XCALLY Push Gateway

The Mobile App will be soon in Beta Test and this documentation is work in progress

 What is a Push Gateway?

XCALLY Push Gateway generates push notifications when XCALLY App is in background and it is necessary to advise agents about incoming calls to handle.


These are the requirements needed for Beta Test:

To use XCALLY App, you need an iOS device (app for Android devices is work in progress)
App can be used only for users enabled on our Apple account (in this phase, it is not possible to use customer’s Apple account) → you can share with us Apple accounts address by opening a ticket at this link, indicating as request “I would like to be inserted in your Apple Account to try the app” and sending us your emails. In this way we can authorize your account, adding emails to our Apple account
On XCALLY Firewall you must enable the incoming (IN) port 5060 (UDP). For beta test, push gateway uses IP, while for stack SIP we’re using IP (after beta test we’ll provide a procedure to install push gateway and stack sip on the same server though docker).
For Voice channel, to allow the voice connection, it is necessary to open RTP ports (according to the provider).



How XCALLY Push Gateway works?

XCALLY Push Gateway works as push gateway and as a SIP Proxy which acts like a filter to accept just specific requests opening certain ports to agents registered to XCALLY machine. In this way, security can be guaranteed.

Coming soon: during Beta test you must use our Push Gateway, while after test on XCALLY there will be a proxy configuration section, which you must set to use your own proxy for Mobile App.

When a new call arrives, it’s necessary to know if the agent’s App is in foreground or background.

Mobile App in foreground


This scenario shows you the steps of gateway operation if agent has XCALLY app in foreground and he receives a new incoming call.

  1. A new incoming call arrives to XCALLY (and generally XCALLY server sends the call to the specific agent, but in this case there is the Push Gateway). So XCALLY Push Gateway receives the request from XCALLY server

  2. XCALLY Push Gateway redirects the call to the agent who manages the call (in this process, the Push notification does not get involved)

Mobile App in background

This scenario shows you the steps of Push Gateway operation if agent has XCALLY app in background.

  1. A new incoming call arrives to XCALLY (and generally XCALLY server sends the call to the specific agent, but in this case there is the Push Gateway). So XCALLY Push Gateway receives the request from XCALLY server

  2. XCALLY Push Gateway recognizes that the App is in background, therefore, it sends a push request to the Apple Push server

  3. Apple server will forward the Push notification (VoIP type) to the App mobile of the relative agent to advise about the incoming call (app stays listening for possible push notifications)
    With VoIP notifications, it’s possible to answer the call even if the app is in background and e.g. agent has locked the phone. In this way app is resumed, and it returns to foreground (you can see below screenshots about it).
    So device receives the notification and agent accepts it: in this way, app mobile passes to foreground status

  4. In this way, XCALLY Push Gateway, which was waiting for forwarding the call, can now send the request of new incoming call to the agent



Example of iOS Push Notification

PN with locked phone → agent can slide to answer and manage the call


PN with background app → agent can accept or decline the call


When agent starts the call he can click on XCALLY button to open app or he can directly use speaker or keypad, set mute option or end the call