Basically on Motion environment, admin/supervisor create agents, queues for the different channels (voice, chat, mail…) and he associate agents to queues.
So agents can manage multiple queues but at login they are registered on all queues for which they have relative skills. If Supervisor, based on expected calls volume, wants that an agent logins to certain queues e.g. in the morning and others in the afternoon, he can use Motion in different ways:
he can handle queues manually, by adding online agents to a specific queue by Realtime section (this operation is possible only with Supervisor/admin action)
he can configure Multiprofile feature in order to make the agent autonomous to connect to certain queues
he can set a Timing to force the agent to switch to another profile or to be available on a specific queue at a specific days and times
With Multiprofile solution, you can associate an agent to one or more Profiles (related to one or more queues). In this way when agent logins into Motion, he/she is able to decide on which profile work e.g. in the morning or in the afternoon.
In this example, with Multiprofile solution, Agent1 is enabled to:
Profile 1 (associated to Voice Queue “Talk Now” and Mail Queue “Assistance”)
Profile 2 (associated to Voice Queue “Tech Hour” and Chat Queue “Medical”)
Moreover it’s always available a default Personal profile, on which can be linked one or more queues (in this example Chat Queue “Support”).
If an agent uses a specific profile, he/she always inherits also queues for which he/she is enabled on Personal profile (this default profile is often associated with support or emergency queues for which agent must always be available).
After profile configuration, agents will see at login a drop-down menu with the list of profiles to which he/she is enabled + default personal profile.
Multiprofile feature is available for admin/supervisor configuration on the new experience - client interface. (Nothing changes for agents in terms of visualisation)
So on admin sidebar, when you click on Staff → Profiles section you will be redirected on the new interface
You can create a new profile, by inserting name and description (optional):
By editing profile, you can add queues of different channels
If supervisor forecasts that more calls will be received on a certain day/time on a specific queue, it is possible to create a timing:
• to force the agent to switch to another profile at a certain time
In this example if more calls are expected on 25th November from 11am to 4pm on Profile2, it’s possible to create a timing with this day/time indication to force agent to switch from Profile1 to Profile2 on a specific time (11am, instead of 1pm)
• to force the agent to remain on a specific Profile, setting on standby a certain queue for that agent, because of more expected calls on the other queue. In this case the association of the queue will be removed temporarily for that agent, which will be available to answer only on the set queue for the time considered.
In this example Agent1 is associated on Profile1 to Voice Queue “Talk Now” and Mail Queue “Assistance”. If more calls are expected on Voice Queue “Talk Now” on 4th September in the morning, it’s possible to create a timing with this day/time indication to force agent to be available only for Voice Queue “Talk Now” on that specific time. Mail Queue “Assistance” will be set on standby for that agent until the end of timing created.
Admin from profiles section can choose which queues set on stand by for the duration of the timing.