perform complex mathematical operations during the call flow



  • Label: here you can type a short description of the block

  • Operation: the mathematical operation

i.e. ({RECORD}*2)-4*7/(5*3)+62

i.e. array handler: '{INPUT_DATA}.split(";")'

  • Result: variable used to store the operation output


Exit Arrows

The block provides just one arrow out to the next step

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