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When you Edit an IVR Campaign you find the following information:

1. Clone the campaign

4. Reset List

2. Add list

5. Go to Realtime

3. Add blacklist

6. Save Changes

In the first 4 Tabs you can set the
IVR campaign parameters:
Retry Settings

In the latter 4 Tabs you can find the
IVR campaign logs:


The General settings of the IVR Campaign can be edited here:

  • Name

  • Active/Inactive: With the toggle-switch, you can START or STOP the IVR Campaign. Please note that the Campaign runs only if the status "Active" is chosen. 

  • Trunk and Trunk Backup (if the main trunk is unreachable, the system will check if the trunk backup is available)

  • Time interval 

  •  Check Duplicate Option

  • Cut Digits: insert the number of the caller id digits to prevent the customer to view (0 for none).

  • Description (optional)


In this Section you can set:

  • name of the chosen IVR Callysquare Project

  • Max concurrent calls:the maximum number of concurrent calls that will be originated by the dialer for this campaign (Default=30)

  • Caller ID Name: when the dialer generates calls to contacts, it will set the outgoing caller ID name.

  • Caller ID Number: when the dialer generate calls to contacts, it will set the outgoing caller ID number.

  • Random Outgoing CallerId Number: the number of digits (starting from the end) to replace with random digits (0= none).

  • Originate Timeout: time in seconds the dialer waits for a contact to answer the call. If the call is not answered within the originate timeout, the call originate status will be set to No Answer and this contact will be recalled (according to global max retries, no answer max retries and no answer retry time set in the Retry Settings Section)

  • Telephone Prefix (if any): You can add numbers and/or "+" symbol. The Prefix will be added to every contact of the lists associated to the campaign. 

Retry Settings


  • Global max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact irrespective of the reason the call failed (Default=4). The dialer tries to call the contact up to the number of times set in global max retries field, then it will consider the contact closed and doesn't call him again, even if unsuccessful.


  • Congestion Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for congestion reason (Default=3).

  • Congestion Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for congestion reason (Default=150). The dialer will call for congestion up to the global max retries is not reached. If congestion max retries limit is reached before global max retries, the contact will be closed for congestion and will not be called again.


  • Busy Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for busy reason (Default=3).

  • Busy Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before calling again a contact failed for busy reason (Default=150). The dialer will recall after busy up to the global max retries is not reached. If busy max retries limit is reached before global max retries, the contact will be closed for busy and will not be called again.

No Answer

  • No Answer Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for no answer reason (Default=3).

  • No Answer Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for no answer reason (Default=150). The dialer will recall after no answer up to the global max retries is not reached. If no answer max retries limit is reached before global max retries, the contact will be closed for no answer and will not be called again.

No Such Number

  • No Such Number Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for no such number reason (default=3).

  • No Such Number Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for no such number reason (default=150). The dialer will recall for no answer max retries as long as the global max retries is not reached. If no such number max retries is exhausted before global max retries, the contact will be closed for no such number and will not be called again.


  • Drop Number Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for drop reason (default=3).

  • Drop Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for drop reason (default=150). The dialer will recall for drop max retries as long as the global max retries is not reached. If drop max retries is exhausted before global max retries, the contact will be closed for drop and will not be called again.


  • Abandoned Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for abandoned reason (default=3).

  • Abandoned  Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for abandoned reason (default=150). The dialer will recall for abandoned max retries as long as the global max retries is not reached. If abandoned max retries is exhausted before global max retries, the contact will be closed for abandoned and will not be called again.


  • Machine Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for machine reason (default=3).

  • Machine Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for machine reason (default=150). The dialer will recall for machine max retries as long as the global max retries is not reached. If machine max retries is exhausted before global max retries, the contact will be closed for machine and will not be called again.

Agent Reject

  • Agent Reject Max retries: the maximum number of times the dialer will recall a contact failed for agent reject reason (default=3).

  • Agent Reject Retry Time: time in minutes the dialer will wait before recalling a contact failed for agent reject reason (default=150). The dialer will recall for agent reject max retries as long as the global max retries is not reached. If agent reject max retries is exhausted before global max retries, the contact will be closed for agent reject and will not be called again.


Order by scheduledat: choose how to order the list in the Hopper (desc/asc)

Remember: the Contacts in the Hopper are dialed by Priority first, then by ScheduledAt

Global interval

The include syntax is defined like this:
<time range>,<days of week>,<days of month>,<months>
<time range>= <hour>':'<minute>'-'<hour>':'<minute>
<days of week> = <dayname>
| <dayname>'-'<dayname>
| "*"
<dayname> = "sun" | "mon" | "tue" | "wed" | "thu" | "fri" | "sat"
<days of month> = <daynum>
| <daynum>'-'<daynum>
| "*"
<daynum> = a number, 1 to 31, inclusive
<hour> = a number, 0 to 23, inclusive
<minute> = a number, 0 to 59, inclusive
<months> = <monthname>
| <monthname>'-'<monthname>
| "*"
<monthname> = "jan" | "feb" | "mar" | "apr" | "may" | "jun" | "jul" | "aug" | "sep" | "oct" | "nov" | "dec"
daynames and monthnames are not case-sensitive.
If you replace an option with *, it is ignored when matching

Before calling a contact the system checks if the global interval is OK and then it considers the other interval set (default: 07:00-22:00,*,*,*)

Please note that the system default Global Interval is from 7 AM to 10 PM: it means that the campaign will never be operational out of this range unless you change it, even if the Time Interval in the General Settings is set to always.

We advise you to pay attention to the regulations that apply to calls campaigns in your country.

Moreover you need to define timezone

Before calling a contact the system checks if the time is right. In this field you can choose a different time zone for the specific campaign you're configuring

e.g.: if you have a server in Italy and you configure a global interval (18:00-20:00,*,*,*) and timezone Australia/Sydney, the system will start to call in Sydney when it is 18:00 and in Italy when it is 10:00.
Pay attention that the timezone is related to the campaign (not to single contacts). It is better to separate the list of contacts with different timezone

  • AMD (Answering Machine Detection): set this flag if you want the system try to detect Answering Machine. When you set this flag to yes you need to insert all the parameters (see the picture below) which are necessary in order to tune your actual system properly.

Be sure you are enough skilled to do this: this may cause losing contacts interactions if the system doesn't recognize properly a human from a machine answering! For more information see asterisk documentation Here.

Monitoring IVR Campaigns

The Sections useful for monitoring IVR Campaigns are the following:


The four widgets on top show:

  • Total: the total number of contacts in the list

  • Fresh: total number of contacts that are in line to be dialed by the dialer for the first time

  • Open: total number of contacts that have been dialed (at least once) and are still in line to be dialed

  • Closed: is the total number of contacts already called and closed

The Hopper contains list of contacts that are going to be called by the dialer at a scheduled time: 

  • When you add a list in a IVR campaign, all contacts in the list are placed in the hopper. 

  • When you add new contacts in the associated list, the system will automatically add the new contacts to the hopper.

The contacts scheduled at the same time will be called according to their priority level (0=Lowest | 1=Low | 2=Medium | 3=High | 4=Highest)

The contacts Priority and Scheduled At can be changed (Edit the Hopper Contact). To know more about ScheduledAt ordering see here.

Before placing a call to a contact in the hopper, the dialer checks if the contact exists in the blacklist and skips it if it does exist.


Hopper History contains history of calls originated by the dialer. Status, start time and end time of every call that was dialed by the dialer is logged in the hopper history:

Click here for the Calls Status List Table


Hopper Final contains list of closed contacts (because successfully managed or for other reasons). 

You can copy one or many contacts from Final to Hopper: they will be restored in the Hopper and the Dialer will call them again.

This function is not allowed:

  • if they have Final Status=Answered

  • if a Contact Id or Phone is already in the Hopper (this prevents multiple identical contacts to be restored in the Hopper) for the same campaign

Once you restore a contact, this is not moved from Final to the Hopper but a new entry is added to the Hopper.

  • If a contact is successfully connected to an agent, the contact is moved from the Hopper to Hopper Final and will not be called again.

  • If a call has failed, the number of times it failed (for congestion, busy and no answer) will be shown in the Hopper as long as the max retries limit is not reached. When the max retries are exhausted, the contact will be moved to the Hopper Final and the status will show the reason why the contact has been closed.

  • Once contacts are moved to the Hopper Final, if you remove the list from the campaign and add it again, only open contacts (contacts that are not in the Hopper Final) are placed in the Hopper and dialed by the dialer. This will avoid unnecessary calls to closed contacts.

Click here for the Calls Status List Table.

How to Restore Contacts

You can restore contacts in several ways:

  • clicking on this button you can select one of the Calls Status List to restore, choosing among those available from the pop-up screen:

In this case, all contacts whose phone id is not already in the Hopper will be restored.

  • selecting one item in the list and click on 3 dots menu and then choose Restore contact (only if the contact id is not already in the Hopper)

  • selecting one or more items clicking the corresponding checkboxes and then click this icon (only if the contact id is not already in the Hopper):  


Here you find the list of all those contacts that must be excluded from the campaign. So if you choosed before a blacklist, here you can see the list of all contacts.

Calls Status

In the Hopper Final and History views you can see the status of the call the dialer has handled: 






the number doesn’t exists



the system reached max no answer retry (e.g. the customer didn't answer 3 times)



the contact is being managed by an agent



the system reached max ‘busy' retry (e.g. the customer's phone was busy 3 times)



the system reached max ‘congestion' retry



the customer answered but the system hung up the call for timeout on the queue.



the customer answered but the customer hangup the call before being connected to an agent



the system did not recognize the error status



the system found the contact in the blacklist



the system tried to originate the call but an error occurred



the system reached max ‘global’ retry



the call was forwarded to a callysquare ivr. This is only for campaigns that have the callysquare project field set in the campaign



only if the Asterisk AMD application is active and channel variable AMDSTATUS is set as HANGUP



only if the Asterisk AMD application is active and channel variable AMDSTATUS is set as MACHINE



in the Preview method: if the agent accepts a call and, before the customer answers, the agent hangs up



only if the Administrator deletes a contact from the Hopper



if the Recall In Queue function is disabled and the Recall Me Timeout is expired



if the Recall In Queue function is enabled and the Recall Me Timeout is expired



if the Contact Status has been modified in the Hopper

  • No labels