We'll explore the info uploaded on the Salesforce Case coming from WitiOp.
The Salesforce Case Owner is the WitiOp Agent who manages the conversation.
In the example, the Agent is agent.demo.
The Case Number is a progressive number generated by Salesforce.
The Salesforce Contact Name is the WitiOp customer who has contacted us.
If the customer name is saved on the Salesforce database, this field will show the contact name.
If the customer name is not saved on the Salesforce database, this field will show the number of the customer.
In the example, the customer with the number +3933.. is registered in WitiOp as Maria C.
Note that WitiOp customer database is detached from the Salesforce database. In fact, in the example, even if Maria C is saved into WitiOp, Salesforce shows only the contact number (because the number is not saved into its database).
The Title Case is composed by:
- Salesforce Contact Name
If the customer name is saved on the Salesforce database, this field will show the contact name.
If the customer name is not saved on the Salesforce database, this field will show the number of the customer.
- [WitiOp conversation Id]
In the example, the conversation Id is 1793.
A comment for each WhatsApp message in the conversation is created in the Case.
The comments from the customer and the agent are posted using different Salesforce users.
In the example, the WhatsApp messages for which comments have been added in the Case are those shown above.
On the left, there's the message sent by the customer; on the right the Agent's message.
The comment creation time is set to the WhatsApp message sent time.
Attachment are added to the comment as file (uploaded to SalesForce) or as link to WitiOp (depending on the configuration).
AddAttachments: if set to true attachments are uploaded to SalesForce, else are inserted as links to WitiOp.