Instant - Analytics
- 1 Reports
- 1.1 Copy Report
- 1.2 Preview Report
- 1.3 Run Report
- 1.4 Export Report JSON
- 2 Custom Reports
- 2.1 Edit Report
- 2.2 Join Tables
- 3 Extracted Reports
- 4 Scheduler
The Analytics Sections allows you to produce your Customer Care Activity statistics: you can use the existing reports (if you need you can copy and modify them) or create brand new reports.
The Reports section provides you some useful and ready to use reports, with the possibility to customize them according to your needs.
From the same webpage, you can also create New reports, under the Custom reports folder, and import the reports you previously exported in JSON format.
The default WhatsApp reports are organized under the Motion Reports panel → Whatsapp Connector
So you can choose to copy, preview, run or export these types of reports:
WhatsApp Account Summary: WhatsApp interactions by account
WhatsApp Account Times: WhatsApp interaction times by account
WhatsApp by Agent: WhatsApp interactions by agent
WhatsApp by Date: WhatsApp interactions by date
WhatsApp by Queue: WhatsApp interactions by queue
Selecting 3 dots menu of the specific report, you can choose action:
Copy Report
Copy Report action enables you to duplicate an existing report to another folder.
To copy a report click on Copy Report, specify the name of the report and select the destination folder. The copied report will be available under the selected folder.
Now your report copy is ready to be modified (using the Edit command) and used.
Preview Report
The Preview Report action will display a preview of the report records (only limited) without considering date and time ranges. Use Run Report action to filter records by date and to see all the report results.
Run Report
Run report action is used to extract the report in CSV, PDF, Excel (XLSX), WEB format by specifying the date and time ranges.
The extracted report will be available under Analytics → V3 Extracted Reports where you can Download or Delete the file.
Please note that you can also choose the Web format. In this case you can immediately see the resulting rows of the extracted report in a web pop-up:
Export Report JSON
Export Report JSON command is used to download the structure of a report in JSON format.
This can be helpful to replicate the report in another XCALLY Motion server by simply importing the JSON without the need to rebuild the entire report structure.
Custom Reports
In addition to the default reports, XCALLY Motion allows you to create and manage custom reports that are specific to your call center needs.
Click in the Custom Reports panel and click Create Folder to create a folder (you can then Rename or Remove the folder).
In the right panel, click on + button to create a New Report.
Enter the Name, select a table you want to query and click on Add Report.
It is not possible to change the table name after the report is created
After you create your custom report, clicking on 3 dots button and you can execute the following actions:
Edit Report
After creating or importing a report, you can easily design the query for retrieving data from the database. Click on Edit Report and you will see the following sections:
Settings: to change the report name and description
Fields: to specify the fields of the query whose values you want to fetch
Conditions: to specify a condition while fetching the data from the table
Preview: to preview the outcome of the report
Query: to see the complete query in SQL
Design the query
The fields and conditions sections in the edit view are used for building the query in order to fetch data from the database.
To add a field in the query, go to fields section and click on + button and select the type of the field: Select a column, Select an existing metric or Select a custom metric.
Select a column: is used to select a column of the table whose value you want to fetch. For this type of field, you can specify the following parameters:
Column: column of the table
Alias: name of column that will be displayed on the report
Function: to apply one of the available functions for processing string or numeric data
Format: to change the format of the column
Group by (True or False): to arrange identical data into groups based on the column
Order by (No Order, ASC or DESC): is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on the column
Select an existing metric: is used to select a metric predefined in the metrics section.
Metric: a predefined metric
Alias: name of column that will be displayed on the report
Group by (True or False): to arrange identical data into groups based on the metric
Order by (No Order, ASC or DESC): is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on the metric
Write a custom metric: is used to to write a custom metric
Metric: a predefined metric
Alias: column name that will be displayed on the report
Function: to apply one of the available function for performing processing on string or numeric data
Format: to change the format of the column
Group by (True or False): to arrange identical data into groups based on the column. This GROUP BY clause follows the WHERE clause in a SELECT statement and precedes the ORDER BY clause.
Order by (No Order, ASC or DESC): is used to sort the data in ascending or descending order, based on the column
So by configurating fields, you can see a result in Preview section and on query tab you can see the query SQL launched to obtain the desired report.
Instead on Conditions tab you can specify a condition to filter the records and fetch only the necessary data from a table.
A condition is built using table column, comparison or logical operators like >, <, =, LIKE, NOT and a value.
To add a conditions in the query, go to conditions section and click on +CONDITIONS to add a single condition or +GROUP to add a group of conditions.
The logical operators AND/OR define the operator to be applied between multiple conditions.
It's mandatory to put the value inside single quotes ('value') for a string value.
Join Tables
The Join function allows to build queries joining tables and retrieving data belonging to the sum of them. You can use this function and join XCALLY Motion DB Tables, if you have enough experience about DB structure and data queries.
Click on + To create a New Report.
Enter the Name, select a table you want to query (from the list) and click on the button Select the table to join:
Now you must select the DB table field to join:
Parent Key is the first chosen table field
Foreign Key is the second chosen table field
Join type to select from the list among Join, Left Join, Right Join, Cross Join
Pay attention to join tables on primary or secondary keys like ID fields!
Save the report and then Edit it in order to add Fields (the system will show all the fields available for each table joined), Conditions and to preview the query results.
Functions & Formats
XCALLY uses MYSQL Functions →
XCALLY | MYSQL Function | Description |
Function | SUM | Return the sum |
Function | COUNT | Return a count of the number of rows returned |
Function | COUNT DISTINCT | Return the count of a number of different values |
Function | MAX | Return the maximum value |
Function | MIN | Return the minimum value |
Function | AVG | Return the average value of the argument |
Function | GROUP_CONCAT (ASC/DESC) | Return a concatenated string |
Format | CONVERT_SIGNED | Cast a value as a signed |
Format | CONVERT_DOUBLE | Cast a value as a |
Format | SEC_TO_TIME | Converts seconds to 'hh:mm:ss' format |
Format | DATE | Extract the date part of a date or datetime expression |
Format | HOUR | Extract the hour |
Format | ROUND | Round the argument |
Format | UNIX_TIMESTAMP | Return a Unix timestamp |
Extracted Reports
In the Extracted Reports section, you will find all reports you have exported from the Reports section.
You can see the following information:
Name of the report
Type of the report (Manual or Scheduled)
The report range of dates
When the report was extracted
Status of the extraction (Completed, Empty, Error)
Format of the report (CSV, PDF, XLS)
You can perform the following actions:
The Download Extracted Reports command will be shown only if the Report is not empty and if it is completed.
The default maximum length of the Reports is:
5000 records for CSV/XLS files
1000 records for PDF files
Any report exceeding this limit will be split into more files and compressed in a zip file. This option can be disabled or the report files sizes can be modified in the Settings V3 General section (split report).
In this section, you can schedule an automated extraction of default or custom reports that are available under Analytics section.
The Scheduler Section is under the Tools Menu and you can create a new Schedule, by clicking on + button
Enter the following details and then click on Add Schedule:
Name: title of the schedule
Report: the report to be extracted between Default or Custom
Output: report format in CSV, PDF or Excel
Active: toggle on/off to enable/disable the schedule
Start Time: beginning of the time interval where the schedule is active
End Time: end of the time interval where the schedule is active
Cron: day and/or time to run the report extraction
Last: time range for report result
Unit: units used for the Last Example : Last 4 hours, Last 7 days or Last Month.
Send Mail: if enabled, the extracted report will be forwarded by email for the specified recipient email address.
Mail Account: outgoing mail account configured under SMTP section or Mail Channel e.g. SMTP
Email Address: recipient email address (multiple addresses can be inserted separated by comma). CC and BCC recipients can also be defined.
Send if Empty: if this flag is enabled, the report will be sent by email even if the content is empty
The extracted report will be available under Analytics → Extracted Reports section where you can Download or Delete the file.
A scheduler can be edited and modified, run or deleted, by clicking on 3 dots menu and choosing the option.