The Motion versioning follows the Semantic Versioning guidelines.
Remember to Hard Refresh and clear Application Data in your browser after the update
Version 3.28.2
[XM-1919][XS-9928] Fixed issue with Mohtime for outbound calls that was always 0. With this fix in report_call
table column Mohtime shows correctly the time of hold duration during the call
[XM-2095][XS-10188][XS-10191][XS-10196][XS-10205] Fixed issue with Users could not access /analytics/Extracted Reports
section. With this fix user with permissions on Analytics section can enter correctly on Extracted Report
Version 3.28.1
[XM-2089][XS-10139] Fixed issue with SAML Single Sign-On not working with 3.28.0
Version 3.28.0
[XM-442][XS-7401] Fixed issue with error pagination in Presence section, now solved
[XM-993][XS-8503] Fixed issue with inline pictures and attachments, now visible correctly for Agents
[XM-1405][XS-8593] Fixed issue with Admin account, editable from other Admins. With this fix Admins can not modify/delete admin with id=1 →
[XM-1490][XS-9105][XS-10020] Fixed issue with Max Capacity not respected if chat was transferred: if an agent has reached Max Capacity and he/she is selected for the transfer, an information box will appear because the agent can not receive any further interactions
[XM-1492][XS-8887] Fixed issue with waiting queue calls icon, not updating correctly when inbound calls arrived. Now when an inbound call is received, agent views notification number of waiting queue calls on the relative icon
[XM-1500] Fixed issue with AI Tools buttons, displayed also if license was not enabled. With this fix, page doesn’t show AI Tools buttons on voice recordings if they are not enabled on license
[XM-1501] Fixed issue with Play and Download actions, not working in Edit Voice Recording section if AI Tools license was disabled. Play and download buttons are now working correctly
[XM-1507] Fixed issue with Transcribe, Sentiment Analysis and Post call analytics activations: these AI tools options can be launched on Voice Recordings section only if they are enabled on Settings → General → A.I. Tools
[XM-1578] Fixed issue with tooltips, not visible for Play and Download actions in Voice Recordings edit. With this fix tooltips are now viewable correctly
[XM-1795][XS-9642] Fixed issue with Voice trigger, which opened the wrong contact List with preview campaign. With this fix if you have the same phone number in listA and listB and you add listA in the queue campaign while you create a trigger with Contact Manager action (selecting listB and Ignore dialer contact id = Yes)
, the trigger opens correctly the contact in listB
[XM-1855] Fixed issue with multiselect with Sentiment Analysis, not working. With this fix when admin selects multiple voice recordings, it’s possible to launch Sentiment Analysis correctly
[XM-1861][XS-9726] Fixed issue with Realtime data, not correct. With this fix the data are correctly viewed
[XM-1865][XS-9885] Fixed issue with TextBox, not opening on OpenChannel interactions. With this fix when agent receive an OpenChannel message, they can reply to the interaction through text box
[XM-1876][XS-9684][XS-9383][XS-10128] Fixed issue with incorrect talk time duration in reports and doubled records on report_member
. With this fix strings are not doubled and data appear correct
[XM-1941] Fixed issue with Agent Profiles permissions: if a user has permissions on Agent Profile section but not on Agent section, the user can not view the list of Agents. Moreover if he tries to create an Agent Profile he can not see agents
[XM-1952][XS-9996] Fixed issue with autoreply mail, not saving images. With this fix if you insert an image in autoreply mail action, this is saved correctly
[XM-1959] Fixed issue with permissions on internal messenger: user can see and chat only with specific agents for which they have relative permissions
[XM-1986][XS-10058] Fixed issue with Agents not able to search for calls: agents can use search bar by digiting phone number and the search shows calls associated to selected number correctly
[XM-1993][XS-9113][XS-10158] Fixed issue with triggers, not working on email channel (by setting as conditions account=X AND interaction=Closed and as action Browser with CTI URL type) when agent answered to email and then clicked on “Send and Close”. With this fix action set in trigger is correctly run and in trigger log data is saved correctly after the closing action
[XM-2014][XS-10166] Fixed issue with Queue Campaign, which didn’t originate calls even if agents logged in were available. With this fix calls are generated correctly
[XM-576] Implementation of notification section on agent panel to show a notification when a new interaction arrives →
[XM-1560][XS-9485][XS-10086] Improvement in restore contacts for queue campaigns: if admin/user tries to restore contacts and one or more have been deleted from Contact Manager, the user receives the message with the warning that he can’t restore removed contact(s)
[XM-1571][XS-9034] Added in mail account advanced settings a way to filter incoming email by IMAP headers. Useful for Antispam and Antivirus scanner →
[XM-1638][XS-9621] Improvement of transcribe, by showing external user’s telephone number or internal agent’s name →
[XM-1692][XM-1693] Improvement of multiselect in new client experience: by clicking on a row with multiselect option it’s possible to keep different rows selected (or deselected). Moreover when you select a single resource by using multiselect option you can view multiselect checkbox
Version 3.27.1
[XM-2004][XS-10087][XS-10088] Fixed issue with outprefix extension: with this fix changes on webRTC apply without hard refresh and they are saved correctly in call history V3
[XM-2010] Fixed issue with unexpected parenthesis in call history: with this fix these parenthesis have been deleted
Version 3.27.0
[XM-155][XS-6459][XS-6440] Fixed issue with sound files/announcements in queue which were still played even if disabled. With this fix when an inbound call arrives and an announcement is disabled, it is not heard
[XM-430] Fixed issue with Internal Messenger group chat, where visualisation didn’t work correctly. With this fix group chat shows the correct order of messages from top to bottom. Morever user can view only agents for which he has user permissions
[XM-596][XS-7722][XS-7724] Fixed issue with Booked Agent break after disposition, not respected. With this fix if agent books a pause, it is maintained after sent disposition
[XM-1155][XS-9318][XS-10035][XS-8764] Fixed issue with report, which showed negative values: if there are some waiting interactions and 2 logged agents but one of them rejects request while the other accepts it, in the realtime the value is never a negative number
[XM-1226][XS-9036][XS-9879][XS-8881] Fixed issue with outprefix extension saved in call history: the column keepprefix
has been added to report_call
table, so making an outbound call the prefix used is shown only if Keep Prefix option is active.
At the same time if agent makes a call that has already a prefix, it is not shown twice while if agents click on the History to start a call, it’s possible to choose the prefix to use
Advanced Notes
DB Changes:
Table | New Columns |
report_call | keepprefix |
[XM-1394][XS-9187] Fixed issue with link at chat closing form, not opening in the right way. With this fix inserted link in closing message is shown correctly
[XM-1411][XS-9179] Fixed issue with 'updatedat' column in cm_contacts
table not updated when a custom field is modified. With this fix the contact data are correctly updated if there are changes on custom fields
[XM-1475][XM-1983] Fixed issue with User Client: it was possible to view pages not provided by the enabled license by manually typing URL in the search bar. If you search a feature page for which you don’t have license permission, an “Unathorized” message is shown correctly; at the same time if you have enabled features you can reach them by sidebar or by path URL
[XM-1551][XS-9392] Fixed issue with ACW pause time in report_agent
table, indicated as maximum time if agent logged out before the end of ACW: with this fix the ACW pause column marks the actual time until the logout and not the maximum time set in the queue
[XM-1630][XS-9490][XS-9565] Fixed issue with network connectivity popup, not always showing: with this fix popup appears every time connection is lost and this popup will close automatically only when the connection is active again
[XM-1850][XS-9851] Fixed issue with outbound mail interactions, where modal for creation note had not focus on the editor, by forcing the user to click before starting to type: with this fix when modal note is opened the autofocus remains in the textarea
[XM-1858][XS-9886][XS-9863][XS-10015][XS-9872] Fixed issue with canned answer space, doubled between rows: with this fix selected canned answer shows the text correctly
[XM-1862][XS-9869] Fixed issue with sender string not present in the GUI for SMS Skebby provider: with this fix message shows sender string correctly
[XM-1868][XS-9893] Fixed issue with user chat group, not showing agent’s name: with this fix when an agent/user/admin writes in a chat group, username is shown
[XM-1920][XS-8148] Fixed issue with accept message, not sent in some cases: by sending or receiving messages the interaction works correctly on all channels
[XM-1954] Fixed issue with webRTC bar reconnection: if webRTC bar loses connection, it automatically tries to reconnect when the connection returns
[XM-495] Addition of date entry field for calls dispositions: the Agent, at the end of the call, can indicate a disposition date (in a dedicated field) →
[XM-1452][XS-9508] FEATURE PARTNERS ONLY Implementation of Service Users (that can be users or agents) with basic authentication always available. For these service accounts, by setting on database table users ServiceLogin = 1
, it’s possible to login always with username and password also if Enforce MFA or Enforce SSO is active
[XM-1502] Implementation of Whisper Trascribe with OpenAI for Voice Recordings transcription → AI Tools with Open AI Whisper
[XM-1518][XS-9402][XS-10014] Improvements and implementation for the swagger page https://YOUR_SERVER_ADDRESS/swagger-ui
[XM-1576][XS-8935] Implementation of URL type Custom Field and change of additional phones position, under custom field section on agent and admin visualisation →
[XM-1643][XS-9489] Implementation of favorite timezone on settings old client →
[XM-1680] Add Priority and Timeout editing in the Queue Group: it’s possible to edit queues inserted in queue group clicking on button in priority and timeout area →
[XM-1695] Improvement of multiselect on timings feature: if you choose multiselect standby checkbox, selection is maintained also on other table pages
[XM-1724] Update flags from License: if you haven’t inspectors, agent profiles or new experience enabled on license you don’t view relative sections in the sidebar
Version 3.26.2
[XM-1810] Optimization of requests on Asterisk for queue status and optimization of database queries
Version 3.26.1
[XM-1002] Fixed issue with import contacts that inserted like value 00:00:00 if schedule date field was empty. With this fix, by importing contact, the table cm_contacts
in database has not that value
[XM-1385][XS-9173] Fixed issue with an error 400 which appeared to user with right permissions but unable to modify telephone password. The user is now able to change the password correctly and he views a success message
[XM-1597][XS-9809][XS-9864][XS-9908] Fixed issue with interaction dialog, too small for admin: with this fix, when admin clicks on “spy” on an interaction dialog, the page is shown correctly
[XM-1626] Fixed issue with Agent’s soft delete that displayed him in the hopper of a queue campaign for recall me option. With this fix when the recall agent is deleted, the hopper removes the agent association
[XM-1670] Fixed issue with deleted members section, by improving translations and dialog page
[XM-1912] Fixed issue with Whatsapp template and campaigns not working with User role. With this fix User, with relative permissions, can see the allowed sections correctly
[XM-1914] Fixed issue with default pause in Realtime section, which showed an error. With this fix Agent pause is shown correctly
[XM-1917] Fixed issue with SSO Active Directory: LDAP/AD legacy mode should check usernames as case insensitive
[XM-709][XS-7932] Deletion of print icon on chat snippet: if on a chat website the option “show print icon” is off, it doesn’t appear in the chat
[XM-1410][XS-9829][XS-9098][XS-9711] Add possibility to configure the timeout of the request the server makes to obtain group license token. You need to set this parameter in .env file
And then you have to do npm run initialize. After Motion restart, the new timeout will be 60 seconds. Do not raise the timeout to more than 60000.
[XM-1427] On phonebar, when an agent is deleted (soft delete), he/she is logged out automatically
[XM-1465][XS-9307] Motion Translation in Khmerski
[XM-1907] Addition of missing sections on Settings → License. Under Channel Card admin can see the new sections Whatsapp Connector Inbound and Whatsapp Connector Outbound and the right number of Whatsapp Connector Inbound Sessions and Microsoft Teams Sessions → V3 License
[XM-1915] Added Whatsapp outbound license check: Admin/user can see Whatsapp Sections, like Templates and Campaigns (by reaching them also by search bar) only if it is enabled on license
Version 3.26.0
[XM-457][XS-9031][XS-7628][XS-8525] Fixed issue with Modern Auth mailbox, which randomly lost authentication. With this fix, download algorythm has been improved for Microsoft Outlook emails. Added Setting loginMailDelay
which allows to avoid multiple email fetch at the same time, to avoid overloading cloud servers
[XM-987][XS-8794][XS-8802][XS-8500] Fixed issue with Group Campaign access via search bar: if a user without campaign group license searches it via bar, campaign group is not shown
[XM-1067] Fixed issue with contacts import, where there were problem importing additional phones: if on additional phones fields, at least one on them is filled, this data is visible in the additional phones
[XM-1250][XS-9349][XS-8932] Fixed issue with outbound calls dispositions, not written in report_call
table: with this fix all dispositions are present in database
[XM-1303][XS-9014] Fixed issue with sentiment analysis reports not working. With this fix sentiment analysis report works correctly, by reporting e.g. for each agent a count for each sentiment and a sum of all sentiments + the percent of sum of sentiments
[XM-1320][XS-9044] Fixed issue with Openchannel download API not working correctly: with this fix attachment in openchannel interaction is downloaded in the correct format
[XM-1396][XS-9169] Fixed issue with mail dashboard that reloaded while scrolling interactions: with this fix when mail page is refreshed through the reload timeout, the agent is not taken back to the initial page. Moreover when an agent opens an unread email, upon refreshing the page, it also appears as open to the other agents in the same queue
[XM-1402][XM-1632][XS-9489] Fixed issue with recording date range, showing correctly only data set in the API that matches with indicated range of date
[XM-1489] Fixed issue with Booked Pause, not working with after call work: a new widget has been added to Realtime agents data to track booked pauses and the new environment variable XC_BOOKED_PAUSE_MONITORING
has been implemented to manage the tracking of booked pauses on report_member table
[XM-1730] Fixed issue with After Call Work, not working when using Queue Groups: with this fix when agent hangs up the call, the ACW starts correctly
[XM-1802][XS-7965] Fixed issue with label translation to show messages to the client in the language chosen for the platform
[XM-1806] Fixed issue with Agent Pause: if an agent was in pause and admin added a queue to agent profile, the queue wasn’t in pause status. With this fix the queue results correctly in pause if Agent Status is equal to pause
[XM-1823] Fixed issue with Legacy method for ActiveDirectory SSO: with this fix login with this method works correctly
[XM-1886] Fixed issue with interaction with unread messages, which crashed the page. With this fix if you have an interaction with unread messages, the page loads correctly
[XM-516][XS-7582] Update to .csv file import to map also social fields (like Facebook, Instagram, Telegram…)
[XM-1271] Implementation of Whatsapp Connector META also to create Outbound Campaigns → Meta for Whatsapp Connector Whatsapp for Outbound Campaigns
[XM-1408] Logout implementation on New Client Experience
[XM-1509][XM-1510][XM-1511][XS-9091] Improvement of Google CloudTTS block for Cally Square projects →
[XM-1681] Implementation of multiselect option of voice queues in queues groups creation →
[XM-1721][XM-1898] Update UI XCALLY to show only features enabled on license (also on Realtime dashboard)
[XM-1804] Routealias variable is now properly valorized in the trigger on event "ring"
[XM-1837][XS-9725] Optimized query to fetch interactions
[XM-1803] Fixed issue with voice extensions not updated when adding/removing Queues in Queues Groups. With this fix voice extensions relative to inbound/internal routes (which used that queue group) are correctly updated
[XM-1812] Fixed issue with uniqueid of report_queue
and report_call
by using Queue Groups: linkedid column has been added to report_agent
and report_queue
to JOIN them
[XM-1021] Fixed issue with Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR), where some pages were accessed also to unauthorized users. With this fix an authorization scheme has been applied to make sure that authorizations are always checked in every function and an access denied window appears when necessary → script coming soon
[XM-1059][XS-8620] Fixed issue with Global Canned Answers which didn’t apply spacing in emails. With this fix inserted formatting is respected on email channel
[XM-1248][XS-8426] Fixed issue with unresponsive SMTP relay on IVR Send Mail Block. If you use a STMP relay service, replace the Send Mail block and do not enable “Wait for email to be sent” on the new block
[XM-1267] Fixed issue with some translations that had the wrong pointer, solved with this fix
[XM-1355][XS-9058] Fixed issue with Login with Active Directory not working, by adding a new LDAP/ActiveDirectory login strategy →
[XM-1494] Fixed issue with Group of Campaigns which caused Dialer blockage (Upon reaching the configured Quantity of a Group's Campaign, it occured that the getContactDialer was called with 0 contacts, by causing the loading of all contacts in the Campaign and the possible consequent blocking of Dialer). With this fix, the problem has been solved
[XM-1521][XS-9423] Fixed issue with screen recording download not working (record start time and end time weren’t written on GUI) . With this fix the system opens a window with all information from the video, which is played correctly
[XM-1569][XS-9128][XS-9444][XS-9616] Fixed issue with Booked Progressive campaign which blocked Dialer in some conditions with a lot of outbound queues. With this fix the problem has been solved
[XM-1728] Fixed issue with rows limit (250) in multiprofile table and queue timings table. If you create more than 250 profiles or timings, all of them are recovered correctly
[XM-1730] Fixed issue with automatic ACW didn’t work using queue groups. With this fix ACW starts correctly also using Queue Groups
[XM-1753][XS-8148] Fixed issue with Openchannel Accept Message function which didn’t correctly mark messages as read. A not null condition has been placed on waitingNotification
[XM-1486][XS-9378] Add translation for Spanish: Staff → Deleted Members
[XM-1526][XS-8909] Enable Voice Recording by default, by switching on the new setting in section General Global Enable Voice Recording in new queues by default →
[XM-1540][XS-7965] Removal of sections “SALESID”, “MANAGESALE”, “CRM” and “ACCOUNTINGDOC” from
due to non-use
[XM-1568] Enable text copy from Calls/Queues Inspector tables
[XM-1618][XM-1709][XM-1710] Improvement of Timings feature: time picker component (to select start time and end time) and weekdays selectbox have been updated →
Moreover a warning appears if you try to delete an active timing →
[XM-1621] Improvement of Timings feature to solve race condition problem: if you create several timings that end at X time and others that start simultaneously at the same X time, the agent always views the correct queues connected
[XM-1653] Addition of the New Voice Trigger Condition “Call direction” to enable Call Status trigger only for incoming calls →
[XM-1752][XS-9732] Fixed issue with a bug on new installations v.3.24.2. With this fix login page opens correctly
[XM-1451] Fixed issue with agent profile changes: if agent profile is modified, the agent can see changes in realtime
[XM-1575][XS-9501] Fixed issue with Cally Square DialogflowV2 not working: Intent has to be configured correctly on DialogflowV2 and an error message has been improved to advise in case of empty message
[XM-1664] Fixed issue with the editing of a Company: with this fix when a company is modified on report_call
table the field cmcompany_name
contains the updated name
[XM-1372] Add the opportunity to disable/enable a profile, with a warning popup in case of agents logged in with that profile → Agent Profiles
[XM-1460][XS-9161] Creation of new default and custom reports for Call Dispositions: going on Analytics/Reports → Motion or Custom Reports/Voice/Calls, admin can see a new option with name “Call Dispositions“
[XM-1469][XS-9298] Improvement of popup for Preview Strategy and additional phones: a message has been included that alerts the agent that the number to all is chosen by the campaign strategy → Multi number feature on Preview Strategy
[XM-712] Fixed issue with Italian translation for Account Freshsales
[XM-1556][XS-9479] Fixed issue with multiple searches at the same time, before the query is completed: A stoplight has been inserted for all channels so that it will not do further searches when a search is already in progress
[XM-1617] Fixed issue with Change Profile not showing current profile: with this fix the system stores the chosen profile and by reopening the selection window it remembers the previous choice
[XM-1620][XS-9596] Fixed issue with email filter, which jumped back to old search. With this fix problem is solved and email filters work correctly
[XM-1634] On email channel, dialog popup has been updated and it is inserted centered
[XM-1642] Adding a toasty for multiple connection: if an agent logins and he/she opens another XCALLY tab, a toasty appears to warn that agent is already logged in
[XM-410][XS-8767] Fixed issue with Hard delete Agent, present in hopper campaign with recall: if an agent is deleted hardly, the hopper don't have the recall
[XM-700][XS-7906] Fixed issue with Transfer calls not shown in Omnidesktop: transfer calls are now visible correctly on Voice section
[XM-984][XS-9180] Fixed issue with closedAt attribute for mail interactions, not visible as admin: now moving over column status of interaction, display tooltip with close info appears
[XM-1018] Fixed issue with closed interactions: before, if actions were performed (e.g. creation of a note), the value of assignee agent changed: with this fix, by adding a note on a closed interaction, Agent doesn’t change
[XM-1029][XM-1282][XS-8534][XS-9059] Fixed issue on report_member table after transfer to a Cally Square project: with this fix call data are correct on indicated table
[XM-1160][XS-8512] Fixed issue with browser hard refresh needed to see Client Application Update
[XM-1252][XS-8928] Fixed issue with Agent dashboards which display wrong data on a server without Dialer license: with this fix, dashboards are correctly retrieved from API
[XM-1379][XS-9160] Fixed issue with reloading emails: if an agent was choosing the account from the drop-down menu, it was closed, bringing the agent back to the dashboard. With this fix when the system refreshes email interactions, Account's dialog is not closed
[XM-1391][XS-9174] Fixed issue with custom field type DataTime which in the database recorded 2 hours less than that reported on GUI record: with this fix DataTime is correctly saved
[XM-1412][XS-9408][XS-9179] Fixed issue with missing feedback from GUI after successful creation of a custom field (having no feedback from the interface, the user clicked several times on the form, even if custom field had already been created): with this fix when saving a custom field, the form is disabled during the save
[XM-1485][XM-1515][XS-9158] Fixed issue with contact list export as CSV which returned API error 500: with this fix, export runs without problem with correct data
[XM-1522] Fixed issue with Agent Profiles Name (the system allowed saving even if the name was an empty field): with this fix Profile name is required and it is not possible to save until it is entered
[XM-1523] Fixed issue with edit of Agent Profiles Name which obliged to include the description: with this fix it’s possible to modify Profile Name (even without editing/entering description)
[XM-1549][XS-9450] Fixed issue of creating temporary tables without primary key in InnoDB Cluster environment
[XM-1078][XS-8116] Multiple tab connection for agents: if an agent is logged (established connection - green agent status) and he/she opens a second tab, the new one doesn't force the disconnection from the first tab (first tab connection is still green and the second tab connection is red).
To enable it, it’s necessary to insert the environment variable XC_ASTERISK_ONLY_ONE_CONN=true
[XM-1095] Implementation of the new Queue Groups Feature to set a priority to several queues at global level → Queues Groups
[XM-1173] Management of redirect to and from old Client to new one for "details" pages to avoid console error
[XM-1239] Prefix display in WebRTC bar
[XM-1265] Permission management of Agent Profiles: as admin it’s possible to enable/disable the view permission of Agent Profiles on User Profile section. A user can see Agent Profile section on own menu only if he has relative permission →
[XM-1321] Update on Deleting company, showing a warning if it is associated with one or more routes →
[XM-1336][XM-1338][XM-1406][XM-1407] Implementation of Queue Timing Feature → Timings
[XM-1381] [XS-9144] Setting Alias in Queue Group, this field must be visible in Realtime Queue Calls overview
[XM-1419][XM-1420] Implementation of “Queue Groups” section and application on dialplan routes (internal and inbound) → Queues Groups
[XM-1440][XM-1466][XS-9262] CallySquare project plays to customer when Recall Me option is active: if you have a CallySquare project set to be played after the queue and an agent selects the Recall Me option, the project is played to the customer.
Moreover the option “Run Cally Square Project After even if the agent hangs up the call” is now available for progressive, predictive,preview and booked progressive campaigns →
[XM-1470] Adding xcally-queues-groups context to the list of default XCALLY contexts, used to cluster queues groups for voice_extensions
Version 3.23.1
[XM-1538][XS-9440][XS-9447] Fixed error when adding an application to Action list in the channel accounts
Version 3.23.0
[XM-979][XS-8675][XS-8681][XS-8336] Fixed issue with realtime dashboards slowly occupying RAM
[XM-1010][XS-8526] Fixed issue with error occurring, when using email search feature
[XM-1046] Fixed issue with graphic glitch, occurring when selecting an item from the staff/agent list
[XM-1167] Fixed issue with email interactions list reorder based on tag column not working
[XM-1195][XS-9052] Fixed issue with error occurring, when creating, as agent, a new contact
[XM-1203] Wrong translation in voice realtime section corrected
[XM-1242][XS-8901] Fixed issue with chanspy (onlylistenboth) feature not working
[XM-1304][XS-9000] Fixed issue with user not seeing the red indicator when there is a new message from a connected chat if the names are too long
[XM-1361][XS-9115] Fixed issue with system action on chat account not showing complete command
[XM-1380][XS-9163][XS-9252] Fixed issue with error occurring, when adding an agent to multiple teams
[XM-1456] Fixed issue with error occurring in the API voice call report
[XM-588][XS-7767] Given an email interaction when an Agent opens for the first time the interaction, he/she should see the date of acceptance of interaction in information section
[XM-850][XS-7341][XS-8035] APIs created for conference calls with WebRTC
[XM-975] New Client Experience with client redirection to new GUI Version → New Client Experience
[XM-1459][XS-9294] Possibility to associate an outprefix to a context → V3 Out Prefixes
[XM-1100] Added Call and Queues Inspector feature → Calls Inspector and Queues Inspector
[XM-1258][XM-1216][XM-1217][XM-1261][XM-1264][XM-1309] Added Agent profiles → Agent Profiles
Version 3.22.1
[XM-1181][XS-8811][XS-8815] Fixed issue with call assigned manually to agent by Admin, reported as Abandoned: on dashboard the call is now tracked like Unmanaged (and not Abandoned). Moreover fields lastevent
and reason
(in the report_agent table) and queuecallerexitreason
(in the report_queue table) are set to redirectbyuser
[XM-1246][XS-8403] Fixed issue with external phone still ringing also if agent executed "dirty logout", by closing the browser from the 'X' button: External Agent don’t receive call after Disconnection Timeout passed
Version 3.22.0
[XM-816][XS-6097][XS-8708] Fixed issue with deleting agents that breaks chat history: when a staff member is delete soft is not loggable but restorable and the associated voice_extentions are maintained. When a staff member is deleted hard, all associated interactions are deleted → Deleted members
[XM-928] Fixed issue with get contacts API not working properly if id field is not requested: on API side, id field has been added by default so all calls return the requested data
[XM-1086][XS-8672] Fixed issue with advanced search by tag that returned an error: search by tag has been solved
[XM-1110] Fixed issue with transfer call: when agent1 transfers call to agent2, this one didn’t view the recording dot icon. With this fix, on call transfer the recording dot icon is turned on and agent can stop the current recording if necessary
[XM-1274][XS-8960] Fixed issue with time format on reports: using XLSX library and downloading a report the date format is GG-MM-AAAA HH:mm:ss
[XM-1284][XS-8952] Fixed issue with tags not working on new contacts: using a call number not associated to a contact already present in Contact Manager, tag list is correctly present
[XM-1376][XS-7747][XS-7879][XS-9116][XS-9137] Fixed issue with queue campaign, where calls remained in hopper when the trigger had condition Call status=No Answer or Busy with active=1 and these contacts were no longer called back. With this fix, when call is Busy or NoAnswer the trigger is invoked, contacts goes in History section and active=0 to recall them.
[XM-1390][XS-9180] Fixed issue with new mail button, that did not start any API: when an agent clicks the button from contact manager at the end of a call, selecting an e-mail address to send the communication to, the email is sent correctly.
[XM-650][XS-9180] Click to Openchannel in Contact Manager: it’s possible to open a new communication directly from customer’s profile in Contact Manager, selecting “New Openchannel interaction” and choosing the Open Channel account for which you want to start the interaction →
[XM-683][XS-8351] Move to Conversation API for Sinch as WhatsApp Connector Provider due to system deprecation → SINCH v2 for Whatsapp Connector
[XM-1107][XS-8472][XS-8491] Force SSO Login: Added Enforce Agents SSO and Enforce Users SSO on Settings to enable Login with mandatory SSO →
Version 3.21.3
[XM-1400] Fixed issue with RestAPI Cally Square Block, not working properly
If you have created the REST API block on a Cally Square Project before V3.21.1, you must remove the block and add it again to the project to have the issue fixed on your XCALLY.
Version 3.21.2
[XM-1348] Fixed issue with Email, not sending attachments when using message draft
[XM-1359] Fixed issue with call data on tabs after trigger URI, not saved in local storage
Version 3.21.1
Minor fix related to Trigger feature improvements of previous versions
Version 3.21.0
[XM-67][XS-6609] Fixed issue with SuiteCRM integration not finding phone number
[XM-389][XS-7309] Fixed issue with WebRTC back ringtone duplicated
[XM-475][XS-7614][XS-8750] Fixed issue with interaction notification arriving to agents, even when already managed
[XM-630][XS-5773] Fixed issue with Recall me feature, not showing Agents on the Hopper if they switch the contact on the preview list
[XM-842][XS-8162] Fixed issue with Activities Summary report, generating wrong metrics
[XM-1048] Fixed issue with message parameter (Motion Bull → Realtime → Queues), not updating when a campaign is deactivated
[XM-1068][XS-8513] Fixed issue with Dialogflow, not showing answers on the chat after enabling the webhook for a specific intent
[XM-1171][XS-8658] Fixed issue with MySQL restart crashing Motion
[XM-1191][XS-8688][XS-8808][XS-8949] Fixed issue with Agents automatically disconnected by motion, not more visible on Realtime when they return to being active
[XM-369] Possibility to autosave email draft →
[XM-454] Possibility to choose the interface Date/Time Format →
[XM-952] New Cally Square block: Whisper OpenAI →
[XM-1032][XS-8471] Possibility to disable RPC log writing → → Set the .env variable XC_LOG_FILES_DISABLED=rpc
[XM-1094] [XM-1251] Possibility to add alias and company data to reports for inbound, internal and outbound routes → V3 Routes
[XM-1330] Translation available on updated
Advaced Notes
New API:
POST /api/interaction/close-tabs
POST /api/webbar/send-dtmf
DB Changes:
New Columns | Updated Columns |
cmcompanyid cmcompanyname routealias CmCompanyId contactPhoneKey integrationName data8 dateTimeFormat dateFormat timeFormat durationFormat dateTimeFormat dateFormat timeFormat durationFormat | service application |
Version 3.20.1
[XM-1120][XS-8716] Fixed issue with REST API block, where variable was not accepted on URL field: given this type of block, if there is a variable in the field URL, then the API should be callled
If you already have the REST API block on a Cally Square Project, you must remove the block and add it again to the project to have the issue fixed on your XCALLY.
[XM-1211] Update translation on labels
Version 3.20.0
[XM-159] Fixed issue with notification message at the creation of a telephone or a user: if the maximum number of users/telephones, available for the license, is achieved, an error message informs that the limit of users/telephones has been reached
[XM-539][XS-8054][XS-5791] Fixed issue with custom context creation: the system generates automatically “h" extension
in database on the Voice Custom context created
[XM-758] Fixed issue with Login Control: if you login into Motion via API (without passing through Agent Interface) it’s not possible to access if maximum number of login has been reached (account blocked both via API and via GUI)
[XM-929][XS-5802] Fixed issue with Report_member
table which didn’t fill data1
column as inbound
. The field is now correctly populated
[XM-974] Fixed issue with booked progressive campaigns, on which is possible to set correctly Round Robin as strategy
[XM-1058][XS-8739] Fixed issue with error running migration from V2 to V3, caused by missing Alias Column → /wiki/spaces/KB/pages/2167701507
[XM-1066][XS-8655] Fixed issue with booked progressive campaigns, where calls were received even if After Call Work was active: therefore call routing to the agent is delayed, if agent is in ACW or busy the call is not routed and when wrap-up time is activated, calls are delayed by 2 seconds →
[XM-1070][XS-8638] Fixed issue with screen recording “Interaction ID” field: it is not used, so it has been removed →
[XM-1123] Fixed issue with webbar API, which weren’t available on Agent, but only on Admin profile. These API are now available also for Agents: /webbar/originate
[XM-400] As admin, added possibility to view number of agents logged and in pause on general dashboard pages of each channel →
[XM-1085] Added a Jenkins pipeline for XCALLY User Client project management
[XM-1121] Created a Cally Square block to execute DTMF action →
[XM-1122] Created DTMF action on Action Flow section →
[XM-1140] As agent view, changed plugins icon position in the sidebar → Agent Plugins
Version 3.19.3
[XM-1204] Fixed issue for new installations from version 3.15.0 onward for cm_hopper_history
table, where column dialTimezone
was not found: this column has been added correctly to the table
Version 3.19.2
[XM-1105][XS-8403] Fixed issue with Agent's ID: the trigger is correctly activated for an Agent's ID, even if the previously logged-in Agent's ID was greater
[XM-1159][XS-8801] Fixed issue with Logo CSS margin, which must not be present to always center logo
Version 3.19.1
[XM-1083][XS-8658] Fixed issue with MySQL restart crashing Motion
[XM-1104][XS-8691] Fixed issue with report_member table the field duration not correctly computed: Agent changed pause type not duration recorder
[XM-1106][XS-8686] Fixed issue with Json data not showing in the request Response and Preview Network client browser tabs, when the chat is Offline
Version 3.19.0
[XM-426][XS-5910][XS-7774] Fixed issue with cm_hoppers tables: userId field is filled in for all methods used by the dialer in queue campaigns
[XM-547][XS-7678] Fixed issue with search bar: Admin can not see functionalities not included on his license and the global search closes correctly (even if you don’t write anything in the bar) if you click on X button
[XM-741] Fixed issue with Predictive Campaign Groups: it is possible to configure directly from Details section Thresholds parameters →
[XM-744] Fixed issue with pagination in Voice→ Realtime → Queues for Supervisor visualization: if queues are greater than 10, they are paginated correctly
[XM-745] Fixed issue with pagination in Voice → Realtime → Queue Parameters for Supervisor visualization: if queue parameters are greater than 10, they are paginated correctly
[XM-746] Fixed issue with column “Alias”, which must not visible, by logging in as Admin in Voice → Realtime → Queue Calls section
[XM-754] Fixed issue with Campaign Groups, where it is possible to configure correctly timezone for the single group →
[XM-813][XS-8138] Fixed issue with Stop Recording on voice call transfer: for inbound calls, the option works differently depending on transfer type →
[XM-911] Fixed issue with variable 'PredictiveIntervalAvailable', that was reset, and variable 'minThreshold' always set to zero, which did not allow to consider thresholds in predictive method for the campaign group
[XM-973][XS-8606][XS-8473] Fixed issue with imported contacts: Given a list linked to a queue campaign, when an admin/user import CSV to the list and the "check duplicate" is equal to always, never or only if open, new contacts (not already present in hopper or hopper final) are added to the hopper
[XM-1011] Fixed issue with 'rulers' on audio files: The 'rulers' must be seen whenever a job with transcription is present ('TRANSCRIPTION' or 'POST_CALL_ANALYTICS' type), both with mono and stereo audio
[XM-1012] Fixed issue with Split Voice Recordings, available for all dialer methods
[XM-1112][XS-8705] Fixed issue with date filter, which works correctly on the different tabs
[XM-1130][XS-8415]Added variable evt?.variable?.mixmonitor_filename
check in voiceCallReport.js
[XM-621] As customer, possibility to see messages in Chat channel as formatted text →
[XM-708][XS-7905] Inserted a new error popup "is not a valid domain" when an invalid domain is inserted →
[XM-773] Grey Period alert in Licence section has been updated →
[XM-895][XS-7843] Added a banner for Acceptance requirements: WebRTC agents view a banner if they have not provided permissions to access the microphone
[XM-917] Added option “Disable MFA for all users”: in Settings → General → Security section, if the system has MFA disabled, in login menu MFA option is not displayed →
[XM-955][XS-8431] Added a filter to view only “Online” Agents and Sort for status agent in tab presence →
[XM-1016] Voice recording duration format unified with the rest of the software, with format XXh YYm ZZs
[XM-1057] Create a Jenkins pipeline for Motion chat
Advanced Release Notes
New Columns:
Version 3.18.4
[XM-976][XS-8477][XS-8557] Fixed issue with XC_AGI_IP return NULL value: an additional check has been added to avoid writing the value NULL
[XM-1069][XS-8634] Fixed issue with Regenerate Apikey: editing an item and clicking on "API Key Manager" it's required to remove the API key to generate a new one →
[XM-977][XS-8341][XS-8403][XS-8456] Hotdesk agents can’t choose a phone taken by another agent →
Version 3.18.3
[XM-1071][XS-8646][XS-8649] Fixed issue with Contact Manager Trigger: if the option "Create contact automatically" is set on YES, and the contact is not already included in the list, the CM opens correctly
Version 3.18.2
[XM-406][XS-7058] Fixed issue with missed index on exitAt column into report_member table, which caused delays in agent's pause/unpause action
[XM-810][XS-8116] Fixed issue with simultaneous agent login: if the agent logs out from another tab, the logout must be instantaneous for all active sessions
[XM-1054][XS-8591] Fixed issue with additional numbers not inserted if there are any NULL
[XM-766][XS-8559] As Admin, added possibility to set a date range limitation in filtered search for Agents Omnidesktop Interface (Filtered search in Scheduled Calls, Voice, Abandoned calls, Recordings, Channels' Interactions sections) →
Version 3.18.1
[XM-514] Fixed issue with originated calls in the Campaign Group
[XM-866] [XS-8051] Fixed issue with voice trigger with Call status equals Answer as condition, opening CM also on the Omni-Desktop Interface of an Agent different from the one answering the call
[XM-947] [XS-8045] [XS-8051] [XS-8296] Fixed issue with waiting interactions showing queues the agent is not a member of
[XM-951] Fixed issue with updating XCALLY: hard refresh won’t be necessary to download the latest Client changes
[XM-1041] [XS-8544] [XS-8579] Fixed issue with Openchannel auto-reply action, not working properly
[XM-995] [XS-8489] The API api/webbar/calls
is now available also for Agents
Version 3.18.0
[XM-391] [XS-7310] Fixed issue with Chat Offline messages not saved in HTML format on DB
[XM-685] [XS-7897] Fixed issue with pagination of Accounts Realtime in Email section
[XM-881] [XS-8469] Fixed issue with Telephones Realtime, not updating correctly → Given one or more telephones, when the browser is refreshed, then the state and the status column should be updated correctly and, when the telephones are offline, then the state should be unavailable and the status should be unreachable
[XM-954] Fixed issue with Motion Bull, wrongly overwriting the variable originated on VoiceQueueSummary
[XM-962] Fixed issue with Motion Bull, not scheduling the date correctly →
[XM-981] [XS-8454] Fixed issue with migration from V2 to V3
[XM-982]Fixed graphic issues on Voice recordings section
[XM-994] [XS-8499] [XS-8517] Fixed issue with Voice Recordings, not visible from the specific section
[XM-998] Fixed issue with Voice Recordings, not working without
installed[XM-1000] [XS-8499] [XS-8527] Fixed issue with CallySquare Recordings, not playable from the Web Interface
[XM-720] [XS-7693] Email auto-reply action with custom sender
[XM-978] Pipeline Multibranch improvement
Version 3.17.0
For this version you need to install the 'ffmpeg' component
Command for Debian: apt-get install ffmpeg
and restart the motion service to apply the change
[XM-60] Split Voice Recording (Agent and Customer) feature → V3 Voice Recordings
We are happy to announce the first version of the Split Voice Recordings feature. We are still working to better your experience using this new product improvement.
Advanced Release Notes
New Tables:
New Columns:
API changes:
Deprecated API: PUT: api/voice/recordings/{id}/transcribe
GET: api/voice/recordings/{id}/transcribe
Updated API:
GET api/voice/recordings
New API:
GET: api/voice/recordings/{id}/download/{channel}
GET /api/voice/recordings/{id}/jobs
GET api/job/voicerecording/:id
PUT api/job/voicerecording/start/transcrib
PUT api/job/voicerecording/start/sentiment
PUT api/job/voicerecording/start/transcribe-and-sentiment
PUT api/job/voicerecording/start/post-call-analytics
Version 3.16.2
[XM-949] [XS-8241] Fixed issue with API key, which become invalid on license token change → the API key remains fixed when updating the XCALLY version and does not expire →
[XM-959] [XS-8307] Fixed issue with high CPU usage on servers
Version 3.16.1
[XM-88] [XS-6344] Fixed issue with
tables, filled with the wrong status (AnswerAGI)[XM-943] [XS-8354] [XS-6344] Fixed issue with
tables, filled with duplicated uniqueid with status AnswerAGI and Answer[XM-867] Fixed issue with SAML SSO Login due to failed API
[XM-893] [XS-8241] [XS-8378] Fixed issue with API key generation → the API key remains fixed and does not expire →
[XM-945] Fixed issue with SAML SSO session expiration
[XM-946] [XS-8215] Fixed issue with Google SSO session expiration
[XM-918] Default value of Timeout Restart in Voice Queues has been set on YES →
If cookies are disabled, at login Admin/User/Agent are informed that XCALLY cannot work without cookies and ask to enable them in the browser settings→ The popup message has been changed from "COOKIES_REQUIRED": "Your browser cookies are disabled. Please turn them on and reload the page." in "COOKIES_REQUIRED": "Your browser cookies are disabled. Enable cookies for this site or contact your system administrator" →
Version 3.16.0
[XM-87] [XS-7011] Optimized the query for importing contacts in the CM Lists
[XM-551] [XS-7654] Fixed issue with Trigger HTML templates, not rendered properly
[XM-808] Fixed issue with API Phonebar, loosing the special character + when calling a number → when the number is passed from XCALLY to Phonebar, the “+” in the path is always managed as a whitespace. To preserve the “+” has been encoded differently
[XM-852] [XS-8195] Possibility to set the incoming Email maximum byte limit → Set the variable
XC_EMAIL_MAX_HTML_BYTES[XM-863] [XS-8271] [XS-8234] Fixed issue with Chat interactions history, not visible for Agent
[XM-864] [XS-6336] Fixed issue with New Agent Dashboard Tab Trigger, working only with event variable set to YES
[XM-394] Cally Square blocks' password are hidden → It is possible to uncover it clicking on the eye icon
[XM-448] [XS-1262] [XS-6805] [XS-8083] [XS-8140] [XS-8256] Possibility to configure the Ring in use feature for WebRTC Agent →
[XM-814] [XS-7843] At login, a popup has been added to inform Admin/User/Agent that XCALLY cannot work without cookies and ask to enable them in the browser settings→
[XM-896] Multi-number feature improvements → Multi-number feature
Version 3.15.0
[XM-841] Fixed issue with Global Max Retry variable in Motion Bull campaigns, not valued when call status is equal to Drop or Abandoned.
[XM-133] [XS-6619] [XS-6643] [XS-6680] [XS-7064] Multi-number feature: Added possibility to configure Additional Phones for Contacts → Multi-number feature
Advanced Release Notes
Added columns
Table | column |
New tables
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
id | int | NO | PRI |
| auto_increment |
name | varchar(255) | NO | UNI |
OrderBy | int | YES |
rgbBackgroundColor | varchar(255) | YES |
createdAt | datetime | NO |
updatedAt | datetime | NO |
deletedAt | datetime | YES |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
CmContactId | int | NO | PRI |
item | varchar(255) | NO | PRI |
ItemTypeId | int | YES | MUL |
ItemClass | varchar(255) | YES |
OrderBy | int | YES |
description | varchar(255) | YES |
createdAt | datetime | NO |
updatedAt | datetime | NO |
Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
id | int | NO | PRI |
| auto_increment |
CmHopperId | int | YES | MUL |
phone | varchar(255) | NO |
OrderBy | int | YES |
| 0 |
scheduledat | datetime | YES |
| 2023-03-14 15:34:13 |
countbusyretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countcongestionretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countnoanswerretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countnosuchnumberretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countdropretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countabandonedretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countmachineretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
countagentrejectretry | int | YES |
| 0 |
createdAt | datetime | NO |
updatedAt | datetime | NO |
Version 3.14.3
[XM-877] [XS-8244] Fixed issue with migration query
[XM-844] [XS-7393] Added possibility to set JWT token expiration → In .env file, set
XC_JWT_LOGIN_EXPIRATION[XM-880] Added new env variable
to configure AGI IP →
Advanced Release Notes
Environment variables changes:
has changed meaning ("description": "IP Address for RPC AGI motion process" → "description": "IP Address for CallySquare application")added
Version 3.14.2
[XM-748] Fixed issue with email accounts, operating even when deactivated by the admin.
[XM-847] [XS-8111] [XS-8123] Fixed issue with CM returning JSON error using the API
[XM-811] [XS-8131] Possibility to define the maximum size and retention time on logs file → In .env file, set
Version 3.14.1
[XM-584] [XS-7668] Fixed issue with Motion Bull dialer stopping working after MySQL restart
[XM-755] [XS-8045] [XS-8051] Fixed issue with waiting interactions showing queues the agent is not a member of
[XM-775] [XS-7921] [XS-8029] Fixed issue with Dialogflow duplicated responses
[XM-829] [XS-7241] Fixed issue with Motion crashing after enabling wrong permissions on the directory for Voice Recordings
[XM-830] [XS-7695] [XS-7071] Fixed issue with emails not downloading from email server
Version 3.14.0
[XM-390] [XS-6544] Fixed issues with WebRTC audio settings → Audio settings do not reset after the agent logout and audio device do not change when changing audio device from Windows bar
[XM-493] [XS-6539] [XS-6862] [XS-7537] Fixed issue with Agents receiving call notifications, but impossibility to answer incoming calls (no answer button)
[XM-586] [XS-6336] Fixed issue for CTI URL not opening with condition OPEN in trigger for Omni-channel interactions
[XM-593] [XS-7874] [XS-8094] Fixed issue with exported custom reports XLSX not showing dispositions
[XM-662] Fixed issue with email duplicated, when the messages are flagged from read to unread
[XM-724] [XS-7948] Fixed issue with enterat and exitat time misalignment and new row generation with value "web" in column "data1" in report_member table at login
[XM-727] Fixed issue with Group of Campaigns → Given a predictive group with multiple campaigns, the campaigns do not exceed their fixed quantity
[XM-728] Fixed issue with Group of Campaigns → Given a predictive group with multiple campaigns, when a campaign ends the contacts, then the group is no more blocked
[XM-729] Fixed issue with Group of Campaigns → Group dialing methods and campaign dialing methods (when out of the group) work correctly
[XM-743] [XS-8013] Fixed issue with sending email without subject
[XM-757] Fixed issue with Group of Campaigns → Given a predictive group with multiple campaigns, when it does not have enough data to generate calls in predictive method, the campaign proceed in progressive method
[XM-365] As Admin, possibility to enforce MFA for Agents/Users and disable it → MFA - Multi Factor Authentication Login
[XM-486] [XS-7382] Added possibility to configure attachments size in Omnichannel interactions (25MB as system limit) →
[XM-494] Added AWS ASR Transcribe in CallySquare ASR blocks → ; V3 Recordings
[XM-577] If MT Connector enabled, Microsoft Teams presence is visible also from Agents Tab in Omnidesktop Interface →
[XM-723] Possibility as Admin to disable advanced search for Agents →
Advanced Release Notes
- add column sentBy
on table chat_messages
add index sentBy
on table chat_messages
add index sentBy
on table mail_messages
add index sentBy
on table openchannel_messages
add index sentBy
on table sms_messages
add index sentBy
on table whatsapp_messages
This is the list of values about the message creator:
action_user -> the user sent a message |
action_agent -> the agent sent a message |
action_internal_note -> the agent or some administrator used the chat to place some internal note |
action_nli -> the natural language interpreter (Dialogflow, AmazonLex or whatever) sent a message |
auto_chat_snippet -> chat snippet automatically sends an initial message with some data about the customer |
auto_system -> system basically uses the chat to show a message (eg: "something went wrong can't deliver message I'm very sorry :("). Probably unused but you never know |
auto_routing -> the routing system sent an automessage |
auto_third party -> some third party (eg: a plugin) is sending an automatic message |
- add Column
on table settings
- add column UID
on table mail_messages
- rename Column
to secretMFA
on table users
rename Column
to byEmailMFA
on table users
add column enforceAgentsMFA
on table settings
add column enforceUsersMFA on table settings
- add column chatAdvancedSearchEnabled
on table user_settings
add column faxAdvancedSearchEnabled
on table user_settings
add column mailAdvancedSearchEnabled
on table user_settings
add column openchannelAdvancedSearchEnabled
on table user_settings
add column smsAdvancedSearchEnabled
on table user_settings
add column whatsappAdvancedSearchEnabled
on table user_settings
: change Column
on table square_recordings
added ENUM('awsasr', 'googleasr', 'record')
default record
: change Column
on table analytics_extracted_reports
added ENUM('csv', 'pdf', 'xlsx', 'xlsx-old') default csv
Version 3.13.0
[XM-66] [XS-6916] Fixed issue with Recall me and Reschedule from the Contact Disposition → By selecting Recall me and Reschedule, entering a preferred date/time, the call is correctly inserted in the Hopper of that campaign
[XM-80] [XS-6361] [XS-6496] [XS-6625] [XS-7566] Fixed issue with restoring a single contact from the Hopper Final
[XM-433] [XS-7364] Fixed issue with columns order when generating Reports
[XM-554] [XS-7916] Fixed issue with Subject and Description Configuration for Salesforce accounts
[XM-555] [XS-7685] Fixed error with Email search, entering special characters
[XM-556] [XS-7641] Fixed issue with Agent column in the interactions table, not updating the value when the email interaction is transferred to another Agent
[XM-566] [XS-7714] Added the message for the maximum number of agents per license logged: "Maximum login has reached" shown at Agent login
[XM-569] [XS-7735] Fixed issue with Subject and Description Configuration for Freshdesk accounts
[XM-590] [XS-6440] [XS-7751] Fixed issue with default periodic announcement on queue
[XM-599] Fixed issue with phone status in Voice Realtime
[XM-622] Fixed issue with Subject and Description Configuration for ServiceNow accounts
[XM-623] Fixed issue with Subject and Description Configuration for Freshsales accounts
[XM-638] Fixed email service crash in case of massive unread email download. Every account will fetch the first 10 unread emails at each imap fetch interval
[XM-665] As an Admin/User, it is possible to do an advance search (OpenChannel and WhatsApp) on the subject field using operators “starts with” and “ends with”
[XM-703] Fixed issue with Group of Campaigns, not originating calls
[XM-95] Added image support on Dialogflow response →
[XM-370] [XS-6336] Added possibility to rename the URL Tab opened on the Omnidesktop Interface with a trigger → V3 Voice Triggers V3 Chat Triggers V3 Open Channel Triggers V3 SMS Triggers V3 Email Triggers V3 Fax Triggers V3 WhatsApp Triggers
[XM-415] New XCALLY logo updated
[XM-472] [XS-6096] [XS-7096] [XS-7180] [XS-7323] Debug output for IMAP protocol improved
[XM-474] Debug output for SMTP protocol improved
[XM-565] [XS-7905] The values of chat websites domains will be shown as chips →
[XM-581] [XS-7826] Password lifespan variable added →
[XM-660] New Settings General tab visualization → V3 General
Advanced Release Notes
Removed index
from tablechat_websites
Add-ons improvements
Facebook plugin (v2.1.0) is available →
Version 3.12.1
[XM-687] [XS-7866] Fixed issue with Dashboard and Realtime data, not updating correctly
Version 3.12.0
[XM-75] [XS-6127] Fixed issue with Email Interactions section Advanced filters
[XM-86] [XS-6475] [XS-6959] [XS-7218] Fixed issue with the trigger CM popup, when multiple contact have same telephone → If enabled, when a call is answered, a trigger open the caller's Contact Manager. If there are multiple contacts with the same number, a popup opens with the contact data associated with that phone number. The Agent can select the right contact and proceed. The popup view has been fixed
[XM-210] Logo and Avatar images are now saved correctly in the Chat Website Snippet Configuration
[XM-409] [XS-7268] [XS-7444] Fixed issue with Scheduler not sending reports by email
[XM-420] [XS-7382] Fixed issue with Omni Channels attachments size → Attachments must be max 16MB
[XM-435] [XS-7424] XCALLY now correctly converts WAV files codec uploaded in Sounds → Given a file audio in the Sounds (Tools section), when the sound is used in a Cally Square project, then the audio file is played properly
[XM-455] Fixed issue with redirecting calls to an Agent as User/Supervisor from the Queue Calls Reatilme section
[XM-456] [XS-7457] Fixed issue with Intervals not working when hiding chat snippet from left and right swipe out
[XM-509] [XS-7465] Fixed issue with Presence Refresh delay (Omnidesktop Interface)
[XM-558] Fixed issue with phonebar call popup → When generating calls from the omnichannel desktop using the phonebar API, the popup with the message
Call properly handled
is correctly displayed[XM-571] [XS-7719] [XS-7754] [XS-7756] [XS-7763] [XS-7771] [XS-7773] [XS-7787] [XS-7788] [XS-7832] Fixed issue with Voice Recordings section → Voice recordings length is visible and filters works properly
[XM-606] Fixed issues on predictive dialing method using Motion Bull campaigns
[XM-654] Fixed issue with Advanced Search not using the FULL TEXT index for Omnichannel interactions
[XM-77] [XS-6916] Admin/User can enable/disable Agents to edit Hopper calls assigned to other Agents belonging to his queue → The Agent can use the Recall Agent feature from the Agents' Scheduled calls section of the Omnidesktop Interface → V3 Agents for Admin; for Agent
[XM-100] [XS-6533][XS-7443][XS-1748] Agent/User Auto Logout feature has been implemented →
[XM-366] Agent Full Name is shown in the Agence Presence list in the Omnidesktop Interface →
[XM-548] Given a chat websites, when inserting invalid multiple domains or invalid characters, then the chat is not saved and a popup error is shown
Version 3.11.0
[XM-62] Added possibility to manage Group of Campaigns for Motion Bull → Campaign Groups
Add-ons improvements
Facebook integration updated → [XM-524] [XS-7375] Fixed issue adding comments to Post Wall (missing authorizations on Facebook App)
Version 3.10.1
[XM-481] [XS-7501] Fixed issue with triggers, when the condition is Call Status equals Hangup and the action is Browser Type CTI URL: given a call, when the client or the agent hangup the call, then the trigger CTI URL opens the requested URL
[XM-511] [XS-7575] Fixed issue with calls assignment when the Agent uses the external hotdesk feature: the call is correctly assigned to the Agent in the Report Calls Table, when he uses the disposition feature through CM →
[XM-540] [XS-7638] Fixed issue with sound file replacement: when the file is replaced, the new audio file should be update in the project "Cally Square" or in the action "Playback" or in the voice queue
[XM-548] Added possibility to use the same chat snippet for multiple domains →
Version 3.10.0
[XM-63] [XS-6627] [XS-6562] Fixed issue with number of contacts in the GUI, equals to the number of contacts in the database cm_contacts table
[XM-72] [XS-6593] [XS-7080] Fixed issue with click-to-call button in the Agents presence section of theOmni Desktop Interface, when using the phonebar.
[XM-397] [XS-7342] Fixed issue with User permissions: Users with read and edit permissions can’t delete JScripty projects
[XM-459] Fixed issue with the WebRTC call transfer: the browser console does not generate any error
[XM-488] [XS-7551] [XS-7584] [XS-7589] Fixed issue with Custom Dashboard editing: it is possible to edit widget
[XM-492] Fixed new socket instance creation: Given an XCALLY instance, when opening the login page, a new socket is not created
[XM-510] [XS-7541] Fixed issue with chat website: When a customer opens the chat on a site, then the correct version of the snippet is loaded, even if the website is configured with proxy
[XM-511] [XS-7575] Fixed issue with call disposition when the Agent uses the external hotdesk feature: the call is correctly assigned to the Agent and he can dispose it
[XM-518] Fixed issue with chat website creation: When the admin sets a not valid domain, then a toasty with the error message is shown
[XM-523] Fixed issue with agents' realtime table: the columns name, status, login time and pause time are sortable
Add-ons improvements
Telegram plugin (v2.1.1) is available → Download it from