Screen Recordings
When you click on Screen Recordings you'll see all the list of the sessions this function has been used (manually by the Agents or automatic).
You can search one or more recordings inserting a keyword or a date range in the Search field on the top right of the panel:
The list of the screen recordings will show:
- the rating (it can be inserted clicking on the screen recording)
- the Agent name
- the duration of the screen recording
- the recording start and end time
If you click on the the three dots menu of a recording you will be able to:
- Play Screen Recording: this command will let you play and watch the recorded video sequence. Of course, the corresponding file should be already uploaded and available to be played. If it is not available, the system will display a "File not found" message
- Download Screen Recording: also in this case, if the file has not been uploaded the system will not be able to perform the operation
- Delete Screen Recording: this command allows you to delete the interaction log as well as the copy of the file uploaded on the system (if any)