

  A queue is a set of rules and parameters determining how to distribute a call (but also a mail or a chat) to the agents: it is used to distribute (route) an interaction to a group of agents, according to configurable policies and strategies.

The queue is the key element of the system, available for all the channels with specific parameters and functions.

Using a queue logic we can: 

  • group agents by specific skills
  • measure (and enhance) performance
  • increase the quality of the service

The queue system can manage all interaction types together (calls, mails, chats) using the same first-in-first-out strategy and passing them to the agents as they arrive, in order to guarantee priority and to minimize the wait.

In fact, the management of the customer waiting time is a focal point for a queue system: even when there is no agent available the hold can be managed playing announcements and music, preventing the customer hanging up.

Queue Strategy

Queue Strategy defines how incoming calls are divided between agents in a queue. You can set one of the following strategies:

  • Ringall: ring all agents until one answers
  • RRMemory (Round Robin Memory): ring the agent succeeding the agent contacted during last call
  • Least recent: ring the agent which was least recently called by this queue
  • Fewest calls: ring the agent who has recently answered to the minimum number of calls in the queue
  • Random: randomly routes calls to agents
  • Linear: ring agents according to the order they are listed in the configuration file
  • Wrandom: randomly routes calls to agents but uses the agent’s penalty as a weight.

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