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What is a Telephone?
📋 What’s about
Telephone is a PBX extension for inbound and outbound calls.
A telephone account can manage only the voice channel interactions.
💡 The Telephone Section
You can find the Telephone section under the Staff menu.
Create a Telephone
To create a telephone click the New Telephone button
Edit/Modify a telephone
Edit telephone profile to update telephone information:
Here you find two Sections: Account and Voice
Administrators can also change telephone password.
To change password edit the telephone and click on the Change Password Button:
and click on Change Password button. According XCALLY Motion Security rules, if the Security Suite is enabled, it must contain least 8 characters and have at least 1 lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric character and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.
In the Account Section you can change the Account Name, Email address and Description or add Phone and Mobile numbers:
To change parameters related to an telephone SIP client, edit the Telephone and go to the Voice Section:
Transport: select one or more values (UDP, TCP, WS, WSS, TLS)
Nat: this variable changes the behaviour of asterisk for Agent's access behind a firewall. Choose a value among the following: yes, no, force_rport, comedia, never, route
Allowed Codecs: Audio Codecs to be used during the call. Choose a value from the list: ulaw, alaw, gsm, g722, g729, opus
Caller ID: the default caller id shown to call recipients (format is "Caller Name" <Caller Number>)
Context: this value defines the Telephone context (default and recommended value=from-sip)
Call Group: a call to the telephone is placed in one or several call groups
Pickup Group: the telephone will be able to pick up an incoming call if the call’s call group matches telephone’s pick up group
Video support: enable/disable video support (Yes/No/Always)
Encryption: enable/disable SRTP (Secure Realtime Protocol) Encryption