VIDAOO Meeting Management

VIDAOO Meeting Management




Join a meeting

When you start a meeting or receive an invitation to join a meeting, Vidaoo presents some information that can be changed before joining the meeting:

  • if the permissions to join using a Camera and a Microphone are enabled, you'll see them as active  but you can easily deactivate them 

  • you can change the default Camera, Microphone and Speaker clicking

  • you can change the nickname under which you will show yourself as a participant of the meeting with a new one. To do this click  and type another name:


and the nickname you have chosen will be displayed from now on in your meetings until you change it

  • you can copy the address of the meeting and invite other participants to join.

When you're ready, click Join and you will be transferred to the conference room, waiting for the other participants to join as well:

When at least the first one joins the meeting can start:

Meeting session


The UI of VIDAOO is very simple and intuitive: let's explore all the features you can use during a meeting session.

Entering a VIDAOO meeting session, you’ll see a window like the one in the example below, with specific section shown in the next paragraphs.







The participant entering the meetings goes full screen.

You can switch the contents of the major screen by clicking one of the preview boxes below.




All the other participants are represented in the preview boxes at the bottom of the screen.

Each participant has a preview box and his/her Nickname is shown under the video thumbnail.




On the bottom line you find (Some of the listed button are available only for payment plans):

  • the time elapsed since the start of the meeting (i.e. since the first participant joined the meeting) on the left side

  • Buttons, that is the commands that can be used during the meeting. If you hover over a button, the system highlights its name. In addition to the default buttons, "custom" buttons can be displayed (click here to see how to create new buttons for your organization). You can use these buttons to activate / deactivate the available functions:





Pause/Restart videocamera. When you deactivate a function, the button is shown in red

Mute/unmute audio. When you deactivate a function, the button is shown in red

Share your desktop or a specific application window contents (this action will open a new preview box at the bottom of the screen containing the shared contents)

Start/stop recording.

When you click to start recording a meeting, all participants will see a red border on the main window informing them that registration is active. When the recording is stopped, the file is made available (its Status becomes Ready) in the Recordings section.

Access to other buttons 

Enable/disable full screen (it is possible to activate full screen also with double click on the screen)

Select background filters (choose the blur option or an uploaded image)

Snap a picture from the video

End the meeting (for yourself or for all the participants)



From the Settings section, you can:

  • set Auto framing focus: enabling this feature, the focus is automatically set on the speaking participant

  • choose the devices (Camera, Microphone and Speaker) to use during the meeting session

  • enable/disable chat notifications




From the right sidebar you can access to:

  • the Participants Tab which shows the participants' nickname and devices (in action or disabled).

The participant who is speaking is highlighted in blue (as shown below).


  • the Chat Tab, where you can exchange text messages and files with the other Meeting participants (see below)

Chat during a meeting


During the Meeting session you can chat and exchange files with the other participants.

  • Click on the Sidebar tab Chats and start typing your messages in the input box below. Then press enter or click  and the message is sent to the other participants.

  • When there is a new message, participants will receive a notification  either in chat tab and in fullscreen mode

Notifications can be disabled from the Chat Settings:

Main Functionalities

Main Functionalities

  • notification when one of the participants joined and left the meeting

  • notification when the recording started and stopped

  • notification when one of the participants is typing a message

  • attach&send files (the size of each can be up to 15MB): click  and eventually enter a text comment

  • receive&download files: click on the file name or click the download icon edit the messages you sent: click on message box menu  and then click the edit icon   

  • delete the messages you sent: click on message box menu  then click the delete icon  and any time you delete a message this will be noted on the chat messages list

  • mention people: type @ in the text input box and the system will show you the list of all the participants among which to choose

  • reply to a specific message: click the message box menu and then and the message you're replying to will be shown in the same box


  • attached image preview: it is possible to preview the attached image (clicking on it), before downloading it

  • drag and drop files (the size of each can be up to 15MB): upload files with drag&drop mode and preview the attachments 


Give a feedback

At the end of the meeting, if enabled, it is possible to give a feedback.

See here how to enable this feature when creating the scheduled meeting.


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