XCALLY Instant for Agents

XCALLY Instant for Agents

The XCALLY Agent OmniDesktop enables customer care Agents to manage all the interactions using the same Unified User Interface.

If your Agent Desktop is running on MAC with OS High Sierra and using the Browser Safari, remember to enable the audio notifications in Safari in order to receive an audio alert for all incoming interactions


When agents login into XCALLY, they can see on Dashboard the queues from which they can receive interactions on the active channel (only WhatsApp connector in this case) and number of waiting interactions


In the Contacts section, the agent is able to see the list of contacts (according to the list permission set by the administrator). Remember that only users with admin role or user role with Contact Manager list permission are able to add an agent to a list.

If Security Suite (mask sensitive data) is enabled, it is possible to completely or partially hide the telephone number and other personal information (email, name) of the Customers from the Agent view.

Select a List (among those you have the permission to view) and Select Tag filters you find on the top right side can be used to filter the list of contacts by these keys, like in the following example:

If you associate many tags to a Contact, the tag label becomes grey, instead than colored. Custom Fields shows the available custom fields associated to the selected list.

To refresh the list view, click on the relative button.

Contacts can be filtered by Search Button or you can use the Advanced Search.

From the contacts panel, it's possible to edit a contact, merge contacts or duplicate a contact.

When the Agent receives an interaction from an unknown subject (the system checks that the entry is not already in the CM, searching for the telephone number, the e-mail address, or any other information provided) the New Contact is automatically added in the Contact Manager. This automatic mechanism works only if a specific CM Trigger has been configured by the Administrator.

The contact is added in the List configured by the System Administrator specifically for that "entry point" (e.g. a WhatsApp interaction received on a queue). The Agent can modify this entry, adding more details in the Contact Card that is opened during the interaction.

Add a Contact

If you want to add a new contact, click the button + and insert contact's information, the List where the contact must be inserted and now you can Add the Contact.

Remember that you can only add new contacts to lists where you have permissions to do so (if you don't have permissions for any list, you won't have this feature enabled).

Edit/Modify a Contact

To edit and modify a contact, find the contact from the contacts lists and click on Edit. The contact detail will be shown in a new tab.


When you edit the contact, you can see two tabs:

In the Detail tab you can modify any field as needed and then SAVE:

Blue button represents a shortcut to send a WhatsApp message


Moreover you can:

Merge the contact with another one.
Find the contact from the contacts lists and click on the button available when you edit a contact.
On the pop-up screen, use the filter to search the contact you want to merge with. Note that the filter will search the contact by first name, last name, email and phone.

From the results, click on the contact you want to merge with and then click OK to confirm.

Duplicate the contact.
Find the contact from the contacts lists and click on Copy button available when you edit a contact.
On the pop-up screen, select the list you want to add the copy of the contact and click on Add Contact to duplicate the contact in the selected list.

Save the data/operations done

In the Customer Journey tab, you can see all the interactions between this Contact and the organization, like in the following example:

  • You can click on Show Details to see more information about the interaction (like: agent name, created at, tags, etc) or click on this button to edit it (if you have the relative permissions)

My Contacts

My Contacts section contains the list of Contacts managed by the agent: e.g. if an agent edits a contact from the Contacts section, it will be considered as "managed by the agent" and the contact will also be available (as a personal copy) under this Section:

Click on refresh button to see update.
Keep in mind that in this context the agent cannot see all contacts in the lists but rather only the contacts that have been managed by the agent himself.

From the My Contacts panel, the agent can Create contacts, Search Contacts, Edit/Merge/Duplicate contacts as explained in contacts section

WhatsApp Connector session

Whenever the customers interact with the Contact Center using WhatsApp, all the Agents belonging to the specific WhatsApp Connector channel queue will receive a request on the Omni Desktop interface.

They can reject it and the request is passed to another Agent in the same queue (in this case WhatsAppConn1). 

The interaction starts when one agent accepts it: all the others will be notified that the interaction has already been taken by somebody else.

Let's see how a typical WhatsApp Connector session looks like:

Customer’s Side

Agent’s Side

Customer’s Side

Agent’s Side


Moreover every interaction presents, on the right side of the screen, contextual information that the agent can use (during the session or after it) to manage the interaction/customer with these tabs:

You can explore documentation about that on this page


Agents' message commands:

  1. Type field

  2. Emoticons

  3. Canned Answer

  4. File attachments: it’s possible to attach only a single file per message, whose size is up to 15 MB maximum (if enabled by the Admin in the Chat Website Settings)

  5. Voice Message

The agent can also insert an internal note by clicking the icon

Write the note and save it. The note will be shown in the interaction, but it's only internal to the organization and the customer will never see it:

Also the Supervisor can spy the interaction from the Interactions List and insert notes for the the agent only (the customer will not see this note). 

 On the Agent's side, anytime a message is sent:

a single checkmark means that the system encountered a problem

a double checkmark means that the message has been delivered and read to the WhatsApp Connector recipient

If the interaction tab is open but the Agent is working on something else, a red badge will appear any time a new message regarding the same interaction is received (where the number shown is the number of unread messages).

 Closing the WhatsApp session

If the Agent closes the session clicking on the sign X in the session tab:

and confirms:

The interaction can be simply Closed or Closed & Disposed.  You can explore documentation about dispositions on this page.

Moreover, if the Transfer option is set by the administrator in the Settings, the Agent can also see this command in the menu of 3 dots  in order to redirect the WhatsApp interaction:

When agent wants to transfer an interaction to an other agent or queue, he can transfer open interactions only to online agents

So by choosing Transfer option, you have to choose agent or queue (depending on settings) → transfer to an available agent/queue


Example of transfer to an agent

Agent1 wants to transfer a WhatsApp open interaction to online Agent2 (admin set an agent timeout = 300).
Agent2 will receive a notification for 300 seconds to accept the interaction → until the agent accepts, the interaction remains assigned to Agent1:

  • if Agent2 accepts the interaction within 300 seconds, interaction owner changes to Agent2

  • if Agent2 doesn’t accept the interaction within 300 seconds, interaction owner remains Agent1 and email returns in Agent1’s unread list


Example of transfer to a queue

It’s possible to transfer interaction also to a queue for example to transfer it to another department. In this case notification arrives to each online agent present in that queue.


  • if one of agents in Sales Queue accepts the interaction within 300 seconds, owner’s interaction changes to AgentY

  • If there are no agents or none accept the interaction, WhatsApp interaction returns to Agent1


WhatsApp Connector Interactions

The WhatsApp Connector Channel Section shows all the interactions managed by the Agents and coming from WhatsApp users. It allows you to define the WhatsApp Connector Accounts that the Agents, belonging to specific WhatsApp Connector Queues, will share and use to send and receive WhatsApp Connector messages on the standard XCALLY Motion Omni Desktop Interface.

The Channel is based on Providers (Meta/Kaleyra/anSinchV2/Twilio) solutions, offering a WhatsApp for Business messaging system interface.

On WhatsApp Connector Interactions agent can view the list of managed interactions and relative status (Opened/Closed)

The down/up arrows near the Last message field indicate if the last message was incoming or outgoing.

You can filter the interaction list by:

  • Start Date

  • Read/Unread

  • Status (Open/Closed)

  • Account

  • Agent (the first one who managed it)

  • Tags (multiple choice).

Moreover you can search interactions by search button or you can use advanced search.

The interaction can be:

  • Open 

  • Closed (by an Agent)


If you see a small number near the contact name, like in the following picture:

it means that new interactions have been received (but not managed) in the same conversation.

  • Clicking on the Interaction row, the agent is able to see all the messages exchanged in the single session, as well as the right sidebar information (contact, interaction, customer journey as we have seen before).

  • Clicking on the three dots menu, the agent can apply the following commands to the selected interaction:
    - Show the interaction contents
    - Download a pdf transcript of the interaction (depending on Agent's permissions)
    - Close and (eventually) dispose the interaction

Remember that on Meta and Kaleyra, Customer Service window expires after 24h. For inbound interactions and outbound campaigns, when this window expires, agent can:

  • send the configured Recontact Template only on interaction still open: find out here how Instant- Outbound Campaigns | Recontact Template

  • send a Template “Available for agent” to a single contact (read below the dedicated paragraph). In this way a new interaction will be open

Sending a template by the agent

Recontact Template

When the Customer Service Window of 24h expires, on open interactions the agent can contact the customer by clicking on Send Recontact Template

In this way, the client will receive the recontact template configured on the Meta/Kaleyra account from sender System.
If the client replies to the message, the interaction will be managed as an inbound message.

Send Template to a single contact

Agents can send template also to a single contact, by choosing a template “available for agents
When an agent click on “+” to create an interaction and insert the phone number to contact, the system checks if the phone number is associated to an existed contact:


You can choose a contact and select the desired template (you can also click on eye icon to see a preview)


By clicking on SEND the message is sent and a new conversation is opened


  • If the contact exists and the customer service window is expired → the system shows the list of available templates for agent to send the message

  • it the contact doesn’t exist → the system shows the list of available templates for agent to send the message

  • If it exists and the customer service window is active → the agent can send a standard message from the text area

  • If it has a pending campaign, the system prevents sending a message

  • If it has an open interaction with an other agent, the system prevents sending a message

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