

How can you send/receive Viber Messages from XCALLY?

 XCALLY Motion Openchannel offers the integration of Viber IM as a New Channel, allowing:

  • the Customers to interact with your Agents sending direct messages to your Viber Account;
  • your Agents to receive the incoming messages on a special Viber Queue and to reply from the XCALLY Motion standard GUI;

  • the Customers to receive the messages back on Viber.

In order to make it work you only need to configure an Openchannel Account and to create a dedicated queue in the Openchannel Section:

and to configure the Viber Account.

The integration allows you to exchange text or attachments. To send both text and attachments, you must send more messages

On this page:


Before configuring the Viber Open Channel you need to:

  1. Create a Viber Public Account
  2. Download and Modify the Viber Plugin Configuration

Viber Public Account Creation

Go to the https://partners.viber.com/login and insert your country and phone number (this will be used to receive the verification code):

Now you can go ahead and create your account:

Fill all the information:

At the end, the Account will be created as in the following example:

Copy the Token value and insert it in the Viber Integration Plugin form: it will be copied as well in the Viber script file config.json stored in your local  /server/config  directory (you will be asked to reload it after the update).

About Viber

All existing Viber Public Accounts can be retrieved in the Discover page (Note: at least 6 users must be already using the Account to make it appear on the page).

Setup the Open Channel Account on XCALLY Motion

  • Download and install the Viber Plugin:


  • Create a new Open Channel Account in your XCALLY Motion server in the Openchannel Section:

 and add the Agents to it. Complete the Open Channel account configuration (Disposition, Action, etc);

  • Create a new Open Channel Queue:

and the Add Agents to it;

  • Configure the Plugin for Viber Integration panel inserting the authorization token you got when you created the Viber account:

  • Reload the Plugin after the change.

Modify the Plugin Script 

Download the plugin and modify it as told before and the service is ready to be used!

	"webhook": "https://{HOSTNAME}/api/plugins/webhook?port={PORT}&encoding=binary&path=/api/messages",
	"openChannel": {
		"id": "",
		"receiveUrl": ""
	"authentication": {
		"username": "",
		"password": ""
	"port": 3007

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