Shift Applicable & Exchange Shifts

Shift Applicable & Exchange Shifts




Shift applicable

Shift applicable is a feature that can be useful both for the planner and for employees and that can be considered like a bulletin board of shifts unassigned. In fact, once the shifts scheduling process has been completed, depending on how many and how strict the rules are, there may be shifts not assigned to anyone (for example due to lack of resources). 

So from Scheduling section you can make applicable one of more shifts, clicking on 3 dots and choosing Applicable.

In cases like this, shifts will be published on the bulletin board. Admin can click on the section Shift Applicable to see the list of applicable shifts, with the indication of spot, date and hour and you can also decide to remove them clicking on the button remove.

This page can also be reached by employees, but only those with right skills for the spot and available hours to work, will see unassigned shifts. 

In fact an employee can apply for one or more applicable shifts from his/her section Shift Applicable, where he/she can see all applicable shifts and choose to candidate on one or more shifts, clicking on apply:

Otherwise, the employee can see applicable shifts also on dashboard, where they are marked with the light blue color. Clicking on 3 dots menu Info, he/she can apply to the shift.

You, as planner, will see on “Shift to Approve” the employees' applications and you will have to approve or cancel them.

If you will click on Approve, employee will receive a notification about the approval and shifts will be included in his/her workshift calendar. 

Exchange Shifts

In addition, the software allows a function of shift exchange between employees. If an employee wishes to ask for a replacement for a shift, he/she can request for a change directly on the platform.

From his/her dashboard, employee 1 can:

  1. Click on 3 dots of a specific shift

  2. Click info

  3. Select “request for change

  4. Indicate date and hour on which he/she would like to request the shift exchange (more an optional reason)

  5. Click on ask

Interested work shift become purple.   


Employee 1, by clicking on 3 dots button of the purple shift can view the relative request (with the status) and he/she can also cancel the request


So, employee 2, with right skills and available hours, will see in purple on his/her calendar the request exchange. To have more info about it the employee can click on 3 dots info to see swap shift with indication of spot, date and hour and info of own shift. If the employee would like to exchange shift with this one, he/she can click on Swap and then confirm the choice, clicking on Ok.



Like planner On Shift request Exchange Shifts, you will see requests with indication of spot, date, hour, candidates name, exchange reason and you can approve or cancel them.

Clicking on green button Change, shifts will be exchanged, calendars updated and a notification will arrive to relative employees.


History Request

Moreover you can click on History request tab to view the list of shift request history with related rejections/approvals.
From here you can filter for time range or select a specific employee.


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