V3 WhatsApp Accounts

V3 WhatsApp Accounts

XCALLY section

Whatsapp Connector → Whatsapp Accounts

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What’s about

 With XCALLY Motion you can share a single WhatsApp account among several Agents and use it in a way similar to a voice queue.

XCALLY Motion offers a web client WhatsApp Account specific for Customer Care needs, where the Agents share all information. What you need to do is just to configure:

  • the Solution Provider account (e.g. Twilio)

  • the Motion WhatsApp Connector account

  • the WhatsApp Connector Queue

and manage WhatsApp messages exchange using XCALLY Motion, as well as for the other channels.

You can enhance the communication with the customer by integrating it with the video channel option. A command can be made available in the Whatsapp panel for the agent, and when activated, it starts the video call. The customer is then notified via Whatsapp message with a link to click and join the video call session.

This feature is available from XCALLY version 3.47.0 through the Video Channel add-on license and it requires a valid Vidaoo account.

Remember to add the Agents to the WhatsApp Account in order to let them manage the interactions through this channel.

The WhatsApp Accounts Section

In this Section, you can add New WhatsApp Accounts and manage the existing ones.


Click on to add a New WhatsApp Account and fill the requested values: 

  • Name: the name of the WhatsApp account

  • Key: here you can define a short name (5 char maximum) for the Account that will be shown on the Agents Tabs. (In Key you must insert a five alphanumeric characters code. You can choose any code you want, but remember that it must be unique for each of the WhatsApp accounts you’ll create).

  • List: the default List where the new WhatsApp contacts will be saved in the Contacts Manager, if it is not already there

  • Proxy or Motion Domain: by default your actual motion domain port 443 is inserted in this field.

About Proxy: in order to use this type of configuration please contact XCALLY Team at support@xcally.com

  • Type: choose from the list one of the available provider types and enter the values referring to the chosen Type:

    • TWILIO: Account SID and Authorization Token (information can be retrieved from the Twilio Platform)

    • SINCH V2: Base URL, SINCH Project ID, SINCH App ID, SINCH Key ID, SINCH Key Secret Value (information can be retrieved from Sinch Platform)

    • META: Account SID, Authorization Token, AppId, Phone number Id (information can be retrieved from Meta Account)

    • KALEYRA: Base URL, WhatsApp Business Account Id, Account SID, API Key (information can be retrieved from Kaleyra Account)

  • Phone: the solution provider phone number

  • Description: insert here a description (optional)

At the end click on Add WhatsApp Account.


Edit/Modify a WhatsApp Account

On the WhatsApp Accounts list click on  related to the one you want to edit/modify to:

  • Edit the WhatsApp Account

  • Go to Interactions list for the Account 

  • Add Agent to WhatsApp Account 

  • Delete WhatsApp Accounts

Editing a WhatsApp Account you have a list of Sections:




In this section, you can edit, retrieve and change the values inserted when adding the WhatsApp Account.

WA provider common parameters:

  • Wait for the Assigned Agent: the time a new message waits for the same Agent currently managing the interaction (with closed tab) to accept it, when the Agent is not available on the system because logged out or in pause. By default 10 seconds; the allowed values range is 1-2147483. 

  • Wait for the Assigned Queue: If the Agent currently managing the interaction doesn't accept a new message within the Assigned Agent Timeout or rejects it, the interaction is transferred to the Queue which the Agent is part of. The parameter Wait for the Assigned Queue is the time a new message waits for an Agent in that Queue to accept it, before proceeding with the action plan. By default 10 seconds; the allowed values range is 1-2147483. 


  • Receive URL is the auto-generated API URL: this value must be copied and pasted in the WhatsApp Solution Provider Setup (Twilio/SinchV2/Meta/Kaleyra). 

The Administrator can customize the notification of a new interaction in order to show to the Agent information about the source, the sender, the recipient queue and so on. On Notification section you can:

  • enable/disable the notification sound 

  • enable/disable the notification shake effect

  • define notification contents and style in the Template section (here you can define which information to show about the specific interaction using XCALLY Motion variables)

For Sinch V2 accounts created before version 3.46.0, the phone number will not be displayed by default in the new interaction notification shown to agents.
To include the phone number, update the notification template as follows:

Account: {{account.name}} {{#queue}}Queue: {{queue.name}} {{/queue}}From : {{contact.mobile}}

For Sinch V2 accounts created in version 3.46.0 or later, the phone number will automatically appear in the agent's notification by default, and no template modification is required.


Toggle to enable/disable the Agent transfer to a queue or to another agent and set the specific timeout (the time in seconds the message will wait to be accepted before returning back as unread).


If this switch is on, the Agent will be able to Transfer an interaction, like in the following example (queue): click on and then Transfer

You can click here to explore documentation about transfer



In this section you can change the Motion Domain and retrieve the Proxy token (auto generated and impossible to change):

This section is the same for all types of domain (Twilio, Skebby, Connectel, ClickSend or Plivo)


Mandatory Disposition: enable it you want the Agent to be forced to dispose the interactions managed and set the Agent pause status to be automatically applied during this operation (default=NO). 

  • status to be automatically applied during this operation (default=NO). 

Recontact Template

If you use Meta or Kaleyra accounts, you need to indicate the Recontact Template, so the template already approved that agents can send to customers after service window expiration of 24h.

AI Agent Assistant



In this AI card you can select from the dropdown menu an XCALLY AI Agent Assistant, by enabling Assistant on your license. In this way when a textual conversation starts, the agent can ask help to the virtual assistant to find answers.


See here How to manage dispositions

Canned Answers

Here you can set a list of canned answers that will be available only when the interaction comes from that Account.

Click on  to find a specific item from the list:

or click on  to add a new one:

Canned Answers can be deleted or edited and modified: click on  and choose the command you want to start: 




available from version 3.47.0

A video call can be initiated during a Whatsapp interaction by sending the customer a link to join the video meeting.

To allow the agent to start the video call, the toggle button must be enabled.



When the selector is switched on, the system shows the following fields:

  • API Key to manage a Vidaoo meeting. The API Key can be retrieved (generated and copied) from your Account in Vidaoo (see how to generate in the User profile an API Token).

  • Vidaoo Topic: the title of the generated meetings (unique per each account).

  • Vidaoo Note: notes useful for Vidaoo reports.

  • Vidaoo Metadata: Video Call data in JSON format useful for Vidaoo automations. (By default, this is an empty field). 

 When this switch is turned on, agents will see the "Start Video Call" option in the Whatsapp interaction menu. 

By clicking "Start Video Call," a new video session is automatically created. The agent will receive a link to click in order to join the video call.

At the same time, the customer will receive the link in a Whatsapp message as well.

During the video call, the Whatsapp interaction can either be closed or continued. Once the video call is activated, the two channels operate independently, allowing you to switch between them as needed.

Actions - Define Whatsapp Routing

In this section, you should define the Actions for the WhatsApp account to be executed by adding applications, working rules and intervals.
So when a new Whatsapp interaction arrives, it follows actions inserted here:



In this section you can find the list of the WhatsApp interactions occurred on the Account:

You can filter the interaction list by Start Date, Read/Unread, Status (Open/Closed), Website, Agent, Tags:

or use the  button to activate the Advanced Search and select a field to be matched with a value among a list of all those available.

When you click this button, the system will show you the input form:

Now do the following:

  • Select the Field (scroll the list of all the available search fields)

  1. Select the Operator among those available (eg.: equalscontainsstarts with, and so on)

2. Select or insert the Value

3. Add the Condition (click on  )

To add more than one condition, repeat the operation, like in the following example:

and choose whether:

the conditions must all be met:

or at least one of them:


When you finish, click on the  button in order to start the search: the query is executed and all the items that match the conditions inserted are shown.

If you want to delete the advanced search condition inserted click on the single search condition button to delete it or click on the  button to delete all the conditions set at once.


On this form it is possible to:

1a. modify a condition set: click on a set condition and press Edit

1b. now change the condition as you like(field, operator, value)

2a. temporarily disable the search condition: click on the set condition and press Disable:

2b. and enable it again

List of interactions

On this list, you can select one or many mail interactions and download the information about them in a CSV file (click on the corresponding checkbox and then on the icon ) or delete them (click on the corresponding checkbox and then on the trash bin ):

On the single interaction, the Supervisor can use the three dots command menu  in order to:


  • Spy the contents of an interaction thread. Here the Supervisor can add an internal note (this will not be viewed by customers but only by internal agents)

  • Download a zip file containing the transcript of the interaction with or without attachments

  • Delete the interaction

Add Agent to WhatsApp Account

On the WhatsApp Accounts list you can add Agents in two ways:

  • select the WhatsApp Account from the List, click on  and choose the menu entry Add Agent to WhatsApp Account:

  • edit the WhatsApp Account and than click on the add menu button:

and choose the agents names from the list:

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