XCALLY MOTION Open Channel allows you to interact with your customers using potentially any channel.
You can interact with a chat, messaging system, video or any other application: in fact, a received interaction can be routed inside a queue and the agents belonging to it can reply to messages through the Motion OmniDesktop interface.
Build your own Channel service
In this section you find how to build your own Open Channels.
Follow the next steps to learn:
how to receive messages from Motion to your Open Channel service
how to send messages to Motion from your Open Channel service
Receive messages from Motion
The API URL that Motion application uses to send a message is decided by you and it's written in Reply URL parameter.
The HTTP POST method must be used.
If you create a PHP file to handle the communication between XCALLY Motion and your desired service, remember that you can't access directly in $_POST but you need to add the following row in your code:
$_POST = json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true);
The system will request your API endpoint adding the following parameter in the body request:
body | Text of the message sent by Motion |
Contact | CM Contact details:
AttachmentId | Attachment id (attachment filename is written in the body parameter) |
Download attachments from Motion
The API returns a file stream and requires authentication
If the message contains an attachment (AttachmentId parameter is different by NULL) you can download the file using the following API:
Send messages to Motion
The API URL is auto-generated when you create a new Open Channel account and you can retrieve it from Settings tab.
The HTTP POST method must be used.
In the following table you can find the default parameters that you can use in the body of the request:
from | mandatory Customer Identifier (this paramenter will be use for contact search by the system) |
body | mandatory Text of the message |
mapKey | mandatory Contact Manager contact field where the system will perform the search |
AttachmentId | Attachment id |
In addition to default parameters, you can insert Contact fields as extra parameters in body request:
If you want to link a file to an incoming Open Channel message, remember first to upload the file and set the AttachmentId in the request body
For each message sent to Motion, the system will search the contact in the Contact Manager List and associate it to the Open Channel interaction. If the contact is not found, the system will create a new contact in the selected Contact Manager list, having the following properties:
Contact field value written in mapKey is equal to from request parameter
Contact firstName is equal to from request parameter
Contact phone is equal to from request parameter
All extra parameters (Contact field) written in the request will be set in the new Contact
Upload attachments to Motion
In order to upload a file, you need to use the following API:
As response body, the system will return the object just created and you can use the property id in the body of the request for creating a new Open Channel message.
The API requires a file stream and authentication