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📋 What’s about
Telephone is a PBX extension for inbound and outbound calls. A telephone account can manage only the voice channel interactions.
💡 Telephone Section
You can find the Telephone section under the Staff menu.
➕ Create a Telephone
To create a telephone click the New Telephone button
Edit/Modify a telephone
Edit telephone profile to update telephone information:
Here you find two Sections: Account and Voice
Administrators can also change telephone password.
To change password edit the telephone and click on the Change Password Button
According XCALLY Motion Security rules, if the Security Suite is enabled, it must contain least 8 characters and have at least 1 lowercase character, one uppercase character, one numeric character and one of the following special characters ~!@#$%^&-_=+[{]}.
In the Account Section you can change the Account Name, Email address and Description or add Phone and Mobile numbers:
To change parameters related to an telephone SIP client, edit the Telephone and go to the Voice Section:
Transport: select one or more values (UDP, TCP, WS, WSS, TLS)
NatNAT: this variable changes the behaviour of asterisk for Agent's access behind a firewall. Choose a value among the following: yes, no, force_rport, comedia, never, route
Allowed Codecs: Audio Codecs to be used during the call. Choose a value from the list: ulaw, alaw, gsm, g722, g729, opus
Caller ID: the default caller id shown to call recipients (format is "Caller Name" <Caller Number>)
Context: this value defines the Telephone context (default and recommended value=from-sip)
Call Group: a call to the telephone is placed in one or several call groups
Pickup Group: the telephone will be able to pick up an incoming call if the call’s call group matches telephone’s pick up group
Video support: enable/disable video support (Yes/No/Always)
Encryption: enable/disable SRTP (Secure Realtime Protocol) Encryption
☎️ Call Pickup
The Call Pickup is a useful pbx feature, it allows you to answer a call while it is ringing another phone or group of phones (other than the phone you are sitting at).
The basic functionality is this:
A call is placed in one or several call groups
If a phone belongs in a pickup group that matches one of the call's call groups, that phone may pickup the incoming call by calling *8 on his phone
Enable the Call Pickup feature
The call pickup feature is disabled by default, to enable it you need to uncomment the following rows into the file /etc/asterisk/features.conf
Code Block |
pickupexten = *8 ; Configure the pickup extension. (default is *8) pickupsound = beep ; to indicate a successful pickup (default: no sound) pickupfailsound = beeperr ; to indicate that the pickup failed (default: no sound) |
and reload the Asterisk configuration by running the command:
Code Block |
asterisk -rx "reload" |
in the Motion ssh console
Set the call group and the pickup group
To use the Call Pickup feature you need to set the CallGroup and the PickupGroup in the agent's setting or telephone.
In the example below the phone01 is a member of the call group 1 and it is allowed to pickup the calls of the same group (Pickup group=1)
pickupexten = *8 ; Configure the pickup extension. (default is *8)
pickupsound = beep ; to indicate a successful pickup (default: no sound)
pickupfailsound = beeperr ; to indicate that the pickup failed (default: no sound)
How to pickup a call
Once you set the call and the pickup groups to your agents and/or telephones, you can simply pickup a ringing call by dialing the code: