Keep safe your data

Keep safe your data

In this article you can find our best practice to keep a backup of your Motion server configuration and logs (report tables).

If you are moving the data between two Motion server, please update the old server in order to have the same Motion release as the new one before starting the data migration.

Please note the followng steps are related to a standard installation, if you use custom script or application and/or custom DB on the XCALLY Motion server, you need to backup them according with your needs.

Basically you need to backup the Motion DB

Some tables could have a big size, specially the log and the report tables so you can decide if move the entire DB or exclude those tables.

Log and report tables are:




report_* (all the tables with prefix report_)

Further information about the Motion DB tables here: Motion DB Tables

Keep a copy of the entire folder /var/opt/motion2

You may need some files save into that folder, specially

  • the entire folder /var/opt/motion2/server/files (it contains audio files, mail attachments, etc)
  • The configuration file production.js under /var/opt/motion2/server/config/environment

The file contains the main XCALLY Motion configuration parameters and the key to decrypt the recordings files (if you use the encryption)  so it's very important you keep a copy of that file.

Asterisk configuration

  • keep a copy of all the files named _xcally_ in the /etc/asterisk folder (trunk configuration, custom extensions, etc..)
  • the recordings under /var/spool/asterisk/monitor (if you need to move them as well)

After the migration, please contact license@xcally.com to move the current license to the new server

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