In this section you find the description of the features that Vidaoo offers to a User (The solution is different if you are a user or an administrator!)
A User is a member of the Vidaoo Service within a specific Account, who can only use non-administrative functions (the latter are the responsibility of the System Administrator).
The Administrator can define different types of access to the Vidaoo platform by assigning or limiting certain permissions to groups of Users: to do this, he/she just define the Role that each group of Users must have and set each User's profile with it.
To log in as User go to:
and enter:
the ID of your Account (this information must be given to you by the Vidaoo Administrator)
the User name or email (same as above)
the User password (same as above)
The Menu that is displayed to the User and the list of functions available depend on the Authorizations linked to the Role chosen for this account by the Administrator (in the example below the User is an Agent):
Following your profile data, you will find some Dashboard Cards, in which some of the User are shown (e.g. Upcoming Meetings, Recordings), like the following example:
Users Roles
The default Roles for a Vidaoo User are:
Account (usually used by the Vidaoo Account Manager or Administrator), which has a full control of all the Vidaoo functions
Developer (a role of whoever has the function of developing solutions on Vidaoo)
In this section we will deal with the menu sections and commands that are available to users with a profile belonging to a standard role (Agent or Kiosk).
The default Agent is able to use all the typical functions of Vidaoo (plan and start meetings, set the custom buttons to be used, record a meeting, and so on) but the Agent but will not be able to configure the environment or create other users or roles:
A Kiosk default User will only be able to interact using a kiosk device (e.g.: starting a meeting session, enabling/disabling camera/microphone, closing a meeting and so on):
In addition to these default roles, the Administrator can create custom Roles and assign specific permissions to the users who belong to them: it follows that the menu and the commands that will be available for a User will be directly related to the Role that has been assigned to that User.
This is the Agent User Profile:
In the upper section you will find all the information about the User (name, id, account, email, etc.) and the list of permissions associated with the User Role (i.e. the Agent).
The lower section shows some of the User's activities (e.g. Upcoming Meetings, Recordings) in the dashboard cards, as in the following example:
You can click on the button you find on the right up corner of each dashboard to go to the related Section or click on the corresponding menu item.
In this section you can list all open Meetings and setup new ones.
There is a list of all future meetings. For each meeting there is the following information and the ability to filter:
Id: meeting identifier
Topic: Topic inserted in case of creation of the meeting; and the word «meeting» in case of a quick meeting
Creator: the person who created the meeting
Type: Scheduled or quick meeting. By default, only the scheduled meeting is visible. Use the filters to view the quick meeting and / or both.
Created at: when the meeting was created
Scheduled at: meeting scheduling date
You can use the command bar on the up right side in order to:
Create: create a scheduled meeting
Edit: edit and eventually update the meeting selected from the list
Delete: permanently delete the meeting selected from the list
Refresh: refresh the table rows
Filter: hide/show filters
Export: export the current table rows in a csv format file
Copy Link: copy the meeting link to clipboard
Backgrounds: you can uploads images to use as backgrounds during meetings
Join Meeting: you can select the meeting (prepared in advance) from the list and click here to join
Start new Meeting Now: use this button to instantly activate a new meeting
Create a Scheduled Meeting
To create a new Meeting click :
and insert:
Topic: the subject of the meeting
Scheduled at: date and time of the meeting (click on the calendar icon to choose the date and time)
Duration: move the selector to determine the length of the meeting (minimum 15 minutes). The duration of the meeting is indicative for the participants and will not make the session expire at the end of the indicated time
Add Participants (optional): insert here the email addresses of all the people you want to invite to the meeting (insert the address, then click + and it will be moved in the Participants List)
Note (optional): insert here a note about the meeting
Buttons (optional): choose from the list the custom buttons you want to appear in the user interface (must have been created before). The buttons associated to a meeting will only be available on the user interface of authenticated participants, not for guests
Feedback: enable/disable the possibility to give a feedback at the end of the meeting.
Save your new meeting.
If you want to share the link of the Meeting with other participants, just find it on the Meetings List and the link will be copied to the clipboard:
so you can paste and share it with anyone you want.
Now your meeting is ready, when it's time to start just select it and click :
and the Participants you inserted as email addresses that received the invitation will join you.
You can also click and invite someone else instantly (those will be considered as Guests, not as Participants).
The Meeting session cannot be started if the date set for it has already passed (in this case the |
You can easily and quickly create a new Meeting: just click on the icon and the meeting will be started instantly:
Click and send the meeting link to the people you want invite to join the conversation. When they click on the link the meeting session is started:
The Recordings section contains the list of video conversations that have been recorded:
On the right top side of the window you find the commands that can be applied to the Recordings list. Click on:
to edit Recording details, e.g. the label
to refresh the list
to show/hide the filters that can be applied on the list
to export the list contents in a csv file.
Set or edit the Recording Label
Click Details
change or insert the Label name and Save.
Download Recordings
Click on the button Download to download the file containing the recording. The file will contain the meeting session and any other contents belonging to the meeting (e.g. the screen sharing flows).
When Vidaoo is integrated with another application through APIs, the string Download* indicates a direct download link.
Recordings Status
You can filter the list view by Status, selecting one or more of the proposed values:
Recordings have the following status:
Deleted: When Vidaoo is integrated with another application through APIs, it is possible to visualize deleted recordings.
The full list of all the available custom buttons is available in the section Buttons.
In this section you'll find all the custom Buttons already created for your account:
You can use the command bar on the up right side in order to:
Edit: view the button selected from the list
Refresh: refresh the table rows
Filter: hide/show filters
Export: export the current table rows in a csv format file.
Click a button in the list, then to see all its characteristics:
You will find how to manage Vidaoo Meetings here!