Outbound Routes

Outbound Routes


Create the Route

To create an Outbound Rule click on the button New Route and fill the form with the following information:

Name: rule’s name.

Pattern: it indicates the number to be filtered. It may be a fixed pattern or a pattern which represents a series of numbers. The operators most useful are “X”, which indicates a number from 0 to 9, and “.”, which indicates 0 or more numbers from 0 to 9. So, for example, “3X” means from 30 to 39 and “12X.” means all numbers starting with 12 plus at least one other number, like 124, 120, but not only 12)

Prefix: the prefix which is necessary to consider before dialing the call number.

Cut Digits: the digits that should to be cut to the number before passing the call to the provider.

Campaign Log: it indicates the possibility to log all outgoing calls from the rule in question with a campaign name (previously configured in the Settings section).

Recording Call: it indicates the possibility to record outbound calls on the rule in question (in WAV or GSM format).



Pattern Matching

Click here for more information about pattern matching


Edit the Route

The information about an Outbound Rule can be viewed and edited by clicking on the Edit button.

General Settings

In the General Settings it’s possible to edit the parameters set in the creation form, while in the Route Section you can add routes to the rule in question.

Outbound Integration

Here you can set one Outbound Integration on that Route, selecting the Integration name (the one you created under Integrations) as shown in the image below.


For each route, it’s possible to:

- Edit it, clicking on Edit

- Remove it, clicking on Delete

- Set its priority over other routes, by drag and drop.


To add a route click on the button New Route and then fill the form with the following parameters: 

Suffix: it is required by the provider before passing the call to the provider itself.

Trunk: the output channel (which is previously configured in the Trunk section)

CallerID: ID of the caller. In this case it’s the number to show to the called person.

Context: the context name on which the rule runs.

Time, Weekday, MonthDay, Month: these fields are used to determine when the route is valid.




Example 1

Pattern: 0X.

Prefix: 014

-> It will match any dialed number like 0140X.

For example if you dial 0140444434, the system will place a call to the selected route trunk.

If you dial 0533353331, the call will not be routed through this route, because the first three digits do not match 014

Example 2

Suffix: 025

Prefix: 0X.

-> It will ADD 025 to the dialed number 0X..

For example if you dial 0743444434, the system will place a call to the number 0250743444434



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