On this page |
🗓️ Scheduled Calls
The Scheduled Calls section Calls section contains the list of all the calls that have been scheduled by the Agent during a Dialer Campaign or assigned to the Agent by the Administrator:
If enabled, the Agent can see and edit all the scheduled calls for his queue.
Click refresh button to reload the list.
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This section is available only if the Dialer license is active |
The Scheduled At and the Campaign values are marked as green if they are still valid (data and time is not expired) and red if they are not.
The Agent can click on the three dots menu and:
Edit the Hopper and change the schedule for
calls assigned to him (Recall me feature): date, time, priority:
If enabled by the admin, edit the Hopper and change the schedule for all the calls in his queue: date, time, priority and the name of the Agent to recall (Recall Agent feature):
Delete the Hopper (delete the scheduled call)
The Agent can call the contact (whose name is shown in the Full Name column) clicking directly on the phone number:
📞 Voice Calls
The Voice The Voice Calls section shows only the list of the calls managed by the Agent. The agent will see the following information:
ID: uniqueID of the call
Type: type of the calls (inbound, outbound, internal or dialer)
Source: caller phone number
Destination: the number called
Started at: date and time of the call start time
Ended at: date and time of the call end time
Disposition: shows the disposition chosen (if any) at close time
Second/Third Disposition: second/third level of disposition eventually set
Note: shows a note inserted (if any) at close time
Filters can be applied to the list of values selecting a Start Date or a Type
Click-to-Dial: Whenever the phone numbers are shown in light blue, they can be dialed just clicking on them
Please note that:
If the Agent is using the Phonebar, clicking on the number will open a dialog window in order to call it:
If the Agent is using the WebRTC Bar, clicking on the number will open a dialog window in order to transfer an active call to that number or to call it (you can explore here documentation about transfer):
Click on 3 dots in order to show the call details:
🟥 Abandoned Calls
In the Abandoned Calls section you find two tabs:
In this tab the agent will find the following information about abandoned voice calls:
ID: uniqueID of the call
Fullname: caller name
Phone: called phone number
Queue: the queue the call entered
Abandoned: date and time of the event
Disposition: if the call has been disposed, here you see the disposition chosen
Second/Third Disposition: second/third level of disposition eventually set
Last Assigned To: if the call has been reserved, here you find the Agent's name
Reserved: a selector that can be used by the Agent to reserve the call (or to make it available again).
the other Agents will see the Agent's name in the Last Assigned To field and any further action on the listed call is prevented
the number in the Phone field can be directly dialed or transferred just clicking on it (click-to-dial):
the Agent can Dispose the call (or change its disposition) clicking on 3 dots and choosing a disposition from the Global Dispositions (the List Dispositions are not available in this context):
Last Assigned To: if the call has been reserved by an Agent or assigned to him by the Administrator, here you find the last assigned Agent's name.
The list of values shown can be filtered by Start Date, Agent name or Queue:
Motion Bull
In this tab the agent will see the following information about abandoned voice calls in Dialer Campaigns:
ID: uniqueID of the call
Fullname: name of the caller
Phone: called phone number (see later)
Queue: the queue of the call
Abandoned: date and time when the call has been abandoned (according to the reason)
Dropped: date and time when the call has been dropped (according to the reason)
Reason: if the call has been dropped, the reason is Timeout, otherwise is Abandoned
If the call has been disposed, here you find the disposition name
Reserved: a selector that can be used by the Agent to reserve the call (or to make it available again).
When the selection Reserved is activated:
the other Agents will see the Agent's name in the the Last Assigned To field field and any further action on the listed call is prevented
the number in the the Phone field field can be directly dialed or transferred just clicking on it (click-to-dial):
the Agent can Dispose the call (or change its disposition) clicking on 3 dots and choosing a disposition from the listGlobal Dispositions (the List Dispositions are not available in this context):
Last Assigned To: if the call has been reserved by an Agent or assigned or assigned to him by the Administrator, here you find the last assigned Agent's name.
The list of values shown can be filtered by Start Date or , Agent name or Queue:
🎙️ Recordings
The Recordings section shows all the recorded calls managed by the agent. The agent will be able to see the following information:
(All the list entries can be sorted in ascending/descending manner (click on the column name and the up/down arrows will appear). Moreover, filters can be set on Start date or Call Type).
Type: type of the calls (inbound, outbound, internal, dialer or all)
UniqueID: uniqueID of the call
Caller: caller phone number
Called: the number called
Connected: the actual number connected
Queue: name of the queue the call was recorded in
Rating: rating of the call (given by the Administrator).
Moreover if the admin inserted a rating and a note, agents can view a tooltip with notes hoverring on rating
Audio: hear a preview (ONLY for .wav format) or download call recordings.
Date: date of the recording
Download Voice Recording: If the agent has been given permission, the selected recording file can be downloaded from the three dots menu
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The Recordings files can be encrypted by the Administrator: in this case the recordings content will content will be available only from XCALLY Motion OmniDesktop interface. |
Click to Dial: The phone numbers (of caller and called) can be directly dialed. You can find documentation about that on this page.
🗒️ Dispose calls
If you have properly configured a trigger with Contact Manager action, the contact tab will be displayed for the agent as shown below when the trigger conditions are true.
If there are more contacts with the same search key, the agent can choose which is the right contact:
To save the disposition, click on DISPOSEand :
If you insert note or date you will see the relative icon on Calls list with saved data
Default XCALLY Motion dispositions will be listed on the left side of the screen while any of yours Custom Dispositions will be listed on the right side of the screen.
The Agent can also dispose outbound calls managed by the the Motion Bull Dialer and choose among the following selection:
Recall Me
Blacklist, Recall me and Reschedule dispositions are available only for Dialer:
add the contact in all the blacklists associated to the queue campaign
schedule the contact for the selected time and date
Motion Bull will automatically call the contact at the scheduled time if:
the queue campaign is Active
there are at least one available Agent
the scheduled time is within the queue campaign time interval.
If the scheduled time is outside the queue campaign time interval, the contact will be called in the next valid time interval.
e.g. Let's consider that Queue campaign time interval is from 8:00-18:00 and the contact is rescheduled for 19:00. The contact will be called the following day within 8:00-18:00 when there is at least one available agents logged.
Recall me
The contact will be recalled later and the call will be passed to the Agent in charge or to the queue the agent belongs to, according to the specific queue campaign settings configured by the Administrator.
If enabled by the Admin, the Agent can also choose the Motion Bull- Queue Campaign to which the Recall me option will be associated.
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If the scheduled time is outside the queue campaign time interval, the contact will be called in the next valid time interval. e.g. Let's consider that Queue campaign time interval is from 8:00-18:00 and the contact is rescheduled for 19:00. The contact will be called the following day within 8:00-18:00 when there is at least one available agents logged. |
✖️ Closing contact tab
When agent manages a conversation, he/she can insert an early disposition during the call or a final disposition after the hangup.
If agent wants to close the contact tab (by clicking on X button), it’s necessary to consider the queue typology (with or without mandatory disposition)
On a queue with Mandatory Disposition, agent can close contact tab, on the condition that it was at least 1 disposition (during or at the end of the call):
By clicking on X button, if agent inserts an early disposition during the conversation AND the final disposition is not made after hangup, a warning modal appears to confirm the closing of the contact. If agent clicks on YES the contact tab is closed, if he clicks on NO the contact is kept open
By clicking on X button, if agent inserts a final disposition after hangup, tab closes without warning message
By clicking on X button, if agent does not insert any disposition, a warning modal appears to inform the agent that it’s necessary to insert a disposition to close the contact
On a queue without Mandatory Disposition, agent can close tab when he desires:
By clicking on X button, if agent inserts an early disposition during the conversation AND the final disposition is not made after hangup, a warning appears to confirm the closing of the contact. If agent clicks on YES the contact tab is closed, if he clicks on NO the contact is kept open
By clicking on X button, if agent inserts a final disposition after hangup, tab closes without warning message
By clicking on X button, if agent does not insert any disposition, a warning message appears to confirm the closing of the contact, even if the call hasn’t been disposed yet. If agent clicks on YES the contact tab is closed, if he clicks on NO the contact is kept open
🔥 Dial Contacts with Motion Bull Preview Campaigns
Clicking on this button the system will propose the first contact in the list to call:
Preview means that the automatic dialer selects a customer from a call list and proposes this call to an agent (the "preview" phase): when the agent accepts it the dialer starts the call. The Agent will stay on the line during the progress of the call, until the customer answers or any other event happens (line busy, call unanswered, and so on) as in manual calls.
If the Agent clicks on Next the call will be skipped for that particular agent and the dialer proposes the next contact to call in the list.
When the Agent clicks on Call the call will be managed by the dialer and handled as a normal incoming call (on the Phonebar or on the WebRTC bar):
As a result, the number in the badge is decreased.
Usually more than one agent can run preview campaigns and the number in the badge reflects the total number of unmanaged calls.
Even if in Pause status, the WEBRTC Agent will be able to dial a contact with the preview mode, if the administrator sets to Ignore agent break status for preview calls as an Agent Setting (Staff → Agents).
Recall Me Calls
Automate Recall Me calls (if the Campaign is Preview): If this feature is enabled by the Admin, the system will automatically generate the Recall Me calls (the Recall Me call is performed by the Booked Progressive strategy- as soon as the Agent is available, the system calls the Agent and then calls the contact).
If disabled, the Agent must select the contact manually from the list showed from the Motion Bull Preview button: the Recall Me contact will be distinguished from the other contacts by an info label.
Recall Me Reminder (if the Campaign is Preview): If this feature is enabled by the Admin, the system will send a notification to the Agent n° minutes before generating the Recall Me call.
⏱️ Waiting Queue Calls Calls
From the toolbar, the Agent has visibility of calls, waiting in the queues he's part of.
The icon shows the sum of the Voice Waiting Interactions coming from all the queues the Agent is associated to.
Info |
Moreover starting from version 3.42.0, when the agent clicks on waiting queue calls icon, he/she will be redirect to waiting calls details |