Dial Contacts from Google Chrome using the BitCally extension
Bitcally is the extension working with the XCALLY customer care suite: it allows your contact center Agents to Click and Dial any formatted phone number detected inside your Google Chrome browser.
It is simple and fast to use: just install the Bitcally extension and you will be able to dial any numbers available inside your browser with a simple Click.
Follow the next steps to install and configure Bitcally.
Search and download the Chrome Extension Bitcally in the Google Chrome Webstore:
and configure
the Phonebar as follows:- Phonebar Type: Motion
- Prefix: insert any prefix you want to add to all the numbers dialed (if any)
- Remote Phonebar Port: check this parameter on the Agent configuration
Other SIP Clients configuration will be soon available!
Remember to enable Remote Control for the Agent
When you install the Bitcally extension you will see this icon
on your desktop bar:Now, whenever the system detects a telephone number on a Chrome Page you can just click on it and the number will be displayed in the Bitcally dialpad:
Click on Call:
and the number is passed to the Phonebar (it must be running) and handled by it: