Advanced Release Notes
Version 2.6.4
- Added openNewTab column in int_dynamics365_configurations table
Version 2.6.3
- Added firstMsgDirection column in openchannel_interactions table
- Changed type column in sms_accounts table
Version 2.6.2
- Added additionalSearchContact column in int_dynamics365_configurations table
Version 2.6.0
- Added tools_contact_item_types table
- Added cm_contact_has_items table
- Added cm_hopper_additional_phones table
- Added OrderBy column in cm_hoppers table
- Added AdditionalPhones column in cm_contacts table
- Added callAdditionalPhoneAfterMin column in voice_queues table
API Changes
- Added /api/contact_item_types endpoint
- Added /api/cm_contact_has_items endpoint
- Added /api/cm_hopper_additional_phones endpoint
Version 2.5.50
- Added textButtonColor column in chat_websites table
Version 2.5.49
- Added chatAutoanswer, chatAutoanswerDelay in users table
- Added emailAutoanswer, emailAutoanswerDelay in users table
- Added smsAutoanswer, smsAutoanswerDelay in users table
- Added openchannelAutoanswer, openchannelAutoanswerDelay in users table
- Added faxAutoanswer, faxAutoanswerDelay in users table
- Added whatsappAutoanswer, whatsappAutoanswerDelay in users table
Version 2.5.44
- Added user_settings table
- Added dialTimezone and utcOffset columns in cm_contacts table
- Added dialTimezone column in cm_hopper table
- Added dialTimezone column in cm_hopper_history table
- Added CloudProviderId and modernAuthentication columns in int_dynamics365_accounts table
Version 2.5.42
- Added plainBody column in chat_offline_messages table
Version 2.5.41
- Added limitTabs, disabledCookies, previewRecallmeReminderInterval columns in settings table
- Added recallmeNotifiedDate column in cm_hopper table
- Added dialPreviewRecallmeReminder column in voice_queues table
- Added type, data3, data4, data5, data6, data7 column in cloud_providers table
- Added provider column in mail_accounts table
- Added modenAuthentication, CloudProviderId in mail_server_in table
- Added modenAuthentication, CloudProviderId in mail_server_out table
- Updated service column in cloud_providers table
Version 2.5.39
- Added adSsoEnabled column in settings table
- Added adSsoEnabled column in users table
- Added labelText column in chat_websites table
- Added moduleCreate column in int_dynamics365_configurations table
API Changes
- Added /api/auth/activedirectory endpoint
Version 2.5.37
- Added viewHelpSection and secureCookieEnabled columns in settings table
- Added baseUrl and type columns in whatsapp_accounts table
- Added user_settings table
API Changes
- Added /api/realtime/agents endpoint
- Added /api/user-settings endpoints
Version 2.5.36
- Added ignorePauseForPreviewCalls and selectRecallMeCampaign columns in users table
- Added dialPreviewAutoRecallMe column in voice_queues table
Version 2.5.35
- Added team_has_voice_prefixes table
Version 2.5.33
- Added alias column in voice_extensions table
- Updated charset and collate for cm_contacts and openchannel_interactions tables
- Updated tools_dispositions_ibfk_1, tools_dispositions_ibfk_2, tools_dispositions_ibfk_3, tools_dispositions_ibfk_4, tools_dispositions_ibfk_5, tools_dispositions_ibfk_6, tools_dispositions_ibfk_7 constraints for tools_dispositions table
API Changes
- Updated /api/voice/extensions methods
Version 2.5.32
- Added autoreplyExecuted in mail_interactions, chat_interactions, openchannel_interactions, sms_interactions and whatsapp_interactions tables
API Changes
- Added /api/realtime/queues method
Version 2.5.31
- Added vidaooTopic, vidaooNote and vidaooMetadata in chat_websites table
API Changes
- Updated /api/chat/interactions/{id}/vidaoo endpoint
Version 2.5.30
- Added downloadAttachments, downloadOmnichannelInteractions and downloadVoiceRecordings columns in users table
- Added downloadAttachments, downloadCallySquareRecordings, downloadContactManagerLists, downloadJscriptySessions, downloadOmnichannelInteraction, downloadScreenRecordings and downloadVoiceRecordings columns in user_profiles table
- Changed previousPasswords column in users table
Version 2.5.28
API Changes
- Updated /api/userProfiles/{id}/resources endpoint
Version 2.5.26
- Added ChatOfflineMessageId column in attachments table
- Added subjectOffline column in chat_websites table
API Changes
- Updated /api/users and /api/users/{id} endpoints
Version 2.5.25
- Added stopRecordingOnTransfer column in settings table
API Changes
- Added /api/users/{id}/open_tabs endpoint
- Updated /api/users and /api/users/{id} endpoints
Version 2.5.23
- Added leadIId column in int_salesforce_configurations table
- Added privacyPolicyNumber, privacyPolicyEmail and privacyPolicyName columns in settings table
- Added privacyEnabled column in user_profiles table
- Added additionalSearchAccount, additionalSearchContact and additionalSearchLead columns in int_salesforce_configurations table
- Changed type column in int_desk_fields table
- Changed type column in int_dynamics365_fields table
- Changed type column in int_freshdesk_fields table
- Changed type column in int_freshsales_fields table
- Changed type column in int_salesforce_fields table
- Changed type column in int_servicenow_fields table
- Changed type column in int_sugarcrm_fields table
- Changed type column in int_vtiger_fields table
- Changed type column in int_zendesk_fields table
- Changed type column in int_zoho_fields table
- Changed moduleSearch column in int_salesforce_configurations table
- Changed moduleCreate column in int_salesforce_configurations table
- lastMsgBody and lastMsgText columns in mail_interactions table are deprecated
Version 2.5.22
- Added openNewInteraction and MailAccountId columns in chat_websites table
- Added ChatWebsiteId, originChannel and ChatOfflineMessageId columns in mail_messages table
- Changed stamp column in voice_voicemail_messages table
Version 2.5.21
- Added penalty column in team_has_voice_queues table
API Changes
- Added /api/users/presence endpoint
Version 2.5.20
- Added userNotifications table
- Added titleFontSize column in dashboard_items table
API Changes
- Added /api/userNotifications endpoint
Version 2.5.18
- Added chatInteractionsReloadTimeout, mailInteractionsReloadTimeout, openchannelInteractionsReloadTimeout, smsInteractionsReloadTimeout and whatsappInteractionsReloadTimeout columns in settings table
Version 2.5.16
- Changed type column in sms_accounts table
- Added accountId and applicationId columns in sms_accounts table
Version 2.5.15
- Changed question column in report_jscripty_answers table
- Changed question column in report_jscripty_questions table
Version 2.5.14
API Changes
- Added /api/cm/contacts/{id}/journey method
Version 2.5.12
- Changed serverUrl column in int_desk_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_dynamics365_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_freshdesk_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_freshsales_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_salesforce_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_servicenow_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_sugarcrm_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_vtiger_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_zendesk_accounts table
- Changed serverUrl column in int_zoho_accounts table
Version 2.5.11
- Added searchOnEnterKey column for settings table
Version 2.5.10
- Added savedAt and publishedAt columns for square_projects table
Version 2.5.7
- Added providerName and providerResponse columns for chat_messages table
- Added providerName and providerResponse columns for openchannel_messages table
- Added providerName and providerResponse columns for sms_messages table
- Added providerName and providerResponse columns for square_messages table
- Added providerName and providerResponse columns for whatsapp_messages table
API Changes
- Added /api/settings/now method
Version 2.5.6
- Added missed FULLTEXT index for cm_contacts table
API Changes
- Updated /api/openchannel/interactions/{id} method
- Added /api/rpc/openchannel/queues/{{id}}/waitinginteractions method
Version 2.5.5
- Added enforcePasswordHistory, passwordHistoryLimit columns in settings table
- Added previousPasswords, settingsEnabled column in users table
- Added clickToAction, actionType columns in cm_custom_fields table
- Added level, description, ParentId columns in tools_dispositions table
- Added userSecondDisposition, userThirdDisposition columns in report_call table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in report_queue table
- Added userSecondDisposition, userThirdDisposition columns in voice_recordings table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in chat_interactions table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in fax_interactions table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in report_queue table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in mail_interactions table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in openchannel_interactions table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in sms_interactions table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in whatsapp_interactions table
- Added secondDisposition, thirdDisposition columns in cm_hopper_final table
Version 2.5.2
- Added dialNoSuchNumberMaxRetry, dialNoSuchNumberRetryFrequency, dialDropMaxRetry, dialDropRetryFrequency, dialAbandonedMaxRetry, dialAbandonedRetryFrequency, dialMachineMaxRetry, dialMachineRetryFrequency, dialAgentRejectMaxRetry, dialAgentRejectRetryFrequency columns in voice_queues table
- Added dialNoSuchNumberMaxRetry, dialNoSuchNumberRetryFrequency, dialDropMaxRetry, dialDropRetryFrequency, dialAbandonedMaxRetry, dialAbandonedRetryFrequency, dialMachineMaxRetry, dialMachineRetryFrequency, dialAgentRejectMaxRetry, dialAgentRejectRetryFrequency columns in campaigns table
- Added countnosuchnumberretry, countdropretry, countabandonedretry, countmachineretry, countagentrejectretry column in cm_hopper table
- Added countnosuchnumberretry, countdropretry, countabandonedretry, countmachineretry, countagentrejectretry column in cm_hopper_history table
- Added countnosuchnumberretry, countdropretry, countabandonedretry, countmachineretry, countagentrejectretry column in cm_hopper_final table
- Added encryption option for whatsapp_accounts, whatsapp_interactions, whatsapp_messages, report_whatsapp_queue and cloud_providers tables
- Updated voice_extensions_ibfk_7 constraint for voice_extensions table
Version 2.5.0
- Added vidaooSessionId column in chat_interactions table
- Added vidaooEscalation and vidaooApiKey columns in chat_websites table
- Added tables (whatsapp_accounts, whatsapp_applications, whatsapp_interactions, whatsapp_messages, whatsapp_queues, report_whatsapp_queue and report_whatsapp_transfer) for WhatsApp Connector channel
- Added whatsappPause and whatsappCapacity in users table
- Added notifications table
- Added cloud_providers table
- Added transcribe, automaticTranscribe, transcribeAccountId, transcribeRegion, sentiment, automaticSentiment, sentimentAccountId, sentimentRegion, language. bucket columns in settings table
- Added location, transcribeName, transcribeStatus, fileUri, fileText, failureReason, sentiment, sPositive, sNegative, sNeutral, sMixed, tempSentiment columns in voice_recordings table
API Changes
- Added /api/notifications endpoint
- Added /api/voice/recordings/:id/transcribe endpoint
Added /api/chat/interactions/:id/vidaoo endpoint
- Added /api/cloudProviders endpoints
- Added endpoints for WhatsApp Connector channel
Version 2.4.20
- Added googleSsoEnabled column in settings table
API Changes
- Added /api/webbar endpoints
Version 2.4.19
- Added moduleSearch column in int_zoho_configurations table
- Added username and password columns in network table
- Changed moduleCreate column in int_zoho_configurations table
- Changed type for type column in network table
Version 2.4.18
- Updated joinempty and leavewhenempty properties for voice_queues table (apply default value for empty columns)
Version 2.4.16
- Added FULLTEXT index for cm_contacts table
Version 2.4.14
- Added int_freshsales_accounts, int_freshsales_configurations and int_freshsales_fields tables
Version 2.4.13
- Added sendUnpauseOnSubmit columns in jscripty_projects table
Version 2.4.10
- Added favicon, defaultFavicon columns in settings table
- Changed type for referer column in chat_interactions table
Version 2.4.7
- Added customerPort column in chat_interactions table
- Added enableSendButton column in chat_websites table
- Added feedbackTitle column in chat_websites table
- Added moduleCreate column in int_zoho_configurations table
Version 2.4.4
- Added zone, clientId, clientSecret, code and refreshToken columns in int_zoho_accounts table
- Removed authToken column in int_zoho_accounts table
Version 2.4.2
- Added allowedLoginAttempts and blockDuration columns in settings table
- Added blocked, blockedAt, disabled and loginAttempts columns in users table
- Added encryption option for screen_recordings table
Version 2.4.0
- Added phoneBarEnableAutomaticScreenRecording and screenrecording columns in users table
- Added lastMsgText column in mail_interactions table
- Added plainBody column in mail_messages table
- Added FULLTEXT index for chat_messages table
- Added FULLTEXT index for mail_interactions table
- Added FULLTEXT index for mail_messages table
- Added FULLTEXT index for openchannel_messages table
- Added FULLTEXT index for sms_messages table
- Added screen_recordings table
- Renamed phoneBarEnableVideoRecording column to phoneBarEnableScreenRecordingByAgent
- Changed charset type for chat_applications table
- Changed charset type for fax_applications table
- Changed charset type for mail_applications table
- Changed charset type for openchannel_applications table
- Changed charset type for sms_applications table
Version 2.3.97
- Added id, createdAt, updatedAt columns in migrations table
- Added UNIQUE key to column version in migrations table
- Added dialPredictiveIntervalMaxThreshold and dialPredictiveIntervalMinThreshold columns in voice_queues table
- Added option to disable the xdr service for voice analytics
- Removed PK and AUTO_INCREMENT properties from column version in migrations table
API Changes
- Changed response body for /api/version/migrations endpoint (added list of executed migrations and updated output message)
Version 2.3.96
- Added column defaultScreenRecordingPath in settings table
API Changes
- Removed property realtime from api/voice/queues/{id}/users endpoints
Version 2.3.10
- Added column sipcallid in report_call table
Version 2.3.7
- Added column transfer in report_agent table
- Added column transfertype in report_agent table
- Added column transferexten in report_agent table
- Added column transferuniqueid in report_agent table
- Added column agententerreason in report_agent table
- Added column systemanswertime in report_call table
- Added column ticketType in int_salesforce_configurations table
Version 2.3.3
- Changed charset type for tools_canned_asnwers table
- Changed datatype for appdata column in chat_applications table
- Changed datatype for appdata column in fax_applications table
- Changed datatype for appdata column in mail_applications table
- Changed datatype for appdata column in openchannel_applications table
- Changed datatype for appdata column in sms_applications table
Version 2.3.2
- Added column rltSupport in settings table
- Added encryption option for int_dynamics365_accounts table
- Added encryption option for int_servicenow_accounts table
Version 2.3.0
- Added column apiKeyNonce in users table
- Added column apiKeyIat in users table
- Added index on column uniqueid in report_call table
Version 2.2.6
- Changed charset type for mail_interaction table
- Added mandatoryDisposition and mandatoryDispositionPauseId column in voice_queues table
- Added mandatoryDisposition and mandatoryDispositionPauseId column in mail_accounts table
- Added mandatoryDisposition and mandatoryDispositionPauseId column in chat_websites table
- Added mandatoryDisposition and mandatoryDispositionPauseId column in sms_accounts table
- Added mandatoryDisposition and mandatoryDispositionPauseId column in openchannel_accounts table
- Added mandatoryDisposition and mandatoryDispositionPauseId column in fax_accounts table
Version 2.2.4
- Added unique index in int_desk_fields table
- Added unique index in int_freshdesk_fields table
- Added unique index in int_salesforce_fields table
- Added unique index in int_sugarcrm_fields table
- Added unique index in int_vtiger_fields table
- Added unique index in int_zendesk_fields table
- Added unique index in int_zoho_fields table
Version 2.2.3
- Changes size for inReplyTo column in mail_interactions table
- Changes size for messageId column in mail_messages table
Version 2.2.0
- Changed default value for phoneBarListenPort column
- Updated column type in sms_accounts table
Version 2.1.0
- Added column reportId in analytics_extracted_reports table
- Added column reportType in analytics_extracted_reports table
- Added column userProfileId in users table
- Added user_profiles table
- Added user_profile_has_sections table
- Added user_profile_has_resources table
- Added column apiKey in sms_account table
Version 2.0.84
- Added redis connection configuration (handle authentication)
Version 2.0.83
- Added column OwnerId in cm_hopper table
- Added column fb_data in cm_contacts table
- Added column baseUrl in sms_accounts table
- Added column queuecallerenterreason in report_queue table
- Updated column type in sms_accounts table
- Added redis connection configuration (no authentication)
- Applied restriction on listening IP address and TCP port for Cally Square service
Version 2.0.82
- Added column apiKey in sms_account table
- Updated column type in sms_accounts table
Version 2.0.81
- Added column telegram in cm_contacts table
- Updated column smsMethod in sms_accounts table
Version 2.0.77
- Added column preferred in settings table
- Added column defaultPreferred in settings table
Version 2.0.78
- Added encryption option for square_messages table
Version 2.0.77
- Added bot column in report_square table
- Added interface column in users table
- Added privacyEnabled column in users table
- Added square_messages table
Version 2.0.76
- Added hotdesk column in users table
- Added encryption option for report_<channel>_transfer tables
- Emptied sessions table
Version 2.0.73
- Added routeid column in report_call table
- Added originatecalleridnum column in cm_hopper_final table
- Added originatecalleridname column in cm_hopper_final table
- Added originatecalleridnum column in cm_hopper_history table
- Added originatecalleridname column in cm_hopper_history table
- Added wechat column in cm_contacts table
- Added fb_data column in cm_contacts table
Version 2.0.72
- Added uid_pname index in report_square table
- Added leaveAt index in report_square table
Version 2.0.71
- Added queueTransfer, queueTransferTimeout, agentTransfer, agentTransferTimeout columns in chat_websites table
- Added queueTransfer, queueTransferTimeout, agentTransfer, agentTransferTimeout columns in fax_accounts table
- Added queueTransfer, queueTransferTimeout, agentTransfer, agentTransferTimeout columns in openchannel_accounts table
- Added queueTransfer, queueTransferTimeout, agentTransfer, agentTransferTimeout columns in sms_accountstable
- Added enableCustomerCheckmarks column in chat_websites table
- Added systemAlias column in chat_websites table
- Added systemAvatar column in chat_websites table
- Added chatTimeout column in settings table
- Added phoneBarRememberMeEnabled column in settings table
- Added chatLicenseExceeded column in license table
- Added data7 column in tools_actions table
- Added auth-info log file
Version 2.0.70
- Added mohtime column in report_call table
- Added mohtime column in report_queue table
- Added encryption option for int_vtiger_accounts table
Version 2.0.69
API Changes
- Added associated queue in /api/chat/internal/messages/users
- Added /api/chat/interactions/{id}/custom_update endpoint
- Updated /api/voice/prefixes endpoints (POST, PUT methods)
- Added agent status (online/offline) in /api/auth/local endpoint
- Added /api/rpc/{voice|mail|chat|fax|openchannel|sms}/queues/{id} endpoints
- Added deadline and grayReason properties in /api/license endpoint
Socket event changes
- Improved {voice|chat|fax|mail|sms|openchannel}_queue:save events
- Improved user:save event
- Improved mailAccount:save event
- Added messageFontSize column in chat_websites table
- Added backgroudColor column in chat_websites table
- Added line column in cm_contacts table
- Added callerIdAll column in voice_prefixes table
- Added VoiceExtensionId column in voice_prefixes table
- Added VoicePrefixId column in voice_extensions table
- Added relationship between voice_extensions and voice_prefixes tables
- Added prefix column in report_call table
- Added unique index for name column in tools_sounds table
- Added int_vtiger_accounts, int_vtiger_configurations, int_vtiger_configuration_has_tags and int_vtiger_fields tables
- Changed type for answer column in report_jscripty_answers table
- Changed type for answer column in report_jscripty_questions table
- Added unique constraint for name column in tools_sounds table
- Removed prefix column in voice_prefixes table
Version 2.0.68
API Changes
- Added /api/openchannel/accounts/{id}/send endpoint
- Added /api/trunks/clone endpoint
- Moved static disposition (Fax, Answer Machine, Interested, Not Interested, Sold, Special) as global disposition
- Added mapKey column in openchannel_accounts table
- Added closeReason column in chat_interactions table
- Added messagesAlignment column in settings table
Version 2.0.67
- Added tools_dispositions table
- Added user_has_chat_website table
- Added user_has_mail_account table
- Added user_has_sms_account table
- Added user_has_fax_account table
- Added user_has_openchannel_account table
- Added originTo and originCc columns in mail_messages table
- Removed chat_dispositions table
- Removed email_dispositions table
- Removed sms_dispositions table
- Removed openchannel_dispositions table
- Removed fax_dispositions table