XCALLY Shuttle
Here you can find all the documentation related to the XCALLY contact center suite.
If you need further help, do not hesitate to Contact us.
What are you looking for?
- xCally Shuttle Guide
- Agents
- Analytics
- Audio
- Cally Square
- Introduction
- Get started
- IVR Structure Blocks
- Examples & More
- Manipulate the CallerID
- Callback
- Advanced DISA
- Auto-attendant
- Ask for callback keeping the queue position
- Access to Voicemail from external DID
- Math block - array handler
- CSAT - CSI: forward customers to a Survey
- Play a sound file based on DID
- Multilanguage service handled by one queue only
- Email notification for inbound calls
- Loyal Engagement IVR script
- Database
- Request HTTP API resources
- Troubleshooting
- Contact Management
- Dashboard
- Dial Plan
- Queues
- Realtime
- Settings
- Tiger Dial
- Trunks
- Voicemail
- Annex - XCALLY DB Tables
- Security
- 3rd party app Integrations
- xCally Phonebar
- xCally Universal Bar
- Installation and Update
- How-to articles
- Ngnix configuration and Apache replacement
- Disable the Phonebar auto update
- Phonebar CTI integration
- Create the recordings rating report
- Update the Asterisk version
- Enable Secure Connection
- DID elaboration
- Transfer call report
- Call Parking
- Move the XCALLY database to a different server
- Change the voicemail sender address
- Customize Music On Hold
- Limit Calls on your System
- Custom recordings path
- Phonebar Silent Installation
- Phone bar SSL
- Queue position and holdtime announce
- Display custom data on Phonebar popup
- Save HDD space removing the old logs
- Introduce the agent to the caller before connecting the call
- Install AWS Polly
- Codec g729 installation guide
- Tracing calls that crossed a specific IVR block
- Chanspy: Notify to the agents that they are being spied
- Create a time slots metric
- Using a metric to get the SLA
- Global Variables
- Troubleshooting articles
- Asterisk CLI useful commands
- Dashboard and RealTime bad performance
- Dashboard empty values
- Desk.com troubleshooting guide
- Extract all rows
- IVR design appears empty
- IVR receives calls outside the configured time range
- IVR script debug
- Licensing & updates
- Monitoring the network traffic on specific ports
- Multiple calls issue
- Phonebar connection lost
- Phonebar installation recovery
- Phonebar log into Windows Event Viewer
- PHP Warning when AGISquare service starts
- Queue scalability
- TigerDial advanced debug monitor
- Trunk issue
- Voice quality
- Advanced tools
- Videos & Webinars
- Changelog
- Professional Services
- Contact Us
XCALLY Shuttle is the next xCALLY generation software suite, providing many key benefits if you are looking for a professional customer care solution for Asterisk.
Here are few of them:
- Responsive Supervisor HTML5 web interface
- Real Time Asynchronous Dashboards
- Support for 2 types of agent experiences:
- Windows CTI phone bar
- External CTI SIP phones
- Cally Square Drag and Drop IVR full Web HTML5 Asterisk IDE
- Integration with 3rd party software using the Shuttle or Motion Push Technology
- Advanced Reporting
- Advanced call routing management
- Linux CentOS super-easy installer
- Call recordings and Quality monitor
- Whisper and Barge-in
- Multiple agent status management (including ACW)
- Interaction disposal
- Call Back
- Automatic outbound dialer
- Restful API
- Triggers configuration for event driven automatisation
- Omni Channel interactions (Motion version)