Instant - Kaleyra Provider Setup

Instant - Kaleyra Provider Setup

What’s about


It is possible to use Kaleyra as provider to receive and send message on WhatsApp channel.
Kaleyra allows to receive inbound messages and create templates for outbound campaigns.
For more information about Kaleyra you can also explore documentation at this link Overview



API Key Manager

In Developers section → API Keys you can see the created API key or you can Generate a new API Key

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By clicking on 3 dots of an existed API Key → View, it is possible to see the different details, like API Domain, SID and API Key, so three required fields for the account creation

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Register your phone number

You need to register your phone number, by entering in Kaleyra dashboard


And then select Channels section → WhatApp configuration → Manage


On Configurations tab, you can find on numbers section the configured numbers (or you can add a new one)


By clicking the 3 dots menu → Edit you will see this information:

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  • Phone number

  • WABA ID, required for the account creation

  • Incoming URL where you have to insert the Receive URL copied from your WhatsApp account

  • Callback profile ID to enable the receipt of messages and the updates of templates status

Then from your Kaleyra profile, on dropdown list, you need to open Settings

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And on Enable WhatsApp Callback URLs click on Edit details


And insert the same receive URL (in this way the URL is considered in whitelist to enable the receipt of messages):

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Callback profiles

To create a callback profile, on your profile settings drop-down list, you have to select Callback profiles option

You need to add, by clicking on Add new, 2 new profiles.

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First of all on Callback Profile window you have to create a profile for the receipt of messages:

  • a mandatory title (e.g. LOCAL_INCOMING)

  • As Channel API, you need to select Default

  • As HTTP Method, you have to insert POST

  • As Endpoint, you must indicate the Receive url, so the URL at which the callback information should be received

  • As Request body in Dynamic Variables the object published by Kaleyra:
    {"message": "<message>","mime_type": "<mime_type>",
    "media_url": "<media_url>", "from": "<from>",
    "name": "<name>", "type": "<type>",
    "created_at": "<created_at>"}

  • And click on Save

The callback profile to receive message is active instantly


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Then you need to create the callback profile to receive updates about templates status (which needs a little more time to be active). So you can indicate:

  • Title (e.g. LOCAL_TEMPLATE)

  • select channel API: default

  • HTTP Method: POST

  • Endpoint:

  • Dynamic variables with this static body:
    {"id": "<id>", "time": "<time>","event": "<event>",
    "message_template_id": "<message_template_id>",
    "message_template_name": "<message_template_name>",
    "reason": "<reason>","callback_profile_id": 
    "company_id": "<company_id>"}

So when a new template is created, it remains in pending status and when it is approved/rejected, the update status is sent to the indicated endpoint

Creation of WhatsApp Account on XCALLY

On WhatsApp Connector → Accounts you can create a new account, by inserting:

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  • Name

  • Key

  • List of contact manager to associate contacts

  • Proxy or Motion domain

  • Type: Kaleyra provider

  • Base URL that you can copy from Developers section → API Keys (viewing the created one) where you can find API domain

  • WhatsApp Business Account ID, that you can find On Configurations tab → created number → 3 dots menu → edit → WABA ID

  • Account SID that you can copy from Developers section → API Keys (viewing the created one) where you can find SID

  • API Key that you can copy from Developers section → API Keys (viewing the created one)

  • Phone Number, that you can find On Configurations tab → created number → 3 dots menu → edit → Phone number

Templates creation

On Motion account

On WhatsApp Templates section, you can filter for Kaleyra Provider and if you want also for Account. You can see the list of templates with relative category and status


You can create a new template, by following the relative documentation at this link

If you need to edit a Kaleyra template, you can’t modify it from Motion, but you can edit it on Kaleyra template section.
Moreover if for example on Motion you have a rejected template, you can create a new template on Motion or you can edit it on Kaleyra: in this case template could become approved after check

On Kaleyra account

On Channels → WhatsApp → Configurations → Templates it is possible to see the templates created on Motion. By clicking on 3 dots menu you can view or edit a specific template. Moreover for Kaleyra it is not possible to delete templates so you can delete them only from Motion database but they remain on Kaleyra account.


You can edit all parameters, except name and template category


Obviously you can also add new templates, by clicking on Add template
If you create or edit template on Kaleyra, you have to insert Header Text also in Sample Header Text and content in Body field and copy it also in Sample Body, by replacing the variable with a value, otherwise the system will not accept it


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