Here can be found the registry of locations.
It is possible to insert different locations and addresses.
Data Frame, which covers the number of locations viewed by the administrator
View/Edit: to view, edit or delete the location information
Import the information by uploading an excel file. Keep in mind that there is a template that you can dowload as an example (see below).
Export locations' details and information in an excel file.
Create Button (see below)
Download Excel file (with all the information in the bracket)
See the Download Excel file section at the End of this page for further information)
For a more in depth analysis of what the admin can do in this section:
Data Frame
By clicking on the Bar the following "curtain" will be opened
from which you can select the number of visible managed numbers to review, ranging from 10 to 100.
View and Edit
allow the admin to view, edit or delete the address information
Click on view or Edit to see or modify a location.
you will see the name of the place
while in Locations (see below)
There are going to be the address, with the possibility of having multiple locations.
Data Frame, which covers the amount of conversations viewed by the administrator (see above)
Edit the location
Delete the location (see below)
Create new location
Download Excel file (with all the information in the bracket)
See the Download Excel file section at the End of this page for further information
Edit the location (2.)
Put in the ID of an external system to match it with WitiOp
The admin can either insert all the required data such as adress, latitude and longitude or through the Map feature enter a location and the information are automatically filled in by the system.
Please remeber to press on Ok and give a name to the location.
Then click on Confirm.
At the end of the process to Save the settings remember to press on .
Delete (3.)
To eliminate a location it is possible to press on:
You will see this bracket:
Click on
to go back to the previous feature or
to eliminate the location.
Add a New Location (4.)
Refer to the previous section to complete and insert all the required data to add a new adress.
Remember to fill the blanks highlighted by (*)
To Save the settings remember to press on .
If you Press on Delete you will see the following bracket
Click on Cancel to go back to the previous feature or Delete to eliminate the information.
Import the information by uploading an excel file
The excel file needs to respect the mandatory fields.
For an example see the template you can easily download. (1.)
Please remember to check the required categories of the file so that the system can read it.
Follow the steps in order
2. Select the Category (among the possibilities)
3. Import through an Excel file in two different ways:
Insert / Update / Delete: new and updated personal data are imported which replace the previous ones;
Insert / Update: The new master data are added and the modified master data updated. Then, select the Excel file to import.
4. Click on Select and you will see the following bracket.
Choose the file you need.
Export locations' details and information in an excel file
Click on Export
You will see the following bracket on the top right end of your screen
Open the file and you will have all the information you need in an Excel, easy to share to subjects/departments that do not use the WitiOp platform.
Create Button
Refer to the previous section to complete and insert all the required data to create a new location.
Remember to fill the blanks highlighted by (*) in Details and Locations.
They are the same as the ones in the section View and Edit (see above)
To Save the settings remember to press on.
The Excel file Download
This feature allows to translate all the information related to the Location in an Excel file.
Click on the icon and you will see the following bracket on the top right end of your screen:
Open the file and you will have all the information you need in an Excel, easy to share to subjects/departments that do not use the WitiOp platform.