XCALLY Mobile App

XCALLY Mobile App

 What’s about


The new XCALLY Mobile App allows Agents to manage Voice channels for inbound/outbound calls and Motion Bull campaigns directly from the smartphone. With XCALLY Mobile agents are available anytime, anywhere.

The language of the App corresponds to the one set on the smartphone.

The app allows the agent to receive inbound calls even if app is in backgroundfind out how to



  • XCALLY App is available on Apple devices with iOS system and on Android devices

  • You need to create Mobile agents (typology available from version 3.33.0) and they must be enabled on queues and contacts lists to manage

  • To use the App, you must enable on the license the option Mobile Client” and have Mobile Agents

  • You need a valid HTTPS certificate

  • You need to install your own push gateway (with push gateway and stack sip on the same server through docker) by following this guide


  • You must have iOS minimum from version 13.0

  • For the Voice channel, to allow the voice connection, it is necessary to open RTP ports (according to the provider).


  • Required operating system: minimum Android 9

  • For the Voice channel, to allow the voice connection, it is necessary to open RTP ports (according to the provider).

Agent Configuration

Mobile Agent creation

To use Mobile App, it’s necessary to create Mobile agents going on Staff → Agents → +




You need to insert:

  • Full Name of the Agent

  • Username: used to login (only letters, numbers or special characters like ._ are allowed)

  • Alias: an alternative name for the Agent, which can be used to hide the real agent login name (e.g. in canned answer, email template, chat and so on)

  • Typology Mobile

  • Email: the Agent email address. This field is used to receive a link to reset the password anytime the agent forgets it 

  • Password: insert here the password

  • By default, an Internal number (Extension) is automatically generated. You can manually specify the internal number you want to assign to the agent by editing his/her profile.

  • Description (not mandatory)

  • Optionally, you can enable Voicemail to automatically create a voicemail box for the agent.

  • Finally, click on ADD AGENT

Then you can edit the agent account if you need: V3 Agents | Edit/Modify an Agent

The created agent must be added to specific queues by clicking on channel button → voice button:

You can select one or more queues and if you want you can indicate an agent penalty to specific queues

Moreover, it’s necessary to enable agents to contacts viewSee how to add an agent to a specific contact list

Download App for iOS

Agent can easily download and install the XCALLY App Mobile on Apple device, at this link https://apps.apple.com/us/app/xcally-mobile/id6502697252 following this procedure:

1. You can search XCALLY on Apple Store and click on View


2. Install the app and then open it


  1. On your smartphone, you can click on App icon to launch it

  1. When a new version is available, by entering in Apple Store you can update the XCALLY App

Download App for Android

Agent can easily download and install the XCALLY App Mobile on Android device, following this procedure:


  1. Open Google Play and search XCALLY Mobile

  2. Install the application

  3. On your smartphone, you can click on App icon to launch it

  4. When a new version is available, by entering in Play Store you can update the XCALLY App


How does it work?


By clicking on the agent can login

In the text field Domain/IP insert the name of XCALLY server. If the name of the Domain is not available, it is possible to insert the IP address

Then, agent has to insert username, not the email, and password. If you have lost, or you cannot remember your password, just click on Forgot Password to recover it

Insert your email in the specific text field and complete the password restoring process

User Profile

By clicking on this icon the agent can enter the section relative to personal profile

From this interface it is possible to view Assigned Services, Privacy Policy and Logout.
If the agent wants to set a pause status can click on:

  • This button to start a default pause

  • This button to choose a custom pause (see screen below)

On Assigned services interface, Agent can see the list of queues to which he/she is assigned

By clicking the button you can customize your pause,
for example, selecting VIDEO TERMINAL, TEAM MEETING and so on.

Internal messaging

Clicking on the agent can open the internal messaging section to chat with other agents/users connected to XCALLY

Selecting a contact, agent can manage the conversation


By clicking on Interactions section, the agent can select on top of the page the different types of calls:

  • Internal, calls handled by internal routes, so calls received from the agent on internal route (not calling directly the internal number)

  • Inbound

  • Outbound

  • Dialer (at the moment preview campaign are not supported)

Below there is the list of managed calls with the relative info, such as Contact Name/Number, Start date, End dat