Version 1.1.11
Changed “latest conversations” to “Conversations history”. It is now possible to filter conversations by date and agent.
Added conversation duration in “Conversation history” and in the data exported from “Data export“
Added maximum agent sessions in the tenant admin profile
Added speech recognition (Chrome and Edge only). The tenant admin can enable one or more language in the Settings page. Agents can select one of the enabled language while managing a conversation.
Added 2FA (via authenticator app). Any user can enable 2FA from the profile.
Version 1.1.10
Added “Bypass bot” flag in customer.
It is now possible to transfer a conversation managed by the bot to an agent/skillset (Tenant admin only)
Upgraded signalR client library to v6.0.1
Version 1.1.9
Added bot configuration page
Added integrations configuration page
Added data export to download Excel/CSV containing data about conversations, conversations status and users status.
Added an option to allow/reject attachments from the customers
Added options to automatically close conversations for inactivity
Bot dlls are reloaded automatically when they are changed
Version 1.1.8
Added “Isolated user”. Isolated users can only access conversations that were managed by an agent from the same skillset.
Added “Campaign manager” user profile. The campaign manager can ony send outbound campaigns.
Added service status details in the toolbar. Shows if the service is open/closed.
Added user profile page