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On this page

Table of Contents

📋 What’s about

XCALLY Motion Users can be either Administrators or Supervisors: they belong to the same Staff category (Users) but have a different role (Admin role versus User role).


The Users (Users with User Role) and the Administrators (Users with Admin Role) share the same U.I., although their abilities may differ.

Users with admin roles can for instance:

  • Create, modify or delete User Profiles

  • Create, modify or delete users, agents and telephones

  • Create and update Cally Square projects

  • Create and update Custom Dashboards and
    enable other users to use them

  • Create and update lists in the Contact Manager

  • Create and update campaigns in Motion Dialer

  • Perform software update

  • Have access to all features in XCALLY Motion

  • and many others. 

Users with user roles will be identified as belonging to a User Profile, which for instance may allow them to:

  • View, create, modify or delete agents and telephones (but they cannot manage other users)

  • View, create, modify or delete resources (like Queues, Accounts, Reports, and so on)

  • View, create and update Custom Dashboards

  • View, create and update XCALLY Square projects

  • View, create and update lists in the Contact Manager

  • View, create and update campaigns in Motion Dialer

  • and many others.

The Users having this role (Supervisors) will, for instance, monitor a group of Customer Center Agents' calls, chats, and emails (or any other communication the Agent is participating in with Customers), ensuring the quality of, and analysing the channels quantitative usage reports to track the volume of interactions per unit of time (day, week, month, etc).
They can coach their Agents to prevent customer complaints and manage escalation rise, reaching service levels and objectives set forth by management.

Explore User Profile Documentation to configure User Profiles for your Users. 

💡 The User Section

You can find the User section under the Staff menu. 

The Role is the most important information related to the User because according to it, the User will be granted specific permissions:

  • Admin Role: all the Modules will be available, as well as any Channel Queue access

  • User Role: access to specific (or all) Modules and Channel Queues or other resources will follow the User Profile assigned to the User (it must be chosen during the user creation).

➕ Create a User

To create a User with Admin or User Role click the + button under the Users Section:

To create an Admin Role Choose Admin


There is a check for which Admin account (admin with id=1) can not be editable by other admins

To create an User Role Choose User and select the proper User Profile from the list (the User Profile must be created in advance by the related section).

Then enter User Full Name, Username, Email and Password:

  • Username is used to login (only letters, numbers or special characters like ._ are allowed)

  • Email: the User email address. This field is used to receive a link to reset the password anytime the user forgets it 

  • Password: insert here the password. According XCALLY Motion Security rules, if the Security Suite is enabled, it must contain least 8 characters and have at least 1 lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric character and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.

By default, an internal number (Extension) associated to the User is automatically generated. If you like, you can manually specify the internal number you want to assign to the user extension during the user creation switching off the Auto Generate option.

✏️ Modify a User

After the Users are created, you can view them in the list of users:

You can edit, modify delete or add information in a User account, just by clicking on the three-dots menu and then and in this case click on Edit User:

Now you can modify the info related to the chosen User in the relative tabs:


Personal Info

  • In the Personal Info tab, you can edit and modify the general information info inserted (except for the Role and Username).
    For the User Role, you can also change the associated User Profile

Security Suite

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In the Admin Security Suite Section

of the Admin Role

, you can see

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the last password reset time and date (if there is any). This value is shown only if the Security Suite feature is enabled in the Admin Settings 

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In the User Security Suite Section

of User Role

, you can

:Image Removed

check the last password reset time and date (if there is any). This value is shown only if the Security Suite feature is enabled in the Admin Settings.

Disabled: switch on to disable the User Account (this action can be reverted, switching the toggle off)

Locked:  if the user's account has been locked out after a number of failed login attempts, switch it off to unlock it. 


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In the Authentication section:

  • you can active directory SSO, to login with the Active Directory credentials

  • disable MFA for the User, when active

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In the

Change Avatar

section, if

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If you want to change the User Avatar click 

upload and

upload and select the image file (Only PNG


, JPG, GIF, SVG formats - max 8MB)

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Internal messenger

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If the toggle button is switched on, when receiving a new Internal Message, the admin/user will be notified by a sound

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Defines the default position for displaying toast notifications throughout the application.
Default: top-right.


In the Voice Tab, you can also change some values of the User Voice setting:


  • Transport: choose TCP/UDP/WS/WSS (according to the external phone used)

  • Nat: this variable changes the behaviour of Asterisk for Agent's access behind a firewall. Choose a value among the following: yes, no, force_rport, comedia, never, route

  • Allowed Codecs: audio Codecs to be used during the call. Choose a value from the list: ulaw, alaw, gsm, g722, g729, opus

  • Context: this value defines the User context (default and recommended value=from-sip)

  • Call Group: a call to the user’s phone is placed in one or several call groups 

  • Pickup Group: the user’s phone will be able to pick up an incoming call if the call’s call group matches the user’s pickup group

At the end, you must save the changes by clicking the


Client Logs Tab

From the Client Logs section of the single User, you can enable client-side logging for debugging and issue troubleshooting:

  • Click on the toggle button to enable all Client scopes

  • Select the minimum logging level:

There are 4 levels available. Below, is the basic information in this regard:





The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running

error log


The WARNING level designates potentially harmful situations

error log, warn log


The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.

error log, warn log, info log


The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.

error log, warn log, info log, debug log

This feature allows the logs file output on the server (i.e. client/role-username folder), for the Agent/User logs have been enabled.


This feature generates high data traffic. So, it’s recommended to disable it when not neeed.

Delete Users

To delete a User, find it in the User list

click on  and then on Delete User:


Note: the default Admin cannot be deleted!

Export list of Users

To export the list of Users in CSV, select the list of Users to export by marking the checkbox on the left side and click on the icon Export button.


  • From the API Key Manager button (on the top-right of the header), you can Generate an API key:

Once an API Key has been generated, you can change or remove it. Clicking on the button, you can choose your action:

  • Remove: to remove the previous created API key

  • Copy: to copy the API key

  • Generate: when there isn’t an API key or the old API key is removed, it's possible to generate a new API key (the button "Generate" is visible only if there isn't a previous API key).

Change a User password

Administrators can change the User password: find the User from the Users list (you can use the search box on the top-right of the page to filter), click on (blue star)  and then Edit the User profile.

Now click on the Change Password icon (on the top-right of the header), insert the new password and save it:

According to XCALLY Motion Security rules, if the Security Suite is enabled, it must contain at least 8 characters and have at least 1 lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric character and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.

In the same way, the Administrators can also change their password, but in this case, the old one must also be provided:

🧞‍♂️ User's Login Tips

What should the Users do if they forget the password?

  • open the login panel

  • click on 

  • Enter the e-mail address associated with the login name

  • the user will receive a link via email. Click on this link and change the password (This link expires in one hour: if the user cannot use it, it’s necessary to start a new reset procedure). 

This function works only if SMTP service is set properly.

About incorrect logins

Administrators can define what is the maximum number of incorrect login attempts that the system can allow: when the number of attempts allowed is reached, the account of whoever exceeds it is temporarily blocked. It can be unlocked:

  • manually by the Administrator (editing the blocked user account and clicking on the Unlock function of the Security Suite Section)

  • automatically, after a certain period in minutes (which must be specified by the Administrator in the Settings Security section).

Note: when this happens, the user is asked to contact the administrator to unlock the account.

Socket Disconnection Error Message

If you encounter a network problem during your XCALLY Motion work session, you will be warned by this error message:

which will disappear when the connection is reestablished.