📋 What’s about
The Email Channel Section shows all the interactions managed by the Agents and coming from external Email Systems.
The Email Channel allows you to define the Email Accounts that the Agents, belonging to specific Email Queues, will share and use to send and receive Email messages in the standard XCALLY Motion Omni Desktop Interface.
The XCALLY Motion Email Channel provides some ready-to-use interfaces towards mailing systems (like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and so on) but the System Administrator can very easily configure new ones.
Email Benefits
The Customer and the Agent can exchange email messages (including files, emoticons, pictures and so on), reaping the following benefits:
the Customer can use market standard email systems
the Agent interaction happens inside the XCALLY Motion common environment
the Agent can manage several types of interactions at the same time
the interaction content is shared, easily retrieved and managed
all the Customers information is stored in the Contacts Manager
📧 Email session
Let's see how a typical email session looks like, when the Agents receive an e-mail from a customer and need to manage it.
Whenever customers interact with the Contact Center using an email system, the Agents belonging to the specific email channel queue will receive a request notification on the Omni Desktop interface.
Infonote |
If your Agent Desktop is running on MAC with OS High Sierra and using the Browser Safari, remember to enable the audio notifications in Safari in order to receive an audio alert for all incoming interactions |
Email session
Let's see how a typical email session looks like: let's see how it works when the Agents receive an e-mail from a customer and need to manage it (e.g. replying with a message or forwarding it to somebody else, simply closing it, or other)
Customer’s Side
Agent's Side:
the customer sends an email message using an external system (in this example Gmail):
After accepting the notify of the incoming email request, a new email tab opens:
DRAFT: Replying or forwarding a mail message can be suspended and the message can be saved by the Agent as a draft copy and opened and finished later by the same Agent who saved it. In this case:
if the pencil icon is grey, it means that there is no draft message saved for this interaction
if the pencil icon is red, it means that there is a draft message saved previously (using the SAVE AS DRAFT button) and linked to this interaction. If you click on this button the draft will be reopened
REPLY: When replying, the field TO would be automatically filled with the email that has been used by the sender or, if different, with the email set as "reply to" by the sender.
NOTE: The agent can also insert an internal note: explore here the documentation.
DOWNLOAD the message (with or without its attachments)
The interaction can be tagged: explore here the documentation.
If the Transfer optionis set by the administrator as possible, the Agent can also see this command in the menu in order to redirect the email message (you can click here to explore documentation about transfer)
The Agent can set emailSub-status (where Pending is a default sub-status but many more can be added by the administrator).
The Agent can also set the email as unread (if this function has been enabled by the administrator)
with Mark as unread.
The interaction can be simply Closed & Disposed. You can explore documentation about dispositions on this page.
Remember that anytime you open a message, the full list of messages exchanged in the same interaction (thread) will be shown.
If the Agent is a CC or a BCC recipient, the message will display a notification like the following in the message header:
If the Agent replies or forwards it, the new-message form shows like the following:
The Agent can attach one or more files (each one must not exceed 15 MB size) clicking on the attach button.The Show original message switch (default=off) at the bottom of the panel allows the Agent to see the full list of messages exchanged in the same interaction
If the Transfer option is set by the administrator as possible, the Agent can also see this command in the menu in order to redirect the email message:
to another queue or to another agent (among the online and not in pause status agents):
and the system will let you choose among those available (in the picture the list of all the queues):
TheThe Agent can attach one or more files (each one must not exceed 15 MB size) clicking on the attach button.
Moreover it’s possible to add attachments in email with Drag and Drop feature
And it’s possible to see a preview of uploaded image
By clicking on the eye icon, you can enlarge the image directly inside the interface, otherwise you can click on download icon
Moreover the Agent can type the answer or use the canned answers to reply to the message, choose the mail format, attach files and Send it clicking on the button SEND
It is also possible to click on the down arrow of the Send button and choose one of the following options:
Send as and choose a Substatus (e.g. Pending or one of those made available by the Supervisor)
About Open Substatus: Pending (or any other customized sub-status of an open message) is set by the Agent in order to highlight a message: this status is automatically removed anytime the email has been replied by the customer
Send and Close
✏️ Message Draft
The Agent can also decide to suspend composing a message (a new one or one as Reply/Forward to a received message) and to continue later, clicking on the button SAVE AS DRAFT: doing this, the message is temporarily saved as its draft is linked to this interaction.
About the message draftIf the AUTOSAVE button is switched on, the system saves the draft automatically, every few seconds, as the Agent works.
Warning |
Please note that:
All the messages that have been saved by the Agent will be shown minimized in boxes at the bottom of the Mail Interactions List:
They can be deleted by the Agent clicking on the X near the name of the draft.
In order to reopen a draft message and to continue composing and eventually sending it, just click on the box of the minimized draft you see at the bottom of the email interactions list
or open the interaction itself and click on the red pencil. When you open a draft message, the whole interaction will be opened as well.
The name of the draft message is shown as: "ACCOUNT KEY - TO" or "ACCOUNT KEY -SUBJECT", in case the To field is empty. In case the fields To and Subject are both empty, the message is shown as "ACCOUNT KEY - Untitled". In the examples above, the Account Key is SERV for both drafts, followed by the destination address (for the first one) and the subject (for the second one).
How to insert an internal note
The Agents can insert an Internal Note in the interaction thread:
Click on the sign
Write the note (eventually adding an attachment) in the pop-up and save it:
From now on the note is shown in the interaction, but it's only internal to the organization and the customer will never see it:
Also the Supervisor can spy an Email interaction from the Interactions List and insert notes for the the agent only (the customer will not see this note).
🆕 Send a new Email Message
To send a New Email Message, just click on the button + you find in the right side of the Email Interactions List header, choose from the the proposed list one of the email Account you are configured to use and compose the message:
The operation is the same as described above (in the example of how to reply to a customer's e-mail).
✖️ Closing mail session
If the Agent closes the session clicking on the X sign in the session tab:
and confirm:
The interaction can be simply Closed or Closed & Disposed, choosing one of the listed single level dispositions:
or ready-to-use multi level dispositions:
The same Close&Dispose action can be applied clicking on the 3 dots of the interaction and then on Close and dispose
Dispositions available in the list must be created by the Administrator in advance and can be single or multi-level (up to three).
If on closing an interaction is disposed by an Agent, you can see in the Status column of the Interactions List:
the name of the disposition applied:
Now, hovering over it with the mouse all the information on the disposition itself will be displayed:
so you can discover that in the above example a single level disposition has been applied.
If, on closing, the Agent chooses a multi-level disposition instead, the name of the disposition that is positioned at the lowest level of the set (second or third level) available will be shown, as in the following example:
Now, hovering over it with the mouse all the information on the disposition set will be displayed:
NOTE: The Administrator/User can set the disposition as Mandatory: in this case the Agent is requested to dispose the interaction when closing and until this operation is finished the agent will remain paused.
Contextual information
On the right side of the screen there is contextual information the agent can use (during the session or after it) to manage the interaction/customer:
To add more details in the Contacts Manager file, click on More
It refers to the current interaction
Here you can see the entire history of interactions with this user
All these interactions are coming from Email Channel. You can filter the interactions by channel and by date using the filters above.
Each interaction can be opened clicking on this button (and this feature is available only for those Agents with proper permissions on the specific item) or inspected clicking on Show Details
List of. You can explore documentation about dispositions on this page.
✉️ Reopen closed emails
Starting from version 3.44.0, it’s possible to reopen closed email (previously closed only once). An agent or an admin/user can reopen a closed mail visible in the interaction list.
Reopening by admin/user:
The user click on Reopen Interaction
The mail is not assigned to any agent and returns to unread state.
It will be visible to agents as an unread mail. The open letter icon warns that the mail has been reopened.
Reopening by agent:
From the interaction list, the agent click on Reopen
The email writing interface opens directly
It is automatically assigned to the agent who reopened it. This information is also visible on the list of interaction. The open letter icon warns that the mail has been reopened.
Info |
Sample Scenario:
📩 Email Interactions
The list of the interactions managed by the Agents will be available on the Email Channel Interactions List:
The down/up arrows near the Last message field indicate if the last message was incoming or outgoing.
You can filter the interaction list by: Start Date, Read/Unread, Status (Open/Closed), Account (Me, Not Assigned, All), Agent (the first one who managed it), Tags (multiple choice):
The interactions can be searched by:
interaction ID
message text
contact first name
contact last name
contact email address
So click the search button, insert the search string and confirm:
and the list of the contacts matching the search string will be shown. When you want to go back to the full list of contact view again, click on X.
If not, the request starts only after having entered at least 5 characters or after pressing Enter
Moreover you can search interactions by search button (click here for documentation) or you can use advanced search (click here to read relative documentation).
The interaction Status can be:
Open - Sub-status (where Pending is a default sub-status but many more can be added by the administrator)
Closed (by an Agent)
Closed Unmanaged (the interaction request has not been managed)
There are two ways to set an interaction Sub-status (only if it is Open):
Sending the Message
click on the down arrow of the Send SEND button choose Send as and a Sub-status from the list:
Without sending the Message
click on 3 dots menu on the Message View, choose Set as and a Sub-status from the list
The Administrator can set new sub statuses.
If you see a small number near the contact name, like in the following picture:
it means that new interactions have been received (but not managed) in the same conversation.
Clicking on the Interaction row, the agent is able to see all the messages exchanged in the single session, as well as the right side bar information (contact, interaction, journey).
Clicking on the three dots menu, the agent can apply the following commands to the selected interaction:
- Show the interaction contents
- Download a pdf transcript of the interaction, with or without attachments (depending on Agent's permissions)
- Close and (eventually) dispose the interaction.
You can use the Advanced Search button and select a field to be matched with a value among a list of all those available.
When you click this button (you find it on the right side of the toolbar), the system will show you the following form:
Select the Field (scroll the list of all the available search fields)
Select the Operator among those available (eg.: equals, contains, starts with, and so on)
Select or insert the Value
Add the Condition (click on +)
To add more conditions repeat the operation, like in the following example:
and choose whether the conditions:
must all be met:
or at least one of them:
If you want to delete the advanced search condition inserted click on the single search condition button X to delete it or click on the CLEAR button in order to delete them all at once.
When you finish, click on the APPLY button in order to start the search: the query is executed and all the items that match the conditions inserted are shown.
It is possible to:
modify a condition set: click on a set condition and press Edit
now change the condition as you like(field, operator, value)
2. temporarily disable the search condition: click on the set condition and press Disable:
and enable it again:
When a selection is active as long as the search conditions are operational, the Advanced Search button will notify it by reversing its color (red on a white background) and blinking
Moreover the Advanced Search conditions will search all the List of the available entries, regardless of any filter applied tothe
Send a new Email Message
To send a New Email Message, just click on the button + you find in the right side of the Email Interactions List header, choose from the the proposed list one of the email Account you are configured to use and compose the message:
The operation is the same as described above (in the example of how to reply to a customer's e-mail).
Remember that anytime you open a message, the full list of messages exchanged in the sameinteraction
If the Agent is a CC or a BCC recipient, the message will display a notification like the following in the message header: