Email notification for inbound calls
Email notification for inbound calls
A system application can be used in IVR to send an email notification whenever an inbound call is received. The following example show a simple IVR where an incoming call is routed to a menu option.
- In the menu, we insert the name of audio file to be played and we set appropriate values to response timeout, max digit and retry. We need to select a variable that will store the option selected by the caller.
- System application: The following is a command for sending email using mailx. (To install mailx use “ sudo yum install mailx”)
echo -e " This is the Body" | mail -s "This is the Subject" -r "<sender@example.com>" recipient@example.com
- Body message : " Caller Number: {CALLERID(num)} Choice: {CHOICE} Call Time: {CDR(ANSWER)} "
- Subject : "Caller Info"