XCALLY Motion can potentially be integrated with any ASR/TTS system based on MRCP.
In the following section you find an example of this kind of integration (Lumenvox).
Info |
This configuration activity is recommended for advanced users only (system engineers) |
Panel | |
LumenVox Integration
Configuring UniMRCP to work with LumenVox
Info |
UniMRCP is a pre-requisite of this integration: if it is not installed yet, see on this page how to do it. |
You need to configure:
- The mrcp.conf file in /etc/asterisk/
- The res-speech-unimrcp.conf file in /etc/asterisk/
- The unimrcpclient.xml in /usr/local/unimrcp/conf/
- The lumenvox.xml in /usr/local/unimrcp/conf/client-profiles/
Step 1: Configure res_unimrcp.so module by editing the mrcp.conf file
Here you can find a working mrcp.conf example (to be modified accordingly with your environment):
default-asr-profile = speech-lumenvox-mrcp1
default-tts-profile = speech-lumenvox-mrcp1
; UniMRCP logging level to appear in Asterisk logs. Options are:
log-level = DEBUG
max-connection-count = 100
offer-new-connection = 1
; rx-buffer-size = 1024
; tx-buffer-size = 1024
; request-timeout = 60
; +++ MRCP settings +++
version = 1
; +++ RTSP +++
; === RSTP settings ===
; Set this to the LumenVox Media Server's IP:
server-ip = X.X.X.X
server-port = 554
; force-destination = 1
resource-location = media
speechsynth = speechsynthesizer
speechrecog = speechrecognizer
; +++ RTP +++
; === RTP factory ===
; Set this to the XCALLY Motion machine's IP:
rtp-ip = X.X.X.X
; rtp-ext-ip = auto
rtp-port-min = 4000
rtp-port-max = 5000
; === RTP settings ===
; --- Jitter buffer settings ---res-speech-unimrcp.conf
playout-delay = 50
; min-playout-delay = 20
max-playout-delay = 200
; --- RTP settings ---
ptime = 20
codecs = PCMU PCMA L16/96/8000 telephone-event/101/8000
; --- RTCP settings ---
rtcp = 1
rtcp-bye = 2
rtcp-tx-interval = 5000
rtcp-rx-resolution = 1000
1) Set the server-ipdirective pointing to the Lumenvox Media Server IP.
2) Set the server-port directive tothe Lumenvox Media Server port.
3) Set the rtp-ipdirective pointingto the XCALLY Motion IP.
Info |
A copy of this file is available here: https://provisioning.xcally.com/files/packages/motion2/MRCP/mrcp.conf.lumenvox.example |
Step2: Configure res_speech_unimrcp.so modules by editing the res-speech-unimrcp.conf file
Here you can find a working res-speech-unimrcp.conf example:
; UniMRCP named profile. Options are:
;unimrcp-profile = uni2 ; UniMRCP MRCPv2 Server
;unimrcp-profile = uni1 ; UniMRCP MRCPv1 Server
;unimrcp-profile = lv2 ; LumenVox MRCPv2 Server
unimrcp-profile = lv1 ; LumenVox MRCPv1 Server
;unimrcp-profile = nss2 ; Nuance MRCPv2 Server
;unimrcp-profile = nss1 ; Nuance MRCPv1 Server
; UniMRCP logging level. Options are:
log-level = DEBUG
; Preloaded grammars
;grammar-name = path-to-grammar-file
; MRCPv2 properties (recognizer and generic header fields)
; http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-speechsc-mrcpv2-20#section-9.4
Recognition-Timeout = 20000
No-Input-Timeout = 15000
; MRCPv1 properties (recognizer and generic header fields)
; http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4463#section-8.4
Recognition-Timeout = 20000
No-Input-Timeout = 15000
1)Set theunimrcp-profiledirectiveto lv1 (LumenVox MRCPv1 Server).
Info |
A copy of this file is available here: https://provisioning.xcally.com/files/packages/motion2/MRCP/res-speech-unimrcp.conf.lumenvox.example |
Step 3: Configure the MRCP client profile by editing the lumenvox.xml file
Here you can find a working lumenvox.xml example (to be modified accordingly with your environment):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- UniMRCP client document -->
<unimrcpclient xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<!-- SIP MRCPv2 settings -->
<sip-settings id="LumenVox-SIP-Settings">
Server IP address can explicitly be specified per "sip-settings". Otherwise, the server IP
address defaults to "server-ip" set in the properties, which in turn defaults to "ip".
<!-- <server-ip></server-ip> -->
<!-- <force-destination>true</force-destination> -->
<!-- RTSP MRCPv1 settings -->
<rtsp-settings id="LumenVox-RTSP-Settings">
Server IP address can explicitly be specified per "rtsp-settings". Otherwise, the server IP
address defaults to "server-ip" set in the properties, which in turn defaults to "ip".
<!-- <server-ip></server-ip> -->
<!-- <force-destination>true</force-destination> -->
<param name="speechrecog" value="recognizer"/>
<!-- LumenVox MRCPv2 profile -->
<mrcpv2-profile id="lv2">
<!-- LumenVox MRCPv1 profile -->
<mrcpv1-profile id="lv1">
<!-- More profiles may follow. -->
1) Set the <server-ip>X.X.X.X</server-ip>sections pointing to the Lumenvox Media Server IP.
2) Set the <server-port>554</server-port>to the Lumenvox Media Server port.
Info |
A copy of this file is available here: https://provisioning.xcally.com/files/packages/motion2/MRCP/lumenvox.xml.example |
Step 4: Configure unimrcpclient by editing the unimrcpclient.xml file
Here you can find a working unimrcpclient.xml example (to be modified accordingly with your environment):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- UniMRCP client document -->
<unimrcpclient xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
If the attribute "type" is set to "auto", IP address is determined implicitly by the hostname.
This is the default setting.
<!-- <ip type="auto"/> -->
If the attribute "type" is set to "iface", IP address is determined by the specified name of
network interface/adapter.
<!-- <ip type="iface">eth0</ip>-->
IP address can also be specified explicitly.
<!-- <ext-ip>a.b.c.d</ext-ip> -->
Server IP address should be specified explicitly, unless the client and the server are located on
the same host. The server IP address can also be specified per <sip-settings> and <rtsp-settings>.
<!-- <server-ip>a.b.c.d</server-ip> -->
<!-- Factory of MRCP resources -->
<resource id="speechsynth" enable="true"/>
<resource id="speechrecog" enable="true"/>
<resource id="recorder" enable="true"/>
<resource id="speakverify" enable="true"/>
<!-- SofiaSIP MRCPv2 signaling agent -->
<sip-uac id="SIP-Agent-1" type="SofiaSIP">
By default, "ip" and "ext-ip" addresses, set in the properties, are used. These parameters can
explicitly be specified per "sip-uas" by means of "sip-ip" and "sip-ext-ip" correspondingly.
<!-- <sip-ip></sip-ip> -->
<!-- <sip-ext-ip>a.b.c.d</sip-ext-ip> -->
<ua-name>UniMRCP SofiaSIP</ua-name>
<!-- <sip-t1>500</sip-t1> -->
<!-- <sip-t2>4000</sip-t2> -->
<!-- <sip-t4>4000</sip-t4> -->
<!-- <sip-t1x64>32000</sip-t1x64> -->
<!-- <sip-timer-c>185000</sip-timer-c> -->
<!-- <sip-message-output>true</sip-message-output> -->
<!-- <sip-message-dump>sofia-sip-uac.log</sip-message-dump> -->
<!-- UniRTSP MRCPv1 signaling agent -->
<rtsp-uac id="RTSP-Agent-1" type="UniRTSP">
<!-- <request-timeout>5000</request-timeout> -->
<!-- MRCPv2 connection agent -->
<mrcpv2-uac id="MRCPv2-Agent-1">
<!-- <request-timeout>5000</request-timeout> -->
<!-- Media processing engine -->
<media-engine id="Media-Engine-1">
<!-- Factory of RTP terminations -->
<rtp-factory id="RTP-Factory-1">
By default, "ip" and "ext-ip" addresses, set in the properties, are used. These parameters can
explicitly be specified per "rtp-factory" by means of "rtp-ip" and "rtp-ext-ip" correspondingly.
<!-- <rtp-ip></rtp-ip> -->
<!-- <rtp-ext-ip>a.b.c.d</rtp-ext-ip> -->
<!-- Common (default) RTP/RTCP settings -->
<rtp-settings id="RTP-Settings-1">
<codecs>PCMU PCMA L16/96/8000 telephone-event/101/8000</codecs>
<!-- <codecs>PCMU PCMA L16/96/8000 PCMU/97/16000 PCMA/98/16000 L16/99/16000</codecs> -->
<!-- Enable/disable RTCP support -->
<rtcp enable="false">
RTCP BYE policies (RTCP must be enabled first)
0 - disable RTCP BYE
1 - send RTCP BYE at the end of session
2 - send RTCP BYE also at the end of each talkspurt (input)
<!-- RTCP transmission interval in msec (set 0 to disable) -->
<!-- Period (timeout) to check for new RTCP messages in msec (set 0 to disable) -->
1) Set the <ip></ip>pointing to localhost (Assuming XCALLY Motion and MRCP are on the same host).
2) Also verify the <codecs>PCMU PCMA L16/96/8000 telephone-event/101/8000</codecs>section.
Info |
A copy of this file is available here: https://provisioning.xcally.com/files/packages/motion2/MRCP/unimrcpclient.xml.example |