How to Manage Dispositions

How to Manage Dispositions

The Disposition is a label (or a set of labels, maximum in a three level hierarchy) that can be applied to each interaction record in order to better describe it.

For example, an Agent who has managed a call can use a disposition in order to indicate the type or resolution of the call itself, but this can be done for any type of interaction (as email, chat, sms, whatsapp messages, and so on) when this is closed. 

By default, the following dispositions are usually available on your system (if your Administrator has not deleted one or more of them) :

  • Fax

  • Answer Machine

  • Interested

  • Not Interested

  • Sold

  • Special

but new Dispositions which are more suitable to your organization can be easily created. In the Tools- Dispositions section the Administrator can add global dispositions available for all the environment, in addition to specific dispositions that can be created for specific environments (as lists, channel accounts and websites). 

To create a specific environment disposition, click on New Disposition  and enter the details:

  • Name: name of the disposition that will be displayed for agents managing contacts in this list

  • Description (optional)
  • First Level Disposition (optional): choose, from among the dispositions already present on the system, a disposition to which this refers in a two-level hierarchical relationship 
  • Second Level Disposition (Optional): choose, from among the dispositions already present on the system, a disposition to which this refers in a three-level hierarchical relationship 

Click Save to confirm. After the disposition is created, you can view, edit or delete it (in the List of Dispositions)

Multi level dispositions

You have the possibility to create multiple level (maximum 2) for each disposition:

In the example shown in the image above, when Agents close and dispose an interaction they can choose a single level or a multi-level disposition (for example the combination # 1 # 5 # 7 or the combination # 1 # 5 # 6)

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