Phonebar CTI integration

Phonebar CTI integration

Use your existent custom CRM application and integrate it with the xCally Phonebar. 

It can be realized in two way:

  1. basic CTI integration, by setting the CTI parameter into the queue settings.
  2. dynamic CTI integration (for advanced users), that give you more flexibility by setting the CTI params into the variables.


How it works

Ms. Emily Brown calls the customer care to get information about her order. 

An IVR application asks her to insert the order number, then she gets connected to an agent.

Agent John Doe answers to Ms. Brown, the Phonebar launch a URL to company CRM with some call parameters (CallId, Agent, Queuename)  and the order number (previously inserted in the IVR).

A CRM web page with the customer information is displayed by the Phonebar.



What you need

Create the IVR script

The IVR script is basically the follows:

Refer to the Cally Square guide and examples to build your own IVR script.


Configure the Queue



SInce release 2.4.40 use the Integration section and Triggers instead the Queue settings


In the Queue Advanced Settings, set the application type, the URL with the parameters and on which event it has to be launched.


Insert the URL of company web application or CRM with the call parameters.

e.g. http://mycrm.company.com?callid={UNIQUEID}&ordernum={CALLDATA}

where UNIQUEID is the unique call id and CALLDATA is the variable where we saved the order number inserted by the customer.

Here is the list of the available parameters:

QUEUEQueue name
UNIQUEIDCall unique ID
CALLERIDCaller ID set on the dialplan or IVR
CALLERIDNUMCaller number, the value of CALLERID(num) variable
CALLERIDNAMECaller name (if any), the value og CALLERID(name) variable
DATECurrent date in format YYYYMMDD
TIMECurrent time in format hhmmss
TIMESTAMPCurrent timestamp in format YYYYMMDDhhmmss
USERNAMEAgent's username
CALLDATACustom data
EXTRAINFOExtravar value


Each parameter must be used in the URL with {} (e.g ....callid={UNIQUEID}&ordernum={CALLDATA} )



The available events are:

Up: when the agent picks up the call

Ring: when the Phonebar rings



Choose the application to launch (e.g. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, ..)



Every change to the CTI Queue parameters requires a Phonebar restart


Ready to live the CTI experience

The custom CRM application receives the data from Phonebar opening its web interface with the customer's order information


The purpose of the web page in the above picture is only to explain the CTI feature. xCally doesn't include any web page template.



The advanced CTI dynamic integration, allow you to set the CTI parameters (event, application and parameters) into the variables in order to change dynamically the CTI values for each calls, even into the same queue.

Like the previous example, we suppose to have a Company with 2 different CRM: an old application to use for order number less than 10.000, and a new application to manage the order number greater than 10.000.

In this case, the agent answer to customers from the same Queue so we cannot set the CTI parameter into the queue settings but we need to dynamically change the target URL and parameters according with the order number.


In the example, the CTI parameters are set as variables 


    1. CTIEVENT (the event on which the integration starts): 
      1. value "1" -> RING
      2. value "2" -> UP
    2. CTIAPPLICATION (on which browser/application the integration is executed): 
      1. value "1" -> Explorer
      2. value "3" -> Windows application
      3. value "5" -> Chrome
    3. CTIPARAMS (the parameters of the application):
      1. for browser applications, for example, you can set: http://mysite.com/myapp.html?param=value
      2. for Windows applications, for example, you can set: myapp.exe value1 value2 ... valueN


The list of CTI parameters to add to the URL is the same of the static CTI integration.

Here is the available params list.


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