

What is Jscripty?

Ā  Ā JscriptyĀ is an easy to use and dynamic agent scripting tool.Ā A dynamic agent script is a series of questionsĀ and responsesĀ in which questions are quickly adjusted based on the reaction or response of the customer.Ā 

JscriptyĀ allows you to design, preview and publish a script flowĀ that the AgentsĀ can use for their customer service operations inside the Omni Desktop Interface.Ā Every time there is an outgoing/incoming callĀ the script is automatically openedĀ for the agent managing the call, if trigger conditions are met.Ā 

Customer Satisfaction Survey or Marketing Survey is an example of application of Jscripty.

A contact center mainly focuses on customer satisfaction which is directly related to agents efficiency. But the complex working environment of a call center makes it difficult for agents to be efficient. Hence, it is imperative to provide agents all the necessary toolsĀ to successfully manage customer interactions. One of the best solutions is to provide them a well-designed script that will guide them through the complex multi-channel customer care system.

ByĀ using Jscripty, the administrator with a complete knowledge of the entire system can easily create a script flow byĀ taking into consideration the possible branching conversations. Designed scripts can also be quickly adjusted and published for agents, according the evolution of the services provided by the contact center.

On this page:

For agents, working with the dynamic script for customer care will be like having their supervisors right by their side, guiding them step by step through every customer interaction. They will be able toĀ quickly handleĀ andĀ resolve customer queriesĀ resulting in satisfied customers. Using a script for customer service also enables them to easily manage complex business processes without going through intense and time taking training. It guides them in their conversations helping them to say the right things to customers and avoid errors.Ā 

Remember you can build your Custom Reports using data collected using JScripty: see the Jscripty Answers Tables

Jscripty Tutorial

Watch how to use Jscripty on:

How to Start

Administrators can use the simple Jscripty script builder to design, preview and publish a script flow, while agents are able toĀ use these scripts for their customer service operations inside theĀ Motion Omni Desktop Interface.Ā 

The following are the list of things you have to do to make it work:

  1. Create a Project and design the script flow
  2. Create aĀ triggerĀ (Tools ā†’ Triggers), set theĀ conditionsĀ you want to trigger the script,Ā add Jscripty actionĀ and selectĀ the project you have createdĀ 
  3. Login agent inĀ Motion Omni Desktop Interface

Every time there is an outgoing/incoming callĀ the trigger conditions are checked. If the conditions are met,Ā the script is automatically openedĀ for the agent managing the call inside the omni desktop interface.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 

Create a Project

To create a project click theĀ New ProjectĀ buttonĀ 

Enter the project's details and ClickĀ Add ProjectĀ to confirm.Ā 

  • Name
  • Description (Optional)

After the project is created, you can view the project in the list of projects.Ā You can edit the project and build your script flow.

Edit a Project

Find the project from the projects list and click on Edit Project. Ā Ā 

The projects can be cloned and the copy can be modified.

To clone a project click on the command menu entry or select a project and click onĀ : in this case only the projects will be cloned, not the sessions results.

In the Edit view, you will have access to the following sections:

  • Settings: where you can modify the Description of the projectĀ 
  • Builder: to create and publish a script flow
  • Preview: to preview the designed scriptĀ 
  • Sessions: to list the sessions data collected
  • Answers: to list the answers given (number and the percentage)

In the Settings you can also select automatic features like:

  • Enable incomplete save in order to allow the Agent to save the surveys even if they are not completed (i.e. the session is interrupted for any reason)
  • Unpause Agent on Submit to automatically stop the Agent's pause when the survey as been submitted.

Design your script


The builder allows you to create the script in single or multiple pages by using different types of elements.

To start designing your script, find the project already created in the projects list, click onĀ Edit Project and go to Builder section.

You will see a panel as in the picture below:

Follow the next steps:

  1. Add Title and Description

    The title and description will be on the first page your agents see when the script is opened.Ā The TitleĀ is used to specify a title of the script and DescriptionĀ is used to define an introductory statement or guideline for agents.Ā 

    It is also possible toĀ useĀ Motion standard variablesĀ orĀ custom variables to customize the content displayed for agents.Ā You need to useĀ {{VARIABLENAME}}Ā syntaxĀ to reference the value of a variable.

    Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā 

  2. Add/edit Elements and Pages

By default, the builder contains one page but you can add as many pages as you need and design your script by adding elements.

Click onĀ Ā to add a page. A new page will be inserted at the bottom.

After you add a page, you can:

    • Delete a page by usingĀ 
    • Reorder a page by usingĀ 
    • Name a page byĀ marking Ā 
    • Collapse a page by usingĀ 
      Ā  Ā  Ā 

Click onĀ Ā to add an element on a page. You can add one of the following elements Ā Ā :

    • Question: is used to ask for information and collect a response
    • Paragraph: is used to insert text to provide additional description or information.Ā 

Question Element

When you add a new question, an editing form appears where you can enter your question text and customize the question.

In the question text, you can personalize questions by usingĀ variables.

Use variableĀ inĀ {{VARIABLENAME}}Ā syntaxĀ as shown below and the value will be rendered when the question is displayed for agents.

You can select one of the followingĀ question types:

Question TypeDescriptionNote
Short textaccepts single line of input text
Long textaccepts multiple lines of input text
Radiosingle answer, multiple choice question

Can have question logic and multiple answer choices

Checkboxmultiple answer, multiple choice questionCan have multiple answer choices.
Selectsingle select from a drop-down list

Can have question logic and multiple answer choices

Numberaccepts only numbersYou can specify Min and Max allowed numbers
Datedate picker
Timetime picker
Emailaccept email address
Rangeslider to set a number within a rangeYou can specify range limits: From and To
URLaccepts URL

For all the above question types, you can set the required field to make the question mandatory.Ā 

After you finish editing the question, Click onĀ and you will exit from the element edit view.

Answer choices

Question types like Radio button, Checkbox and Select can have multiple answer choices.

For these types of question, you can add, delete or reorder answer choices by using the following buttons:

Ā  Ā  Ā  Click to delete the corresponding answer choice

Ā  Ā  Ā  Click and drag to change position of an answer choice

Ā Click to add an answer choice

Here is an example of Radio question type with 5 answer choices.Ā 

If you want to allow respondents to specify an answer other than the fixed answer choices, click onĀ Ā andĀ Other answer option will be added as shownĀ below:

Questions logic

You can add logic to your questions to adjust questions based on the response of the customer. This logic can be applied for the following question types:

  • Radio
  • Select

Ā To add question logic, mark Go to page based on answer check box and choose the page you want to go toĀ for the answer choices.

The following are the page options:

  • Continue to next page: next button will be displayed to go to the following page.
  • Go to a specific page: next button will be displayed to go to the selected page
  • Submit form: submit button will be displayed to end the script

If you set logic to multiple questions on the same page, the last logic will be applied. To avoid confusion, we suggest to place questions with logic on different pages.

Paragraph Element

When you add a new paragraph, an editing form appears where you can enter your text.

You can personalize the paragraph text by usingĀ variables.

After you finish editing the element, Click onĀ and you will exit from the edit view.

After you add an element, you can:

  • Edit
  • CloneĀ 
  • DeleteĀ 
  • Reorder

the confirmation page in the last page of the script.Ā Ā You can insert your custom text.Ā 

You must click Save to publish the script. You will lose all your changes if you fail to do so!!


After you design your script, you can view and test it under the Preview section.

UseĀ button to start the script from the beginning.

Create a TriggerĀ 

It is mandatory to create aĀ triggerĀ to display the script to agents. Go toĀ Tools -> Triggers Section and click on New Trigger.

Enter the trigger Name, select Voice Channel and click onĀ AddĀ Trigger.Ā 

Edit the trigger toĀ define the trigger'sĀ Conditions and Actions.

Do not forget to set the trigger's status ON.

Trigger Conditions

You can use as usualĀ properties likeĀ Queue, Call status or outbound toĀ define the conditions you want to trigger Jscripty.

The conditions shown in the following example mean that Jscripty will be active for Calls in Sales Queue and when the call is answered.Ā 

For more information on trigger conditions, take a look atĀ Voice Trigger Conditions.

Trigger Action

Add Jscripty action to trigger a Jscripty script when the trigger conditions are met. Click on Add Action and select Jscripty and the project you want to open.Ā 

If all the configurations are properly configured, the Jscripty script will be opened in the Motion Omni desktop interface as shown below.

Review your script results


Find the project from the projects list and click onĀ Go to Sessions:

From the Session view you can see all the Sessions Results and eventually deleteĀ or export them:

Show session results displays general information and results for the single session:

The column Complete shows for each session if it was completed or not. Saving incomplete results can be possible only if the proper flag is enabled in the Settings

If you want to delete multiple sessione you can just select them and choose the command iconĀ  right on the top bar:

For each session you delete, the Answers given in that session will be deleted as well (remember to refresh the page)


In the Answers section you can find all the results of your campaign (you can see the occurrence and the percentage of any value given in the sessions saved) for the specified period (on the top of the page you find the selector to show the calendar):

Click onĀ to export the results in a CSV file format.