

Version 1.21.1

Feb 10, 2025

[XPLN-746] Fixed an issue related to provision creation

Version 1.21.0

Feb 5, 2025

[XPLN-545] Update on XCALLY users synchronisation: disabled users/agents on XCALLY are not imported on XPLANY and if a user/agent (already imported) is disabled in XCALLY, he/she is also disabled in XPLANY → Settings | XCALLY synchronisation

[XPLN-735] Fixed an issue related to rotation visualisation when rotation length changes

[XPLN-737][XPLN-743] Implementation of shifts rotation when provisioning more than 1 week (adding the option nextRotation and previousRotation https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQB4fg

[XPLN-739][XPLN-740] Implementation of shift duration option to provision feature → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQB4fg

Version 1.20.0

Jan 10, 2025

[XPLN-710][XPLN-711] Added the possibility to select multiple employees and multiple teams in rotations pattern → Rotations & Provision | Rotations

[XPLN-713] Adding rotation details for employee in provision: on the created shifts, the reference rotation is specified → Rotations & Provision | Provision

[XPLN-722] Fixed an issue in adding availability, enabling the ADD button only if at least one day is selected

[XPLN-724][XPLN-725] Add an API to get all employees in Employee scheduling list, even if those ones without assigned shifts → Employees Calendar & Employee Scheduling | Employee Scheduling

Version 1.19.0

Dec 16, 2024

[XPLN-702] Fixed an issue concerning break generation. With this fix breaks are created correctly

[XPLN-705] Update in estimate shifts: the Work Time per day is now indicated in minutes (not in hours)

[XPLN-716] Update in absences management: if the absence does not cover the entire shift, the shift is updated leaving the employee with the “remaining” part and an unassigned shift is generated for the hour(s) related to the employee's absence

[XPLN-717][XPLN-720] Fixed an issue concerning “full day” availabilities, which created them on the wrong days. With this fix e.g. “full day” absences are created correctly

[XPLN-718] Fixed an issue concerning recursive absence, which did not correctly unassign shifts (not selecting all days).With this fix the recursive absence marks the shifts of the specific absent agent as unassigned

Version 1.18.0

Nov 26, 2024

[XPLN-630][XPLN-633] Update of EULA and DPA. When you login in XPLANY, you need to accept the new EULA and DPA to continue accessing the application

[XPLN-675] Improvement in Absense reasons, by adding a color property in the entity to display the event in the calendar → Absense Reasons

[XPLN-697] Update in team creation, to correctly view the error message if the POST fails (e.g. due to duplicate team name

[XPLN-699] Fixed an issue concerning availability using the “entire day” option, solved with this fix

[XPLN-701] Improvement in users/employees visualisation to allow them to view the assigned shifts → Spots Scheduling

Version 1.17.0

Nov 7, 2024

[XPLN-634] Updates on historical data for shift estimation. API creation to insert in db historical data, which can be used in estimate shifts → Estimate Shifts | Historical data

[XPLN-643] Fixed keyboard navigation in add availability modal

[XPLN-644] Adding of custom absense reason section → Absence reason

[XPLN-653][XS-12389] Fixed an issue to always display only agents with the correct skills and hour availability when requesting a Shift Change or applicable shifts

[XPLN-659] Status of all tables (column width, sorting, filters) is saved in local storage and thus saved even when changing pages. Clicking on reset table instead table returns as by default

[XPLN-670] Fixed an issue with filters for shift assignment

Version 1.16.1

Oct 15, 2024

[XPLN-627] Update on shift exchange to correctly display only one row for a single shift request

[XPLN-660] Fixed an issue concerning the columns data of exchange shifts

Version 1.16.0

Oct 9, 2024

[XPLN-525] Implementation of teams creation, so groups of employees. It’s possible to create teams, so groups of employees and configure events (availability or activity) for all the employees belonging to the team → Employees, Activities & Teams | Teams https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/x/bYAqnw

[XPLN-626] Update on shift exchange to correctly view pending shifts when the planner approves an exchange

[XPLN-640] Update of error visualization when importing a file, if there is a missing permission

Version 1.15.0

Sep 10, 2024

[XPLN-436] Setup multi tenant request

[XPLN-569] Update on creation of demo data, to set them up correctly

[XPLN-584] Fixed issue with an error appearing when deleting employee

[XPLN-585] When you try to delete a disposability used by an employee, a popur error is displayed → Contracts and Disposabilities | Disposabilities

Version 1.14.0

Jul 25, 2024

[XPLN-519] Removal of rule "No more than 2 consecutive shifts"

[XPLN-540] Implementation of display of shift request history with related rejections/approvals in the “Shift Requests” section → Shift Applicable & Exchange Shifts | History Request

[XPLN-572] Update on uploading excel estimate: by loading an Excel with an incorrect format, the system should show an error and allow another file to be loaded

[XPLN-575] Use the new API to get employee availabilities

[XPLN-576] Improvement of description error in case of expired token: by resetting password, the frontend has to display the error reason

[XPLN-577] Improvement of applicable shifts, to display only shifts on which employees can work because they are available in those timeframes

[XPLN-578] Extension of the token for new users to 72 hours

[XPLN-579] Implementation of a popup to select a date when the user clicks on the header of calendar → Scheduling | Scheduling

Version 1.13.0

Jul 10, 2024

[XPLN-562] Performance optimization in the use of estimate shifts

[XPLN-564] When an employee logs in, he/she can correctly view assigned shifts on the calendar dashboard

[XPLN-565] Update on availability, to be able to add lunch break manually → Employees Calendar & Employee Scheduling | Add availability

Version 1.12.0

Jul 2, 2024

[XPLN-552] Addition of spot filter in employee scheduling section on the top of the page → Employees Calendar & Employee Scheduling | Employee Scheduling

[XPLN-555][XPLN-556] Display activities in the employee scheduling section, which can be added directly in the scheduling. Moreover in this section it is possible to view also inserted availabilities → Employees Calendar & Employee Scheduling | Employee Scheduling

[XPLN-557] In forecast "not working" activities are not considered

[XPLN-558] Addition of forecast data in employee scheduling section

Version 1.11.0

Jun 6, 2024


[XPLN-524] Addition of creationUserId and updateUserId fields valued at each entity, with the id of the user who created/updated a data item

[XPLN-538] Addition of cancel button for shift exchange request. In this way when an employee asks for a shift change can cancel the request. Moreover the API removeExchange has been added on shifts service → Shift Applicable & Exchange Shifts | Exchange Shifts

[XPLN-541] Removal of required attribute and characters limit in reason field of shift exchange request → Shift Applicable & Exchange Shifts | Exchange Shifts

[XPLN-542] Adding information about shift change request in the info modal. Once the request has been made, by clicking on the info the operator should be able to view the requested change and the relative status → Shift Applicable & Exchange Shifts | Exchange Shifts

[XPLN-547] Adding a column to display the name of the user who last modified an entity in all the entity listings, by using the populate API parameter → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2294579243/Employees+and+Activities#Employees

Version 1.10.0

Apr 29, 2024


[XPLN-513] Creation of a component to mask passwords/API key. The component displays masked characters (as a password field) and has on the right an eye icon to show the masked text → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049573907/Login+to+XPLANY#Api-Key

[XPLN-517] Adding API to save forecast data and to read or cancel forecast data for a spot from-date/to-date

[XPLN-518] Display forecast data in the scheduling section: when you confirm estimated shifts, you save forecast data and display the saved data in the scheduling section with identified colors → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121760769/Estimate+Shifts#Prediction

Version 1.9.0

Apr 22, 2024


[XPLN-507] Fixed issue with API Register Managed Tenant, not returning the new tenant. With this fix the API returns the correct created tenant

[XPLN-508] Fixed issue with API settings, returning XCALLY API key to all roles (even for employee, not necessary). With this fix API key field has to be returned only to users with permissions to modify settings

[XPLN-509] Fixed issue with API returnIing internal server error (500) when JWT is expired. With this fix, the error shown will be “Unauthorized” (401)

[XPLN-510] Fixed issue with set logo and app name not working. With this fix, by setting a custom logo and a custom app name the tenants show them correctly

[XPLN-512] Fixed issue with user dashboard visualisation, showing calendar in a incorrect way. With this fix calendar is visible with weekly visualisation


[XPLN-498] Adding absence reason field, to specify absence typology (vacation, rol, sickness…) → Employees Calendar & Employee Scheduling | Add availability

Version 1.8.0

Mar 26, 2024


[XPLN-481] Fixed issue with Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) extracted with wrong average, as the estimated hours were not divided by how much an employee works. With this fix, the correct FTE is properly calculated

[XPLN-499] Fixed issue with telephone field in employee with validation of minimum length 1 (even if it is not a required field). With this fix, it is possible to leave the telephone field empty

[XPLN-500] Fixed issue with insertion of employees: if identification number was not unique the error "you have reached the maximum number of employees" appeared. With this fix, the wrong message error does not appear


[XPLN-467][XPLN-468][XPLN-469] Adding of default spot on employee to consider, even if he is assigned to more queues. So in the employee management the field defaultSpot, specific for each agent, has been added (to be considered in the final accounting) → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2294579243/Employees+and+Activities#Employees

[XPLN-471][XPLN-473] Implementation of Estimate shifts from Excel file, with three columns (Service, Date, Duration) → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121760769/Estimate+Shifts#Estimate-shifts

[XPLN-482] Replace of STMP with Amazon Simple Email Service, as Email provider

[XPLN-485][XPLN-491] Adding of Tax code in employee as optional field, to add more details → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2294579243/Employees+and+Activities#Employees

[XPLN-488] Implementation of a new tab “Breaks” where it is possible to insert the min/max worked minutes and so obtain an automatic scheduling of the pause. In this way, pauses among agents are homogeneously scheduled not overlapped each other → Contracts and Disposabilities | Disposabilities

[XPLN-503] Adding of a box on user profile section to manage API Key → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049573907/Login+to+XPLANY#Api-Key

Version 1.7.0

Feb 1, 2024


[XPLN-453] Fixed issue with Publish Button not working properly. With this fix the publication is correctly processed

[XPLN-455] Fixed issue with Alias not case insensitive. With this fix, if you write Alias with upper and lower case characters the system considers it correctly

[XPLN-457] Fixed issue with “compact view” button that is not kept as pressed when you refreshed the page or browsed in the same section. With this fix if compact view button is selected, it appears yet as pressed also when you do the mentioned action

[XPLN-459] Fixed issue with error message “sync ended” which appeared when you pressed synch button, rather than waiting the process to end. With this fix the system shows the message when it correctly finishes the synchronization

[XPLN-462][XS-10385] Fixed issue with the first day of the week not working after save. With this fix the first day inserted in settings is saved and applied correctly

[XPLN-463] Fixed issue with double progress icon displayed when cloning shifts. With this fix when you clone shifts, you see only one progress icon

[XPLN-464] Fixed issue with shifts remained pinned after unassigned. With this fix if you unassign a pinned shift, it becomes unpinned correctly

[XPLN-466] Fixed issue with user/employee login, not working. With this fix the login processes correctly if you enter like a user/employee

[XPLN-470] Fixed issue with estimate shifts, showing uncorrectly fte. With this fix if you use estimate shifts, you can see the correct data


[XPLN-434] Upgrade Angular to version 16 and npm packages, fixing obsolete methods

[XPLN-460] Improvement in sync process, making disposabilities not required for every XCALLY role

[XPLN-461] Adding a flag “unassign shifts” in clone shifts dialog: when you clone shifts it’s possible to unassign them → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121793777/Scheduling#Changes-before-publication

Version 1.6.0

Jan 18, 2024


[XPLN-445] Create plugin for XCALLY-XPLANY integration → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2286747660

[XPLN-446][XPLN-447] Creation of a field for activities reminders on XCALLY thanks to integration: when you create/edit an activity you can set a reminder X minutes before starting activity. In this way, the agent receives a popup notification → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049606217/Admin#Activities

[XPLN-448] Add basic authentication to webhook calls, by inserting username and password fields

[XPLN-449] Add "sync now" button to syncronize XCALLY data and a notification appears when a manual sync starts/ends → Settings | XCALLY synchronisation


Version 1.5.0

Dec 7, 2023


[XPLN-425] Description of 'Lunch Break' rule added

[XPLN-428] Fixed issue with "compact view" user selection: if the user uses the compact view this choice is saved in local storage and if he views a shift screen that supports the compact view, the setting must be restored

[XPLN-430][XPLN-431] Fixed issue with reports, where exported dates for spots are wrong or showed "invalid Date": with this fix reports are exported correctly


[XPLN-411][XPLN-441] Limitation of spot visibility to planners: admin can limit spot visibility, by assigning one or more spot to planners who views only spot for which are enabled. For this purpose a new tab “Spots” has been added in User Edit (viewable only for planners) with a list of all spots and different permissions → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049606217/Admin#Users-and-Roles

[XPLN-429] On Employees list, the column “Enabled” has been added → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049606217/Admin#Employees

[XPLN-438][XPLN-440] Implementation of user SSO login with XCALLY integration (by using the same credentials to login with the same role) → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049573907/Login+to+XPLANY#User-SSO-Login-with-XCALLY-credentials

[XPLN-439][XPLN-442] Implementation of XCALLY data and users synchronisation → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121237227


Version 1.4.0

Nov 2, 2023


[XPLN-418] Fixed issue with an error appearing that did not allow users to see the applicable

[XPLN-419] Fixed issue with an error appearing when a user tried to delete a notification


[XPLN-383] Update of employee availability: now it’s possible to edit inserted availabilities and make a multiselect to modify/delete slots → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121760988/Employees+Employee+Scheduling#Add-availability

[XPLN-398] Add of List constraint visualization: you can view broken rules on shift info box → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121237387/Rules+Score#Score

[XPLN-409] Add reports section with employees reports and spots reports → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2243461121

[XPLN-416] Improvement of Reschedule feature: “commit changes” button has been deleted and when you add an unavailability on a scheduled employee, you can click on Reschedule to replan rosters with the algorithm → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121794063

[XPLN-423] Add “Lunch break” Rule → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121237387/Rules+Score#Rules-List

Version 1.3.1

Oct 10, 2023


[XPLN-415] Fixed issue with Shifts import failed if headers are wrong. With this fix the shifts import works correctly

Version 1.3.0

Oct 3, 2023


[XPLN-385] Fixed issue with employee availability, where the first day entered in "unavailability" was not considered on calendar

[XPLN-401] Fixed issue with total score retrieval

[XPLN-402] Fixed issue with an error occured during shift import

[XPLN-407] Fixed issue with confirm modal, which kept running the same event when clicked enter key. With this fix, error in the console has been resolved and by confirming an action with enter multiple events are not launched


[XPLN-378][XPLN-403][XPLN-404] Add compact view in employee scheduling → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121760988/Employees+Employee+Scheduling#Employee-Scheduling

[XPLN-384] Add option "Entire day" for employee availability → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121760988/Employees+Employee+Scheduling#Add-availability

[XPLN-393][XPLN-394] Insert Rule for lunch break on disposabilities section → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049606217/Admin#Contracts-and-Disposabilities

Version 1.2.0

Sep 18, 2023


[XPLN-333] Fixed issue with score details, not visible. Clicking on Score button it’s now possible to view details concerning rules to which score refers

[XPLN-375] Fixed issue with shifts import file, reporting an error, solved with this fix

[XPLN-377] Fixed issue with Employee scheduling section which showed only 100 shifts. Now all existed shifts are shown correctly

[XPLN-380] Fixed issue with provision function which didn’t create desidered shifts

[XPLN-397] Fixed issue with translation of the meaning of rules


[XPLN-312][XPLN-363] Roster loading has been made more visible so you can know if solve roster is working: for admin a “solver active” indicator has been added on page header → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121793777/Scheduling#Solve-Roster

[XPLN-372] Improvement of display order of employees on Employee Scheduling section (alphabetical order by first name field)

[XPLN-381] On disposability section, minimum and maximum fields order has been changed, dividing data in two columns (“Minimum” and “Maximum”). Moreover minimum and maximum daily/weekly is set as required field → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049606217/Admin#Contracts-and-Disposabilities

Version 1.1.1

Aug 10, 2023


[XPLN-370] Fixed issue with Employees select on Employee Calendar section: by opening it, you can correctly select the employee from the list

Version 1.1.0

Aug 10, 2023


[XPLN-328] Fixed issue with “no overlapping shift” rule: if it is disabled, you can assign the shift manually to an employee already present in an other spot on the same time span (you can see him/her in the filtered list of available employees to assign).

[XPLN-353] Fixed issue with control of maximum number of employees on License Information section: based on your activated license type, you can only have as active employees the maximum number of employees available for the license

[XPLN-354] Fixed issue with shifts upload: shifts are correctly created with the times indicated in loaded csv

[XPLN-357] Fixed issue with visualisation of employee name: when you open employee calendar voice selecting it from a shift in scheduling section, the name of employee is now displayed correctly on field “Employee Calendar”


[XPLN-226] On Employee calendar section it’s possible to add an availability, by creating repeatable events (e.g. employee unavailable all Mondays) https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121760988/Employees+Employee+Scheduling#Add-availability

[XPLN-335] Implementation of keyboard shortcuts for shift management: as admin/planner, you can delete a shift by selecting it and press “del” button on your keyboard or you can create a new shift by double-clicking on a calendar area that corresponds to the desired time span → https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2121793777/Scheduling#Add-resources-manually

[XPLN-347] Swagger documentation for T&C

[XPLN-348] Implementation of XPLANY Versioning

[XPLN-355] Add Demo data to new accounts: when a user registers a new tenant, a popup appears by asking if he wants to populate tenant with demo data (employees, spots, skills, shifts..) to try the software https://xcally.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/XPLANY/pages/2049573907/Login+to+XPLANY#Demo-Data-to-new-account

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