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Table of Contents

📋 What’s about

This group of boxes - answer, hangup, internal dial, external dial, queue, voicemail, callback - can be used to manage the beginning and the end of a call from a Telephony point of view.


For additional information please refer to the Asterisk  Applications Guide

◾ Answer

This box picks up the call and opens the voice channel as well

  • Label: here you can type a short description of the box

  • Timeout: here you can set a timeout in seconds the customer will wait before the system picks up the call. During that period the customer will hear to the “Music On Hold” if it is configured on your server.

Exit Arrows

This box provides just one arrow out to the next step

◾ Hangup

This box hangs up the call to the customer on the remote party


Label: here you can type a brief description of the box

Exit Arrows

 This box has no exit arrow

◾ Internal Dial

Schermata 2020-11-12 alle 14.20.41.pngImage Added

This box performs the standard Asterisk Dial command towards an internal phone

  • Label: here you can type a brief box description

  • SIP:  the agent that you want to call (i.e. john.doe (998))

  • Timeout: the maximum dial time in seconds (default is 60 s). 

  • Options: here you can type the asterisk dial options parameter (it is optional).

  • URL: this parameter will also be sent to the called party upon successful connection (it is optional)

Exit Arrows

This box provides just one arrow out to the next step

◾ External Dial

This box performs the standard Asterisk Dial command towards an external phone

  • Label: here you can type a brief box description

  • Phone: the number that you want to call (i.e. 012345678)

  • Trunk: the trunk that you want to use for the call

  • Timeout: the maximum dial time in seconds (default is 60 s). 

  • Options: here you can type the asterisk dial options parameter (optional). Refer to the Asterisk’s wiki.

  • URL: this parameter will also be sent to the called party upon successful connection (optional)

◾ Queue

This box performs the standard Asterisk Queue command to manage calls to a Queue (especially useful for ACD or asterisk call center applications).


  • Label: here you can type a brief box description

  • Queue name: name of the Asterisk pre-defined queue

  • Options: queue command options. It may contain zero or more of the following characters:

    • d: data-quality (modem) call (minimum delay)

    • h: it allows the callee to hang up by pressing *

    • H: it allows the caller to hang up by pressing *

    • n: no retries on the timeout: it exits this application and goes to the next step

    • r: ringing instead of playing MOH

    • R: stops moh and rings once an agent is ringing (Asterisk Trunk)

    • t: it allows the called user to transfer the calling user

    • T: it allows the calling user to transfer the call.

    • w: it allows the called user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor

    • W: it allows the calling user to write the conversation to disk via Monitor

    • c: continuing in the dialplan if the callee hangs up (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above)

    • i: it ignores the call forward requests from queue members and do nothing when they are requested (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above)

    • k: it allows the called party to enable parking of the call by sending the DTMF sequence defined for call parking in features.conf (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above)

    • K: it allows the calling party to enable parking of the call by sending the DTMF sequence defined for call parking in features.conf (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).

    • x: it allows the called user to write the conversation to disk via MixMonitor (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).

    • X: it allows the calling user to write the conversation to disk via MixMonitor (Asterisk 1.6.0 and above).

  • Timeout: time in seconds a call will wait in the queue before it is routed to the next priority in the dialplan; it is mandarotry to insert a value.

  • URL: external URL (when supported)

  • AGI: AGI script invoked when a queue member answers the call

  • macro: run a macro on the called party's channel (the queue member) once the parties are connected

  • gosub: run a gosub on the called party's channel (the queue member) once the parties are connected

  • position: attempt to enter the caller into the queue at the numerical position specified (e.g.: 1 would attempt to enter the caller at the head of the queue, 3 would attempt to place the caller third in the queue, and so on)

Exit Arrows

This box provides just one arrow out to the next step

◾ Voicemail

This box performs the standard Asterisk Voicemail command** to route your call flow to a pre-defined Asterisk voicemail box and context.


Exit Arrows

This box provides just one arrow out to the next step

◾ Callback

The callback block will add the contact in the selected contact manager list. Please remember to associate the list to a queue campaign for Motion Bull to call thecontact at the scheduled time.



A callback scenario is something in which your customers waiting in queue can optionally be diverted to a callback capability. Such capability invites the customer to leave the queue, thus the call centre will call him/her back in a lighter traffic period. This feature is mostly used with a queue campaign and it works only if you have the Motion Dialer license



Let’s suppose that Queue campaign time interval is from 8:00-18:00 and Callback Delay is 30 min. If a customer calls in at 17:40 and decides to be called back, the contact will be scheduled for 18:10. Keep in mind that this is out of the campaign time interval hence Motion Bull will call the contact in the next valid time interval and when there is at least one available agents.

  • Label: here you can type a brief description of the box

  • Name: Caller name. Default: {CALLERID(name)}

  • Last Name: Caller last name

  • Phone: the phone number of the customer that you want to call back. Default: {CALLERID(num)}.

  • List: contact manager list where the contact will be added.

  • Delay [min]: time in minutes from NOW (current time) to schedule a contact. Here you can insert a value that defines when the customer will be called. 

  • Priority: add a contact with a specific priority.

Exit Arrows

 This box has one exit arrow

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