· Contact Item Type
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· contact screenshot
· contact screenshot
· contact preview
contact item types: posso inserire la stessa priority su item differenti (a cosa serve la priority se poi non viene utilizzata nel dialer?)
FIXED L’OrderBy deve specificare l’ordinamento durante lo swap, ovvero l’ordinamento nell’inserimento nella hopper_additional_phones. Questo permette di avere una priorità sui numeri che hanno associato un contact item type. Nei casi in cui un numero non abbia associato nessun item type, viene chiamato per ultimo. A parità di orderby, viene ordinato by name
la ricerca globale nei Contact item types non funziona correttamente: FIXED
l' abilitazione dei permessi sui contact item types in un profile non funziona correttamente:FIXED
questa malf fa si che come user (supervisor) non posso accedere alla gestione dei contact item types
edit fast dialog di un contact multinumber: i contact item types non sono valorizzati FIXED
4b Fast edit non salva i multinumeri FIXED
merge di due contact multinumber: api restituisce un errore
FIXED con riserva: Gli additional phones vengono ripuliti come succede con altri parametri (es tags). In questi casi le tabelle di relazione cm_contact_has_<key> hanno una chiave secondaria. Durante il merge si cambia la primaria con il nuovo contatto creato per il merge. Può esserci conflitto se ci sono delle chiave secondarie uguali nei contatti che si mergiano.
errore nella localizzazione (IT) nella label (edit fast dialog): FIXED
tab CM (CTI): la posizione non è la stessa di V2 e della gestione del contatto FIXED
nell’hopper la priority dell’item contact type non è considerata; il campo scheduledAt è valorizzato con timing errato (viene usato?) FIXED
l’import di contatti multinumber in una lista associata ad una campaign non popola correttamente la tabella cm_hopper_additional_phones FIXED
la dialog preview visualizzata da un agent, non identifica il numero che verrà chiamato in caso di contatto multinumber FEATURE DA IMPLEMENTARE
impostando in una campaign il flag check_duplcate=always i dati nell’hopper non sono caricati BUG GENERALE
On this page |
📋 What’s about
The multi-number feature gives you the possibility to use multiple phones for a single contact.
In addition to the primary phone, it is possible to have additional phones and categorize them.
Let’s see how to configure it!
⚙️ Configuration
Configure Contact Item Types.
Add additional phones to a Contact.
Associate Additional phones to specific contact item type.
Use multi-number feature for Motion Bull Campaigns.
Contact Item Types
Configure Contact Item Types to define the categories of the additional phones associated to the Contact and to set their priority for the outbound calls (Order by).
📞 Add additional phones to a Contact
Add as Admin
From the Contacts Manager menu, select Contacts
Click on the
button to add a new contact
In the Additional phones field, insert the additional number → Tap the Enter key on your keyboardto continue (To add more than one number, repeat)
Associate Additional phones to specific contact item types:
Click on the drop-down menu and select the contact item type (previously set) to match with that additional phone.
Based on the contact item type, the additional phone background will be coloured.
You can add a description.
Add with Import as Admin
From the Contacts Manager menu, select Contacts
Click on the
button to import contacts
You can choose the columns from which additional phone will be retrieved, indicating the different Contact item type.
Info |
The column with the relative Contact item type is required to upload the .csv file and match correctly the additional phones. |
Edit as Admin
From the Contacts Manager menu, select Contacts
From the contacts list, click the
on the specific contact line; select Edit
In the Additional phones field, insert the additional number → Tap the Enter key on your keyboardto continue (To add more than one number, repeat)
Associate Additional phones to specific contact item type
Add/Edit as User
User Profiles must be enabled to access the Contact Item Type section:
From the Staff Menu, select User Profile
In the Permission section, open the Tools
Enable Contact Item Types as you need
Add/edit additional phones as an Admin
Add/Edit as Agent
Go to the Contacts section
Click on the + button to add a new contact or click the
on the specific contact line and select Edit
In the Additional phones field, insert the additional number → Tap the Enter key on your keyboardto continue (To add more than one number, repeat)
Associate Additional phones to specific contact item type:
Click on the drop-down menu and select the contact item type (previously set) to match with that additional phone.
Based on the contact item type, the additional phone background will be colored.
You can add a description.
Use multi-number feature for Motion Bull Campaigns
When using Contact with additional phones in a Motion Bull Campaign, the dialer calls the primary phone first.
If the Contact hasn't been reached through the primary phone, after X minutes (value set in the Additional phones Retry Settings), the dialer will call the additional phones sequentially, according to priorities.
The priority of the additional phones is based on the value Order By assigned to the contact item type associated. That is, the Order By decides the sorting in the hopper_additional_phones
You can have the same Order by value for more than one contact item type. For the same Order by value, the priority will set by Name value.
Additional phones that have not associated to a contact item type will be called last by the dialer.
If the the Contact hasn't been reached through additional phones, the Contact will be rescheduled as established in the Retry Settings, based on the call status of the last additional phone called.
The Contact will be closed if the Contact has been reached or if the Retry Settings value is exceeded by one of the phones (primary or additional phones).
Every call generated will be included in the History section. The Contact will appear in the Final section with the last phone reached and the respective attempts.
We have set a Motion Bull Campaign with:
1 Contact with a primary phone and 2 additional phones
1 additional phone (Office) associated to contact item type with 1 as Order By
1 additional phone (Holiday) associated to contact item type with 2 as Order By
Retry Settings (any state) : 2 min
Retry Settings Call additional phone after: 1 min
In the Campaign History:
The dialer calls the primary phone first.
Since the Contact hasn't been reached through the primary phone, after 1 min, the dialer will calls the additional phones sequentially, according to priorities: Office phone and then, after 1 min, Holiday phone.
Since the Contact hasn't been reached through additional phones, the Contact will be rescheduled as established in the Retry Settings, based on the NoAnswer of the last additional phone called (Holiday phone): the Contact has been rescheduled 2 min later.
Since the Contact hasn't been reached through the primary phone, after 1 min, the dialer will calls the additional phones sequentially, according to priorities: Office phone and then, after 1 min, Holiday phone.
Since the Contact hasn't been reached through additional phones, the Contact will be rescheduled as established in the Retry Settings, based on the NoAnswer of the last additional phone called (Holiday phone): the Contact has been rescheduled 2 min later.
The Contact has been closed because the NoAnswer Retry Settings value is exceeded by Holiday phone.
In the Campaign Final:
Retry Settings
From the campaign Retry Settings, go to Additional phones section:
Call additional phone after (min): time in minutes between the call to the primary phone and the call to the additional phone AND between the calls to different additional phones.
Multi-number feature on Preview Strategy
If you have a Queue Campaign with Preview Stategy, when the agent looks the Contact Preview List and a contact has additional phones, a message warns that the number to call is chosen by the strategy of campaign (it is not the agent who chooses the number to call)