XCALLY section | Settings → General | ||||||||||||||
On this page |
In this section, you can configure the following general system settings:
🌍 Global
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Limits of various files that can be uploaded to Motion
📞 Motionbar
Auto Updater: you can enable/disable all the Phonebar Updates (this feature requires at least the version of the Motion Phonebar on the workstation in use). If this switch is disabled, the agents will not be informed if a newer Motion Phonebar release is available. The default URL for autoupdating is displayed in the panel (the Motion Administrator can change it using a different repository).
Remember Me toggle: enables or disables the RememberMe feature on the Agent Phonebar
📄 Report
Split Report: use this flag to disable splitting reports exceeding a configurable length. The default values are shown when this flag is enabled and can be changed.
🖥️ Agent Omni Desktop Interface
Enable Email Preview: this flag allows to enable the Agent to preview the last message exchanged in email interactions
Search on Enter key: if selected, the request starts only after pressing Enter. If not selected, the request starts only after having entered at least 5 characters, as well as after pressing Enter (available from Rel. 2.5.11). This option is valid for all the Omni Desktop Interface sections of the Agent and in the sections that allow the search of values within a table by Admin or User (e.g. the Hopper table, Accounts Interactions, Chat Offline Messages, etc)
Message Alignment: chose the way you want the messages from the Agent and the Customer are displayed in the interaction view. The possible choices are:
alternate (each message type is aligned to alternate sides of the the screen)
left (all messages of all types are aligned on the left side of the screen)
right (all messages of all types are aligned on the right side of the screen).
Interactions Reload Timeout for each channel (Chat/Email/OpenChannel/SMS Channels and WhatsApp Connector): enter here the value in seconds of how often you want the system to reload the interactions made for the channel in question (0 = real time update).
Preview Recall Me Reminder Interval: Time interval in minutes before which notification will be sent to the Agent informing him/her about Preview Recall Me Call to be made.
Interaction tabs limit: Maximum number of tabs that can be opened on the Agent Omni Desktop interface (by default 20 tabs).
When the maximum number of new tabs is reached, the Agent cannot have any further open tabs.
But consider that if for example Agent1 closes a tab of the managed Chat1, this interaction remains assigned to Agent1 anyway. So if relative customer writes another message on Chat1, the interaction is passed to Agent1 anyway (if he/she is online) without considering the realtime max interaction tabs limitEnable close all button: by enabling this option, agents can close all open tabs. The “Close All” button will be shown after the minimum amount of open tabs configured here (by default 2 tabs).
Search max days before limit: Maximum number of days Agents can set in Filtered Search. It represents the date range limitation (0 means no limitation) in filtered search for Agents Omnidesktop Interface in: Scheduled Calls, Voice, Abandoned calls, Recordings, Channels' Interactions sections. For example, if this value is set as 50 days, when Agents search last year Email Interactions, the system won’t show interactions and will return a message:
Agent Idle Auto Logout Timeout
Time interval in seconds before an automatic disconnection popup is presented to a WebRTC type agent, being idle (0=disabled). So for agents, it’s possible to enable the auto logout after the number of minutes indicated here in idle status (e.g. 300 seconds).
When an agent performs no operation for the number of seconds configured in the parameter, a modal is shown with the message “Disconnection due to inactivity”
If agent does not click on CONTINUE within 60 seconds, he will be automatically disconnected (otherwise the inactivity timer is reset).
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Consider that if the agent passes in pause status, the auto-logout functionality is to be suspended. When the agent comes out of the pause, the functionality must be reactivated and the timer restarted from zero. |
the inactivity timer is reset).
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Consider that if the agent passes in pause status, the auto-logout functionality is to be suspended. When the agent comes out of the pause, the functionality must be reactivated and the timer restarted from zero. |
Status | ||||
If you want, it’s possible to enable the Agent Assistant Quick button to add a quick open button in the sidebar to enable the Agent Assistant
Status | ||||
Enable Default pause to agents: this flag enables or disables the Default Pause function for all agents.
The option is enabled by default and in this case if agent goes in pause status he can select Default pause. Otherwise with disabled flag, the agent is forced to select a specific pause (when he tries to click on Default Pause, a menu appears to choose a specific pause option)
Status | ||||
Enable reschedulation to agents: this flag enables or not the option for the agent to reschedule the email interactions
🔴 Screen Recording
You can insert in this section the path where to save the files produced using the screen recording function. If you want to use the default destination path (Video/AgentId_AgentName/<year>/<month>/<day>/) do not insert anything here.
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If the path you specify here is not found on the local PC, it will be created, unless the Agents have not the write permissions on the resource (in this case the files will be saved in the default path) |
🔐 Security
Security Suite (Default=Enabled for new installations, Default=Disabled for installation updates): this setting enables a set of security rules for Administrators, Agents, Telephones and Users accounts. If these rules are not enabled, you have no constraints in password length or duration. If they are enabled, this means that:
The secure password format allowed is:
Minimum length of 8 characters
At least one lowercase letter
At least one uppercase letter
At least one digit
At least one symbol in the range ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.
The password is automatically reset and must be reinserted at the first user/admin or agent login (this doesn't apply to telephones): remember that the new password must be different from the old one.
Password Lifespan: The number of days before the password expires and needs to be changed (this rule applies only to users/admin and agents, not to telephones)
Voice Recording Encryption: if this option is enabled, the files containing voice calls recordings will be encrypted applying the AES-192 algorithm (see infobox below). This option will better protect your data from unauthorized use or file system breach and is highly recommended if in the stored voice calls there are sensitive or personal data. The encryption is turned off only if the files containing the voice recordings are accessed from the Motion user interface.
Allowed login attempts before locking: in this field, the Administrator can set how many incorrect login attempts will be accepted before a user/agent becomes temporary blocked (Default=5; Unlimited=0)
Minutes to wait before automatic unlock: in this field the Administrator can set the amount of time a user must wait after being blocked for exceeding the maximum number of wrong login attempts (Default=10; No automatic unlock=0).
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What to know Administrators can define what is the maximum number of incorrect login attempts that the system can allow: when the number of attempts allowed is reached, the account of whoever exceeds it is temporarily blocked. It can be unlocked:
Note: in both cases, the agent/user is asked to contact the administrator to unlock the account. The default values apply only to new installations: both of the two named above fields are Disabled (value=0) for installation updates. |
Enforce Password History: when this selector is enabled, every time you change your password the system prevents you from using one you have already used before (remember: by default when you change a password you can never reuse the current one). The number of previous passwords to be checked can be entered in the field made available when this selector is active. The value must be less than or equal to 12.
Disable MFA for all users: If toggle button is checked, Multifactor authentication will be disabled for all users. Users won’t be able to enable or disable MFA.
Enforce MFA for Agents: Enforce agents to activate and use multifactor authentication to login
Enforce MFA for Users: Enforce users to activate and use multifactor authentication to login
Enforce SSO login for Agents: Enforce agents to use single sign on authentication to login
Enforce SSO login for Users: Enforce users to use single sign on authentication to login
Privacy Policy switch set that allows you to enable masking the:
Email Addresses: insert the number of characters of the customers' email addresses you want to be masked to the Users/Agents for whom data protection with Mask Sensitive Data has been selected;
Names: insert the number of characters of the customers' names you want to be masked to the Users/Agents for whom data protection with Mask Sensitive Data has been selected;
Numbers: insert the number of digits of the customers' phone you want to be masked to the Users/Agents for whom data protection with Mask Sensitive Data has been selected;
You can activate or deactivate each of the switches related to the elements whose privacy you want to ensure.
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To understand how to set this function, please refer to the Agent Permissions. |
Cookies Banner: Enable/disable the Cookies banner for Administrators, Agents, and Users accounts.
Login Mail Frequency (sec): insert here the Email Channel fetch frequency (in seconds). Remember to restart the email service after the change (go to Settings→System Processes)
Switch to Enable/Disable Single Sign-On with Google
Switch to Enable/Disable Single Sign-On with Active Direcory (Active Directory SSO)
Switch to Enable/Disable Single Sign-On with SAML (SAML SSO)
📞 WebRTC
Auto Gain Control: AGC can automatically adjust the microphone volume , so that participants receive a certain volume level , will not change the speaker and the microphone distance
Echo Cancellation: AEC removes echoes, reverberation, and unwanted added sounds from a signal that passes through an acoustic space
Noise Suppression: NS reduces background audio noise from surrounding environment, providing greater clarity
⭐ Quality Analysis
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To use Quality Analysis you need to enable it on your license |
👥 Microsoft Teams Voice Connector
It is possible to enable MT users' presence visibility to Agents from their Omnidesktop Interface.
Enter the parameters of the application previously created in the Azure Portal:
MT Tenant ID: Insert the Directory (tenant) ID value
MT App ID: Insert the Application (client) ID value
Visit this page for further info: https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XM/pages/1916305416/Microsoft+Teams+Voice+Connector#XCALLY-Configuration
⏱️ Date/Time Formats
It is possible to choose the format that best respects your habits for:
The configuration is applied to the entire XCALLY environment.
Moreover if admin wants to set a different format for report, he can modify it from his user area, clicking on Profile → Manage Date/Time Format
So admin can use global settings or set a desired formats (for date/time, date, time, duration, timezone and reports date/time).
If he chooses a personal reports date/time format, reports will be exported with the relative one.